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OMV Aktiengesellschaft

EANS-General Meeting: OMV Aktiengesellschaft
Invitation to the General Meeting

  General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
  responsible for the content of this announcement.
OMV Aktiengesellschaft

                        Corporate register number: 93363z
                               ISIN: AT 0000743059

                Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting

on October 9, 2012, at 14:00 hrs CEST (Local Time  Vienna),  at  Austria  Center
Vienna,  Bruno-Kreisky-Platz  1,  1220  Vienna,  Austria  as  requested  by  the
shareholder Österreichische Industrieholding Aktiengesellschaft with  corporate
seat in Vienna pursuant to section 105 Para 3 Stock Corporation Act.


1. Election of a Member to the Supervisory Board.

Documents for the Extraordinary General Meeting

To prepare for the General Meeting, the following documents will  be  available
to our shareholders from today, or at the latest from September 18, 2012:

    -   the   convocation   request   of   the    shareholder Österreichische
Industrieholding Aktiengesellschaft with corporate seat in Vienna pursuant to
section 105 Para 3 Stock Corporation Act,
    - the election proposal of the shareholder Österreichische  Industrieholding
Aktiengesellschaft with corporate seat in Vienna concerning agenda item 1 and
    - the declaration of the person nominated for the Supervisory Board election
regarding his academic qualifications, professional or similar experience, and
concerns with regard to potential conflicts of interest.

The specified documents, the complete text of this convocation, and  forms  for
granting and revoking a proxy and all further publications of  the  Company  in
connection with this General Meeting will be freely available on the  Company's
website (which is recorded with the commercial register) › Investor
Relations › Corporate Governance & Organisation › General Meeting › EGM October
2012 at the latest on September 18, 2012.

Attendance of shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting

Entitlement to attend the General Meeting and to exercise voting rights and  all
other  shareholders'  rights  at  the  General   Meeting   is   conditional on
shareholdings on the record date, i.e.  24:00  hrs  CEST  (Local  Time  Vienna),
September 29, 2012 (Saturday).

Only shareholders who provide evidence of  their  shareholdings  on  the  record
date are entitled to attend the General Meeting.

Evidence of shareholdings on the specified date must be furnished by  way  of a
confirmation issued by the bank where  the  shareholder  has  deposited  his/her
shares (deposit confirmation) if the bank is domiciled in a member state of  the
EEA or OECD. Shareholders who have deposited their  shares  with  a  bank  which
does not meet these criteria are requested to contact the Company.

The deposit confirmation must be issued in German or English in accordance  with
the relevant statutory  provisions  (section  10a  Stock  Corporation  Act)  and
contain the following information:

    1. Details of the issuing bank: Name (company) and address;
    2. Shareholder details: Name (company) and address, date  of  birth  in  the
case of natural persons, corporate register and register  number  in  the case
of legal persons;
    3. Deposit number or other relevant description;
    4. Details of the shares: Number of shares and their designation or ISIN;
    5. Express declaration that the confirmation relates to the deposit  holding
as at 24:00 hrs CEST (Local Time Vienna), September 29, 2012.

Shares declared void

Shareholders whose shares were declared void on March 21, 2011 (please refer  to
the publication in the "Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung" [official gazette  section
of the Wiener Zeitung] on March  22,  2011  and  on  the  Company's  website  at › Investor  Relations  ›  OMV  Share  ›  Request  to  deposit  share
certificates), can only exercise their voting  rights  and  other 
shareholders'rights in the General Meeting, if they have  in  time  before  the 
record  date (September 29, 2012) filed their (void) share certificates with 
UniCredit Bank Austria AG and have received a credit note on their deposit.

