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SinnerSchrader AG

ots Ad hoc-Service: SinnerSchrader AG <DE0005141907> SinnerSchrader Increases Revenues Significantly and Continues to be in the Black

Hamburg (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely
responsible for the contents of this announcement.
SinnerSchrader attained pro forma sales revenues totalling DM 11.2
million in the 1st quarter of the current fiscal year 2000/2001
(September to November 2000). Compared to the same period last year,
this means a plus of 79%. Operating results were a solid 10,5%
higher, at DM 1.6 million. With an operating margin of more than 14%
in the reporting period, the company has proven its sustained
profitability. Thus, SinnerSchrader strengthened its excellent
position as one of the leading e-commerce developers, despite the
negative market environment.
The pro forma figures take into account the takeover of Netmatic.
The earnings of the software specialist for the reporting period are
already attributable to SinnerSchrader, even though it will only be
consolidated as from 1 January 2001.
Irrespective of Netmatic, SinnerSchrader achieved revenues of DM
8.5 million - a plus of 35% to the previous figure. At the same time,
operating results declined by approx. 30%, as was expected, to a
total of DM 1 million. Despite this decline in profits, the operative
margin remained at a healthy 12%.Project business was especially
successful. Revenues from consulting and the implementation of
e-commerce applications rose 65% to DM 6.0 million. The market share
of Old Economy clients increased significantly compared to the same
quarter last year. Nine out of ten clients now stem from traditional
industries - most prominently from finance, commerce and
telecommunications - and provide a high level of continuity and
payment security.
Project services have developed so fruitfully, above all thanks to
SinnerSchrader's new software strategy, "Unified Commerce". This
technology makes it possible to connect several digital distribution
channels to one technological platform. This way, companies can
extend their online business to distribution channels like Digital
TV, mobile telephones or stationary terminals. Large companies, with
complex distribution networks, will especially benefit from "Unified
Liquid funds amounted to DM 57 million at the end of the 1st
quarter, and thus continue to remain above the net proceeds resulting
from the company's flotation on 2 November 1999. The drop in liquid
funds during the reporting period resulted to a large extent from tax
payments totalling DM 2.8 million.
More informations and report:
SinnerSchrader Aktiengesellschaft Investor Relations Julia
Kretschmann Planckstrasse 13 22765 Hamburg Tel.: 040-39 88 55-89
Fax.: 040-39 88 55-55

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