Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen und Medizintechnik AG
ots Ad hoc-Service: Eckert & Ziegler AG <DE0005659700>Eckert & Ziegler Successfully Completed its Capital Increase of 250,000 Shares
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Eckert & Ziegler Successfully Completed its Capital Increase of 250,000 Shares
Neuer-Markt listed Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG, Berlin, a leading provider of radioactive components for medical and industrial applications, successfully completed its capital increase by Euro 250,000 to Euro 3,250,000, decided on in April. The price for the new shares amounted to Euro 70,50 per share. The capital inflow is about Euro 17,000,000 and will be used for financing the recent acquisition of the worldwide sources business from DuPont Pharmaceuticals Company, Delaware (USA) and other strategic options. The part of the capital increase which was not subscribed by the main shareholders has been placed with German and European institutional investors. The Board of Directors
For further information please contact: Dr. Andreas Eckert CEO and President Eckert & Ziegler AG Robert-Rössle-Str. 10 D-13125 Berlin Tel.: (+ 49 30) 94 10 84 - 0 Fax: (+ 49 30) 94 10 84 - 112
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