Deposit confirmations must be received by the Company by 24:00 hrs  CEST  (Local
Time Vienna) October 4, 2012, by one of the following means only:

    - Via mail, courier or personally:
      OMV Aktiengesellschaft, c/o Dr. Bernhard  Priemayer,  Trabrennstraße  6-8,
1020 Vienna
     - as an un-editable  document  (PDF)  in  electronic  form  to
     - by fax to +43 (0) 1 8900 500 56

According to section 262 Para 20 Stock Corporation Act receipt of deposit
confirmations via internationally used specific secured communication net
(SWIFT) shall be excluded for the present General Meeting and until further

Transmission of the deposit confirmation to the Company  shall  also  constitute
the shareholder's registration for attendance  of  the  General  Meeting.  Where
possible, banks are requested to send  deposit  confirmations  collectively  (in
list form).

Shareholders are not blocked by registering  their  attendance  at  the  General
Meeting or by  sending  deposit  confirmations;  shareholders  may  continue  to
freely dispose of their shares after registration or transmission of  a  deposit

Representation of shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting

Each shareholder who is entitled to attend the General Meeting has the right  to
appoint a natural or  legal  person  to  represent  him/her.  The  proxy  holder
attends the General Meeting on behalf  of  the  shareholder  and  has  the  same
rights as the shareholder represented.

Each proxy must name the proxy holder(s). Shareholders  are  not  restricted  in
terms of the number of persons they appoint  to  represent  them  and  in  their
choice of proxy holder.  However,  the  Company  itself,  or  a  member  of  the
Executive or Supervisory Board, may only exercise the right to vote as  a  proxy
holder if the  shareholder  has  provided  express  instructions  regarding  the
individual agenda items.

A shareholder may grant a proxy to the bank where he/she has  deposited  his/her
shares subject to the agreement with that bank. In such  case,  in  addition  to
the deposit confirmation, it is sufficient for the bank to provide  the  Company
with a declaration by one of the permitted means (see above) that  it  has  been
granted a proxy; the proxy itself need not be sent to the Company in this case.

A proxy may be revoked by the  shareholder.  The  revocation  becomes  effective
upon receipt by the Company.

Declarations concerning the granting and revoking of proxies may be sent to  the
Company in text form, not  later  than  16:00  hrs  CEST  (Local  Time  Vienna),
October 8, 2012, by one of the following means only:

    - Via mail, courier or personally:
      OMV Aktiengesellschaft, c/o Dr. Bernhard  Priemayer,  Trabrennstraße  6-8,
1020 Vienna
    - as an  un-editable  document  (PDF)  in  electronic  form  to
    - by fax to +43 (0) 1 8900 500 56

On the day of the General Meeting, the submission is only permitted personally
by presenting it at the registration to the General Meeting at the meeting

As a service, we provide our  shareholders  with  the  option  of  having  their
voting right exercised by an independent proxy appointed by the  Company  -  the
Interessenverband für Anleger [Association for Investors]  (IVA),  Feldmühlgasse
22, 1130 Vienna,, tel. +43 1  87  63  343  /30.  Michael  Knap
(, tel. +43 664-213 87 40) will represent shareholders  at
this  General  Meeting  on  behalf  of  the  Association  for   Investors. OMV
Aktiengesellschaft bears the costs for the proxy. All other  costs  have  to  be
borne by the shareholder, especially their own  banking  fees  for  the  deposit
confirmation or the postal charges.

The shareholder must request a deposit confirmation from the bank where  his/her
shares are deposited. Michael Knap must be granted a  written  authorization  to
act as a proxy on this deposit  confirmation  (or  on  a  separate  sheet).  The
deposit confirmation and written authorization must be sent by  the  shareholder
to  Mr.  Knap,  c/o  IVA,  Feldmühlgasse  22,  1130 Vienna. As the deposit
confirmation and original proxy must be received by the IVA in time  before the
General Meeting,  we  would  request  that  shareholders  bear  postal  delivery
durations in mind. The shareholder must provide Mr. Knap  with  instructions  as
to how he (or a sub-proxy authorized by Mr. Knap)  should  exercise  the  voting

Michael Knap exercises  the  voting  right  exclusively  on  the  basis  of  the
instructions given by the  shareholder  and  without  express  instructions  the
proxy is invalid. Please note that Mr. Knap does  not  accept  any  requests  to
make comments, object to General Meeting resolutions, ask questions  or  propose

Resolutions to be put to the  vote  are  posted  on  the  Company's  website  at ›  Investor  Relations  ›  Corporate  Governance  &  Organization  ›
General Meeting › EGM October 2012 as soon as they come to the knowledge of  the

An e-mail address has been set up for the General Meeting to  give  shareholders
the possibility of giving or amending instructions at short  notice  during  the
General Meeting. This e-mail address is:

We recommend that shareholders  use  the  form  available  on  the  internet  at ›  Investor  Relations  ›  Corporate  Governance  &  Organization  ›
General Meeting › EGM October 2012  to grant or revoke  authorizations.

