ots Ad hoc-Service: Direkt Anlage Bank AG <DE0005072300> DAB remains on Growth Path
Munich (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Discount Broker presents figures for the second quarter 2000 - further increase in number of customer portfolios to just under 300,000 Munich, July 7, 2000. The number of customer accounts at the Direkt Anlage Bank AG (DAB), rose to 293,212 at end of the second quarter 2000. This represents an increase of 32.4 per cent in relation to the end of the first quarter (number of accounts at the end of Q1: 221,510). With this success, DAB has already by far exceeded its growth target of 250,000 customer accounts by the end of 2000. Despite significant market corrections, customer assets (volume of securities and deposits) rose from EUR 11.0 billion in the first quarter of the year 2000 to EUR 11.6 billion in the second quarter.
The number of executed securities trades in the second quarter was 1,409,284. If one was to annualize the first half year 2000, this would mean that on average each customer buys and sells securities 27 times via the DAB account. For the remainder of the year DAB expects its positive business trends to continue.
1H of 1999 1999 as a whole 1Q of 2000 1H of 2000
Number of 91,575 129,532 221,510 293,212 customer
Securities 884,043 2,224,909 1,444,515 2,853,799 Trades
Assets 4.7 8.4 11.0 11.6 Under Management (in EUR billion) Average 20.8 21.4 32.9 27 Trades per account**
* at the end of the period ** on an annualized basis
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