EANS-Tip Announcement: AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG
Yearly Report
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tip announcement for financial statements transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The company AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG is declaring its financial reporting publication plan below:
Report Type: Yearly Report German: Publication Date : 27.05.2010 Publication Location: http://www.agrana.com/local/3658.asp English: Publication Date : 27.05.2010 Publication Location: http://www.agrana.com/en/3658.asp
COMMENT: The annual financial report of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG at the reporting date 28.02.2010 is published on the company's website (www.agrana.com) under the following path "Investor Relations" -> "Financial Reports and Presentations" -> "Annual reports".
end of announcement euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Further inquiry note:
Branche: Food
ISIN: AT0000603709
WKN: 779535
Index: WBI, ATX Prime
Börsen: Berlin / Präsenzhandel
Frankfurt / Präsenzhandel
Stuttgart / Präsenzhandel
Wien / official market
Original-Content von: AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell