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Atrium European Real Estate Limited

EANS-Adhoc: Atrium European Real Estate Limited
Result of EGM

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Atrium European Real Estate Limited

Result of EGM

Jersey, 2 October 2009. Atrium European Real Estate Limited (Euronext/ ATX: ATRS) ("Atrium" or the "Company"), a leading real estate company focused on shopping centre investment, management and development in Central and Eastern Europe, is pleased to announce that at the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting held earlier today all resolutions detailed in the circular published on 17 September 2009 were passed. A summary of the resolutions and the details of the votes cast (other than those attributable to the special voting shares) is as follows:

|Resolution                        |For           |Against      |Total       |
|                                  |(% cast)      |(% cast)     |            |
|To make Atrium a no par value     |60,721,545    |13,643       |60,735,188  |
|company to facilitate the issue of|(99.98%)      |(0.02%)      |            |
|new ordinary shares, to authorise |              |             |            |
|the Company to issue an unlimited |              |             |            |
|number of shares of any class and |              |             |            |
|to make consequential changes to  |              |             |            |
|the Company's memorandum and      |              |             |            |
|articles of association.

| Subject to closing of the        |60,721,545    |13,643       |60,735,188  |
|transaction between Atrium and CPI|(99.98%)      |(0.02%)      |            |
|CEE Management LLC and Gazit Midas|              |             |            |
|Limited (the "Investors")         |              |             |            |
|previously announced on 3         |              |             |            |
|September 2009 (the "Exchange     |              |             |            |
|Transaction"), to amend the       |              |             |            |
|Company's articles of association |              |             |            |
|to extend certain shareholder     |              |             |            |
|rights and to replace the existing|              |             |            |
|rights of the Investors to appoint|              |             |            |
|certain directors with new rights |              |             |            |
|dependent on their holding of     |              |             |            |
|ordinary shares.

|Subject to closing of the Exchange|60,721,545    |13,643       |60,735,188  |
|Transaction, to approve the       |(99.98%)      |(0.02%)      |            |
|payment of a special dividend of  |              |             |            |
|EUR0.50 per ordinary share (the     |              |             |            |
|"Special Dividend) and the first  |              |             |            |
|four quarterly instalments of an  |              |             |            |
|annual dividend of EUR0.12 per      |              |             |            |
|ordinary share out of the         |              |             |            |
|Company's stated capital and to   |              |             |            |
|approve the corresponding         |              |             |            |
|reduction in the Company's        |              |             |            |

|To authorise the Company to make  |55,286,418    |5,448,770    |60,735,188  |
|market purchases of up to         |(91.03%)      |(8.97%)      |            |
|50 million ordinary shares of the |              |             |            |
|Company.                          |              |             |            |

The table above does not include the 44,683,333 voting rights attributable to
the special voting shares as cast by the Investors.  If these are included, out
of a total of 105,418,521 votes cast, 99.99% were in favour of Resolutions 1, 2
and 3 and 94.8% were cast in favour of Resolution 4.

Further details of the closing of the Exchange Transaction, the payment of the
Special Dividend and the new dividend policy, as well as the proposed partial
tender offer for the Company's 2006 medium term notes will be announced in due
For further information:
Financial Dynamics:                                +44 (0)20 7831 3113
Richard Sunderland
Stephanie Highett
Laurence Jones

Atrium is established as a closed-end investment company domiciled in Jersey.
Atrium is registered with the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets as a
collective investment scheme which may offer participations in The Netherlands
pursuant to article 2:66 of the Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het
financieel toezicht). All investments are subject to risk. Past performance is
no guarantee of future returns. The value of investments may fluctuate. Results
achieved in the past are no guarantee of future results.

About Atrium European Real Estate Limited Atrium is a leading real estate company focused on shopping centre investment, management and development in Central and Eastern Europe. As at 30 June 2009 the Group owned 152 standing investments, with a market value of EUR1.49 billion, diversified across eight countries with a total gross lettable area of 1.1 million sqm. Geographically, the Group's focus is principally concentrated in Poland, the Czech Republic and Russia with a presence in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Latvia and Turkey. In addition, the Company has a development portfolio including several development projects with a market value of EUR712 million as at 30 June 2009.

Gross rental income from investment properties for the year ended 31 December 2008 was EUR134 million and EUR75 million for the first half of 2009. Net rental income for the year to 31 December 2008 amounted to EUR95 million and EUR59 million for the six months to 30 June 2009. As at 30 June 2009, the Company had a cash position of EUR855 million against borrowings of EUR1.08 billion.

Following a strategic investment of EUR500 million by a Citi Property Investors and Gazit Globe Ltd joint venture, agreed in August 2008, Rachel Lavine was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Atrium. Rachel Lavine has significant experience of both real estate and the CEE region and was previously President and CEO of Plaza Centres. The Board is chaired by Chaim Katzman, founder of Gazit Globe Ltd. (TASE:GLOB), which has extensive global experience of all aspects of the real estate industry and is one of the largest, developers, owners and operators of shopping centres in the world.

The Company is based in Jersey and dual listed on the Vienna and Euronext Amsterdam Stock Exchanges under the ticker ATRS.

Ende der Mitteilung                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Financial Dynamics, London
Richard Sunderland / Laurence Jones
Phone: +44 (0)20 7831 3113

Branche: Real Estate
Index: Standard Market Continous
Börsen: Wien / official market

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