euro adhoc: Zapf Creation AG
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
Zapf Creation
achieves EBIT turnaround in 2006
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Preliminary Figures 2006
Roedental, March 8, 2007 - Zapf Creation AG, Europe's leading manufacturer of play and functional dolls, today announced that it has achieved a turnaround in terms of its operating result in 2006. The company reported positive earnings for the year. Based on preliminary, un-audited figures, the consolidated earnings before interest and taxes, adjusted for restructuring costs and one-off effects (adjusted EBIT), were EUR 5.4 million, up from EUR -6.2 million in the previous year. Including restructuring costs and one-off effects, EBIT almost broke even at EUR -0.8 million (previous year: EUR -12.3 million). Consolidated sales totaled EUR 116.1 million, down approximately 4% compared to the previous year's figure of EUR 120.7 million. In the fourth quarter, which is an important quarter for Zapf Creation, the Group grew sales by 10% compared to the same quarter of 2005.
The sales and earnings figures presented above do not include operations in the Americas because MGA Entertainment Inc. took over the sale of Zapf Creation products in this region in early 2007, as previously announced. Zapf Creation therefore discontinued its US operations.
Pursuant to IFRS, the final earnings figure for the Americas sales region of EUR -5.3 million (previous year: EUR -6.9 million) is shown separately under "income and income tax from discontinued operations." Together with the after-tax result from continued operations (EUR -6.0 million after EUR -20.8 million in the previous year), the Group reports a net result for the 2006 financial year of EUR -11.3 million, which is an improvement of EUR 16.5 million compared to 2005 (EUR -27.7 million).
The final annual financial statements for 2006 will be published on March 28 and explained during the annual financial statements press conference and analyst conference.
end of announcement euro adhoc 08.03.2007 07:48:38
Further inquiry note:
Frank Elsner, Frank Elsner Kommunikation für Unternehmen GmbH
Tel.: +49 (0) 5404 - 91 92 0, Fax: +49 (0) 54 04 - 91 92 29
Branche: Consumer Goods
ISIN: DE0007806002
WKN: 780600
Index: CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / official dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade
Original-Content von: Zapf Creation AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell