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BulwienGesa AG

Logistics and Real Estate 2018 - Beyond the Hype. The "Bread and Butter Business" of Logistics

Berlin/Hamburg/Munich (ots)

Logistics Specialists' "Bread and Butter" Business creates Strong Growth

- Germany's logistics property market continues to grow - but will 
not repeat 2017 record results 
- First half-year investment volume 2018 only 66 percent of 
previous-year period 
- Foreign investors create 75 percent of total revenue 
- Regional analysis: Rhein-Ruhr top of investments, logistics region 
Berlin with highest new build volume.

The German logistics industry progresses as a strong property market asset class. After the 2017 record, this year available objects and construction land are missing, while difficult approval processes inhibit growth. Consequently, logistics property investments and completion volumes are below same period in 2017. Putting these figures into perspective, the 2018 logistics property market has the second highest investments and building results.

The new bulwiengesa study "Logistics and Real Estate 2018" - published in partnership with Berlin Hyp AG, BREMER AG, Garbe Industrial Real Estate GmbH and Savills Immobilien-Beratungs GmbH for the fourth consecutive time - shows this. Construction, investment, financing figures and data were analysed for the study and numerous experts and practitioners interviewed regarding logistics property market developments.

After 2016 and 2017, in 2018 for the third consecutive time more than 4 million square meters of new construction logistics space in Germany will be completed. In 2018 Berlin is becoming the logistics region with the highest new construction volume. In 2017 foreign players had a 70 percent share of the German logistics investment market. This share still increases. On the deadline, this year the share of foreign investors reached a new highest value at 75 percent.

Complete study and information available here:


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D.10627 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-46006-260

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