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Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA

Bertelsmann: Most promising Group in Germany and most respected Media Enterprise in the World

Gütersloh (ots)

Bertelsmann AG is being given outstanding
evaluations from various independent juries as the leading
enterprise. A jury from Wirtschaftswoche magazine describes
Bertelsmann as the most promising group in Germany, and a survey by
Financial Times calls Bertelsmann the most respected media enterprise
in the world.
A group of ten teams of jurors from universities, corporate
consulting firms and bank analysts analyzed the future potential of
big German industrial and service companies in the fields of strategy
and leadership quality, quality and variety of products,
internationality and market breadth, e-business and innovation as
well as capital resources and profitability for Wirtschaftswoche
magazine. Bertelsmann ranks in first place in the overall ranking.
With 415 points, the enterprise achieves 80 percent of the
theoretical maximum value. In the categories e-business and
innovation as well as quality and variety of products, Bertelsmann
also reaches the top position.
Financial Times published a ranking of the "world's most respected
companies 2000": it is based on a joint survey of the business
newspaper and the corporate consulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
720 chief executives throughout the world were questioned.
Bertelsmann is listed at the top among the most respected media
enterprises in the world in the industry survey and thus clearly
beats out Disney, Time Warner and News Corporation, among others.
The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bertelsmann AG, Thomas
Middelhoff, stated, "the result and revenues of Bertelsmann are
moving into new a dimension. At the same time, the enterprise is
adjusting to the challenges of the changing markets, the converging
media industry and the higher standards of the customers. The
recognition we've received both in Germany and internationally is an
additional incentive to us."
For further information please contact:
Oliver Herrgesell 
Bertelsmann AG - Media and Financial Relations 
Phone: +49 - 173 - 523 25 23

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