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Global Nature Fund

Biodiversity - It's Your Business

Biodiversity - It
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Biodiversity - It's Your Business New publication of Global Nature Fund (GNF) presents international best practice examples of Pro Biodiversity Businesses and successful approaches from seven protected areas in the Danube and Dinaric regions in local language.

Bonn, 08.08.2018: Due to rapid economic development and global population growth, the consumption of natural resources is constantly increasing causing an unprecedented loss of biodiversity and ecosystems. To counteract this development, GNF promotes the concept of Pro Biodiversity Businesses (PPBs). These are companies that generate financial returns and make a positive contribution to the preservation of biodiversity at the same time. GNF's new publication "Biodiversity - It´s your business" is presenting best practice examples of PBBs as well as innovative approaches from Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Romania and Austria. The publication is available in all seven languages.

Approaches to PBBs in Karst Ecosystems

The publication is embedded in the ECO KARST project which is implemented in seven protected karst areas in the Danube and Dinaric region. The publication presents efforts towards protecting biodiversity and cultural heritage from these regions. In the Apuseni Nature Park in Rumania for example, two companies - Ecoherba and Bioflora - source Arnica Montana from local pickers, thereby preserving grasslands through its sustainable use and the fair trade of the inflorescences. The plants are dried and sold to larger cosmetic companies as an essential ingredient for a large range of products.

During various workshops, engaged inhabitants, entrepreneurs as well as professionals from academia and authorities were given the opportunity to discuss and develop good business models. The sessions revealed that organic agriculture, nature-based tourism, wood processing as well as non-timber forest products are promising sectors offering a high potential for economic development and biodiversity conservation.

Katarina Husnjak Malovec, project manager of Zumberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature Park in Croatia, is enthusiastic: "We see a great potential in combining the preservation of cultural heritage, which is very important for our local communities, with nature conservation. Offering food, produced locally by our farmers and prepared in a traditional way by excellent chefs, provides authentic and tasty offers for tourists and locals! Growing organic vegetables and ensuring short transportation distances between producers and processors are an environmental friendly way to create a higher value in our Nature Park Zumberak-Samoborsko gorje."

The new publication "Biodiversity - It´s your business" illustrates biodiversity impacts and economic success factors of international best practice examples, including meadow orchards, extensive livestock farming, local processing of organic food, landscape management, ecotourism and environmental education. The publication is aimed at entrepreneurs, farmers, residents and nature managers and is intended to stimulate initial ideas for the development of new businesses in protected areas.


The brochure has been published in the framework of the ECO KARST project aiming at contributing to the protection and sustainable use of karst ecosystems in Notranjska Regional Park, Zumberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature Park, Kalkalpen National Park, Bükk National Park, Apuseni Nature Park, Bijambare Protected Landscape and Tara National Park. By rising awareness about ecosystem services and biodiversity, the project increases the number of entrepreneurs engaging in the protection of biodiversity. The project develops a holistic view on natural resource management in the seven protected areas using a thorough analysis of local ecosystems and the services they provide to society.

The project "ECO KARST - Ecosystem services of protected karst areas - driving force of local sustainable development" is implemented through Interreg Danube Transnational Programme and co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA). Further information:

Global Nature Fund (GNF) - Bonn Office
Andrea Peiffer, Project Manager
Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 11 
53113 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 228 184 86 94 12