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Opel Automobile GmbH

Opel Annouces First Celebrity Corsa Drivers: The C.M.O.N.S.

Opel Annouces First Celebrity Corsa Drivers: The C.M.O.N.S.
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Rüsselsheim (ots)

- Cross-reference: Pictures are available at -
Alain Visser, Opel's Executive Director of European Marketing, met
today with the hip, underground Barcelona-based band, the C.M.O.N.S.
to present them with a new Opel Corsa.  The band - featuring members
White, Moo, Blue, Red, and Cherri - has reached cult status after
spending the summer filming a 'rockumentary' with MTV called Under
The Radar (
“We're excited that the C.M.O.N.S. have chosen the new Corsa as
their official wheels,” said Visser.  “Their unique style is an ideal
match for the dynamic personality and fun attitude of the new Corsa.”
Frontman and lead singer, Blue, replied, “C'mon.”
For more information on the band:


Jean-Philippe Kempf Telephone +49 160 9060 8956

Text and photos can be downloaded from the Internet at

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