Chief Financial Officer Mandate Terminated. Reorganisation
of Financial Department
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Board of Directors (Appointments and Changes) 03.02.2016 FACC AG announces that the mandate of Ms. Minfen Gu as chief financial officer of FACC AG terminates with immediate effect. The Supervisory Board initiated the search for a successor. To the current state of the forensic and criminal investigations, the criminal activities which targeted the financial accounting department were fraudulent actions involving the use of a fake identity (so-called fake president fraud). FACC's IT infrastructure, data security, IP rights as well as the operational business of the group are not affected by the criminal activities. No evidence of malware has been identified. The management board is fundamentally reorganizing the financial department and pursuing damages and insurance claims. To assist the management board in the reorganization of the finance department, the supervisory board appointed its member, Mr. Yongsheng Wang, on an interim basis to the management board. Further inquiry note: Investor Relations: Manual Taverne Director Investor Relations Mobil: 0664/801192819 E-Mail: m.taverne@facc.com end of announcement euro adhoc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- issuer: FACC AG Fischerstraße 9 A-4910 Ried im Innkreis phone: +43/59/616-0 FAX: +43/59/616-81000 mail: office@facc.com WWW: www.facc.com sector: Industrial Components ISIN: AT00000FACC2 indexes: stockmarkets: Regulated free trade: Wien language: English
Original-Content von: FACC AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell