Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Growth Continues at Heidelberg: Sales in the First Quarter of Fiscal 01/02 Up 8 Percent
Profits After Tax Climb from 21 to 29 Million Euros
Heidelberg, Germany (ots) Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) remained firmly on course for continued growth in the first quarter (April 1 to June 30) of the 2001/2002 fiscal year. During this period, sales of the Heidelberg Group increased by about 8% to 1.1 billion euros compared to 997 million euros in the first quarter of the previous year.
As expected, orders received, at 1.3 billion euros, remained beneath the high level of the previous year (1.8 billion euros), which had been heavily influenced by drupa, the world's largest trade show for the graphic arts industry, which takes place every four years. Compared to the first quarter of the year before drupa, 1999/2000 (1 billion euros), however, it was up 24%. At drupa in May 2000, the company took in orders worth 1.5 billion euros.
"Based on the results of the first quarter, we are confident of our ability to improve both sales and profits further during the course of the fiscal year as a whole," explained Heidelberg's CEO Bernhard Schreier.
The operating profit rose in the period under review by nearly 22% to 45 million euros. Heidelberg also benefited from the German tax reform for the first time.
The combined effect was that aftertax profits developed very gratifyingly, showing a significant rise from 21 to 29 million euros. "The development of profits at the beginning of the new fiscal year once again underscores Heidelberg's earning ability, even in the currently difficult economic environment," says CFO Dr. Herbert Meyer. Profit per share increased by 36% from 0.25 to 0.34 euro.
Development in the Divisions in Line with Expectations Sales in Heidelberg's Digital Division increased by just under 5% to 161 million euros. The operating profit dropped from minus 24 million euros to minus 39 million euros as expected, due to expenditures associated with the market launch of the company's digital color presses and the expansion of its company's own sales and distribution network. In September of this year, Heidelberg will begin marketing the new NexPress digital color press. Here too, the company is poised to occupy a leading position in the world market.
The Sheetfed Division was able to continue its success. Particularly in the Central Europe and Asia/Pacific regions, growth was above-average. Sales increased by 17% to about 730 million euros; the operating profits soared by 46% to 117 million euros.
In the Web Systems Division, sales of about 100 million euros were made. Due to sales, forerunning costs and non-recurring items the operating profit dropped by 12 million euros to minus 36 million euros compared with the previous year. Heidelberg scored one significant success in the newspaper market in the United States, where the company sold the first Mainstream 80 newspaper web press to "The Roanoke Times" in Virginia in August.
The Finishing Division racked up sales of 83 million euros, of which the NAFTA and Asia/Pacific regions accounted for about 50%. The operating profit was around 3 million euros.
Positive Development in the Regions In the Central European region, Heidelberg extended its strong position by pushing up sales by over 14% to 433 million euros. In NAFTA (the United States, Mexico and Canada), sales declined owing to the sluggish U.S. economy, but only by 5% to 291 million euros. The Central and South America region developed exceptionally successfully, with sales climbing from 28 to 51 million euros. The Asia/Pacific region was influenced by favorable conditions in China in particular, registering sales of 210 million euros. The other regions also profited from increasing market demand.
As of June 30, 2001 the Heidelberg Group employed approximately 26,000 persons.
Photographs are available on the Internet at www.journalist.heidelberg.com.
HEIDELBERG GROUP June 30, 2001 June 30, 2000 Change in % EUR m. EUR m.
Net sales 1,074 997 7.7
Digital 161 154 4.5 Sheetfed 730 624 17.0 Web Systems 100 118 -15.3 Finishing 83 101 -17.8
Incoming orders 1,311 1,778 -26.3
Digital 172 208 -17.3 Sheetfed 812 1,192 -31.9 Web Systems 240 230 4.3 Finishing 87 148 -41.2
Order backlog 1,907 2,168 -12.0
Digital 119 151 -21.2 Sheetfed 1,259 1,529 -17.7 Web Systems 433 347 24.8 Finishing 96 141 -31.9
Operating profit 45 37 21.6
Digital -39 -24 -62.5 Sheetfed 117 80 46.2 Web Systems -36 -24 -49.9 Finishing 3 5 -40.0
Net profit 29 21 38.1 Return on sales in % 2.7 2.1
Sales by regions June 30, 2001 June 30, 2000 Change Share 00/01
EUR m. EUR m. in % in % Central Europe 433 379 14.2 40.3 Eastern Europe 59 56 5.4 5.5 NAFTA 291 306 -4.9 27.1 Central+South America 51 28 82.1 4.7 Asia/Pacific 210 201 4.5 19.6 Middle East/ Africa 30 27 11.1 2.8 Group 1,074 997 7.7 100.0
Important Note: This press release contains forward-looking statements which are based on assumptions and estimations by the managment board of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft. Even though the management board is of the opinion that those assumptions and estimations are realistic the future development and the projected results may deviate substantially from the forward-looking statements. Those deviations can be due to several factors including but not limited to changes in the macro-economic situation, in the exchange rates, in the interest rates and in the graphic arts industry. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft gives no warranty and does not assume the liability for any damages in case the future development and the projected results do not correspond with the forward-looking statements.
ots Original Text Service: Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG Internet: http://www.presseportal.de
For more information, please contact: Thomas Fichtl Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG Corporate Communication Phone: +49 6221/92-4747 Fax: +49 6221/92-5046 E-mail: thomas.fichtl@de.heidelberg.com
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