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ARTCHAIN1 ICO opens Whitelist registration process

In order to participate in the ARTCHAIN1 ICO and to be added to white list, we have opened the registration process for potential token buyers.

Please fill in the form on our website with accurate details. You need to upload your valid Government-Issued ID Card or Passport (front page, back page).

You also need to register your ERC-20 wallet adress which you intend to use for the ART1 utility token purchasements.

Please understand that without delivering all information as required on our website formular you will not be added to the Whitelist.

Cybersecurity first.

We are the first and only arts and media blockchain which will not be not hackable even outside the blockchain, offering the strongest end-to-end military standard protection available.

While APT attacks and ransomware like WCry, SamSam or NotPetya can blow up other arts and media blockchain projects due to unprotected nodes outside the chain, ARTCHAIN1 is safe and remains safe.

Please understand we can't and will not give you more details about the technology we use beyond the blockchain. Our ICO will start in April 2018 and the tokens will be released as ERCC20 tokens. MORE INFO ON

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