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Kommunalkredit Austria AG

EANS-Capital Market Information: Kommunalkredit Austria AG
New bond issues

  Other capital market information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
  responsible for the content of this announcement.

Issue of Notes of Kommunalkredit Austria AG

Name of Notes: DIP 1 EUR 25,000,000 Floating Rate Notes

due December 2013

ISIN : XS0591640155

Date of Issue: 17 February 2011

Stock Exchange: Luxembourg, Regulated Market "Bourse de Luxembourg"

ISIN(s) of new bond issue: XS0591640155

end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Kommunalkredit Austria AG
Treasury - Financial Markets
Mag. Christoph Zoitl
1092 Wien, Türkenstraße 9
Phone: ++43 (0)1/31 6 31-433
Fax: ++43 (0)1/31 6 31-505 or 99433

Branche: Banking
Börsen: Wien / stock market

Original-Content von: Kommunalkredit Austria AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell

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