Shareholders' rights in connection with the Extraordinary General Meeting

Shareholders whose holdings represent a combined total of at  least  5%  of  the
capital stock for at least three months may require  in  writing  the  inclusion
and announcement of additional General Meeting agenda  items  by  September  20,
2012. A draft resolution and justification thereof must be  submitted  for  each
agenda item.

Shareholders whose holdings represent a combined total of at  least  1%  of  the
capital stock may submit draft resolutions in text form for  each  agenda  item,
to be accompanied by a justification, by September 28,  2012,  and  require  the
resolutions to be posted  on  the  Company's  website  with  the  names  of  the
relevant shareholders and the justification.

Each shareholder has the right to propose motions at  the  General  Meeting  for
each agenda item. Prerequisite therefor is the evidence of  the  entitlement  to
attend the General Meeting.

Further information regarding these rights, and  in  particular  how  to  submit
resolutions  to  the  Company  and  evidence  of  the  respective  shareholdings
required is now available on the internet at › Investor Relations  ›
Corporate Governance & Organization › General Meeting › EGM October 2012.

Only shareholders whose holdings represent a combined total of at  least  1%  of
the share capital may nominate candidates for election to the Supervisory  Board
(item 1 on the  agenda).  Nominations  must  be  submitted  to  the  Company  by
September 28, 2012,  in  the  way  described  above.  Each  nomination  must  be
accompanied by the nominee's academic qualifications,  professional  or  similar
experience, and concerns with regard to potential conflicts of interest.

Every shareholder  has  the  right  to  request  information  regarding  Company
matters at the General Meeting, provided that such information is necessary  for
the proper assessment of an agenda item.

Total number of shares and voting rights

At the time of convocation of the General Meeting, the Company's share  capital
is divided into 327,272,727 no par shares. Each share confers one vote.  Shares
owned by the Company do not confer any  voting  rights.  Currently  326,143,336
voting rights can be exercised.

Admission to Extraordinary General Meeting

Shareholders or their proxies are advised that they  must  present  an  official
identification  document  (driver's  license,  passport  or  identity  card)  to
confirm their identities upon admission to the General Meeting. Please  bear  in
mind the  large  expected  attendance  and  the  usual  safety  procedures  when
planning your arrival time. Admission to obtain ballot forms commences at  13:00
hrs CEST (Local Time Vienna).

The General Meeting is the key governing body of a stock corporation  as  it  is
the forum for the Company's owners - the shareholders.  We  therefore  hope  you
will appreciate that we cannot turn a General Meeting into an event for  guests,
much as we value such interest, and that attendance by  guests  is  limited  and
only possible after prior registration by telephone (Tel. +43 1 40 440-21417).

In light of the expectedly short duration of this Extraordinary General  Meeting
we ask for your understanding that we will provide for refreshments only.

Vienna, September 2012

The Executive Board

Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations:
Lacramioara Diaconu
Tel. +43 1 40 440-21600

Media Relations:
Johannes Vetter 
Tel. +43 1 40 440-21661
Internet Homepage:

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

issuer:      OMV Aktiengesellschaft
             Trabrennstraße  6-8
             A-1020 Wien
phone:       +43 1 40440/21600
FAX:         +43 1 40440/621600
sector:      Oil & Gas - Downstream activities
ISIN:        AT0000743059
indexes:     ATX Prime, ATX
stockmarkets: official market: Wien 
language:   English

Original-Content von: OMV Aktiengesellschaft, übermittelt durch news aktuell

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