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dpa Picture-Alliance GmbH

Picture research 2.0 with AI technology on new picture alliance platform

Picture research 2.0 with AI technology on new picture alliance platform
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Frankfurt/Main (ots)

Picture alliance, the picture agency of Germany's leading news agency dpa, launched its new content platform Faster, better, easier - focus of the comprehensive relaunch is the fundamental redevelopment of the targeted search in 100 million pictures, graphics and illustrations. Picture alliance's entire content was analysed using artificial intelligence and optimised for research. The intuitive portal is structured clearly and focuses on the curated picture selections.

Petra Busch, Managing Director picture alliance: "The new platform is a essential for picture alliance's further development. We can offer our customers much better options in their daily research than before. However, the current version of the portal is just the beginning - additional functions will be implemented in the upcoming months. First clients are connected to our database via API and we are working with new technology partners to integrate our content into other applications."

"Our goal was to design a user-friendly, functional and visually inspiring interface.", says Andreas Genz, Managing Director picture alliance. "We are very happy with the result we achieved with our IT partners. The new portal is optimised for several devices and users can choose the view they need to get a quick overview. New AI-based filters enable targeted research e.g. for emotions, colours or the number of people depicted."

Anyone using various services of the dpa group can now log into the picture alliance portal with a personal dpa ID. Users can switch between applications without changing logins and only need a single user name and password.

If you have any questions please contact the picture alliance team at +49 69 2716 - 34770 or

About picture alliance

dpa Picture-Alliance GmbH based in Frankfurt/Main is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the German Press Agency dpa and as such one of the leading photo agencies in Germany in the fields of image production, documentation and marketing. The agency's content portal www.picture-alliance.comoffers a diverse selection of 100 million images, graphics and illustrations from more than 300 partner agencies around the world. The subjects range from daily news to sports, entertainment, business, art, nature, travel, lifestyle and creative stock. More than ten million images in the dpa-archive plus the extensive content of their partners document 100 years of world events from all aspects of public life. Furthermore picture alliance is the official media and photo partner of the German Sports Aid Foundation and the German Olympic Sports Federation (DOSB).


dpa Picture-Alliance GmbH
Nicole Lambrecht
Phone: +49 69 2716 - 34203

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