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euro adhoc: STRABAG SE
Release according to article 93 BörseG with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution

  Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
  responsible for the content of this announcement.

Person/company obliged to make the notification:
Place:   9500 Villach
State:   Austria

Company data:
Address: Donau-City-Straße  9, 1220 Wien
Place:   Villach
State:   Austria


On 29 October 2008 - for the purpose of summarizing, completing and harmonizing several publications of the past concerning shareholdings in STRABAG SE - STRABAG SE was informed about the following existing shareholder structure, whereas in accordance with Sec. 92 item 1 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act, pursuant to a coordination shareholders´ agreement of 25 April 2007 all (syndicated) shareholdings of all other members of the syndicate are to be attributed to the following shareholders who are obliged to notify their participation:

Person/company to notify participation / Date of attainment of the threshold pursuant to Sec. 92a para. 1 item 3 Austrian Stock Exchange Act / Number of shares held and attributed pursuant to Sec. 92 para. 1 Austrian Exchange Act / Participation resulting from this number of shares

Haselsteiner Familien-Privatstiftung 7 Feb 2008 / 85.667.455 / 75,14689035 %

Dr. Hans Peter Haselsteiner 7 Feb 2008 / 85.667.455 / 75,14689035 %

RAIFFEISEN-HOLDING Niederösterreich-Wien reg.Gen.m.b.H. 7 Feb 2008 / 85.578.769 / 75,06909561 %

BLR Baubeteiligungs GmbH 7 Feb 2008 / 85.500.003 / 75,00000263 %

"Octavia" Holding GmbH 7 Feb 2008 / 85.500.003 / 75,00000263 %

UNIQA Versicherungen AG 7 Feb 2008 / 85.500.003 / 75,00000263 %

UNIQA Beteiligungs Holding GmbH 7 Feb 2008 / 85.500.003 / 75,00000263 %

UNIQA Erwerb von Beteiligungen Gesellschaft m.b.H. 7 Feb 2008 / 85.500.003 / 75,00000263 %

UNIQA Personenversicherung AG 7 Feb 2008 / 85.608.769 / 75,09541140 %

UNIQA Sachversicherung AG 7 Feb 2008 / 85.500.003 / 75,00000263 %

Raiffeisen Versicherung AG 31 March 2008 / 85.500.003 / 75,00000263 %

Rasperia Trading Limited 7 Feb 2008 / 85.500.003 / 75,00000263 %

end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Branche: Construction & Property
ISIN: AT000000STR1
Index: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX, SATX
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

Original-Content von: STRABAG SE, übermittelt durch news aktuell

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