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Renewables Academy AG

Training you can grasp
The newly extended Training Center of the Renewables Academy (RENAC) allows renewable energy technologies to be experienced in practice.

Berlin (ots)

The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) has enlarged its Training Center for renewable energy technologies. Now occupying a total of 200 sqm, it includes technical equipment for solar thermal, photovoltaic and, from June, also wind energy systems. Coinciding with the expansion of the Training Center, RENAC has also published their course program for the second half of 2009. For the first time the open program of training courses will, in addition to the solar thermal and photovoltaic training, now offer courses on energy efficiency in buildings, energy efficiency in industry and commerce as well as on wind energy.

Since its founding in December 2007, over 500 engineers, technicians, energy suppliers, network operators, project developers, employees from government, public authorities and banks, entrepreneurs and sales staff have trained with RENAC. The extended RENAC Training Center now offers sufficient capacity for the technical and non-technical training requirements of these different target groups.

So for example, in photovoltaics, the effect of radiation and tilt on the performance of different modules can be tested and visualized. Exercises can be undertaken on the practical assembly of different systems on different types of roof. The mounting of inverters as well as the electrical connection can be taught using several PV demonstration systems.

For solar thermal systems, several experimental configurations allow exercises covering all steps up to the initial operation of the system - from the undertaking of pressure tests through the rinsing, filling and venting of the systems to the setting of initial pressure, working pressure and flow rate. Similarly, the commissioning of a solar regulator, the exchange of different components or the control of system parameters can be practically trained.

In the field of wind energy, training anemometers are available for measurements of local wind speed. In addition, instruments for determining the output of a wind generator as a function of blade shape, number of blades, blade position and wind speed are available.

The practical training is supplemented through the computer suite, where training in software for planning and dimensioning of installations is carried out.

Further Information:


Renewables Academy AG, Anja Haupt, Schönhauser Allee 10-11,
D-10119 Berlin Germany
Tel: +49.(0)30.5268 958 73, Fax: +49.(0)30.5268 958 99,

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