1&1 Mail & Media Applications SE
ots Ad hoc-Service: WEB.DE AG <DE0005296503> WEB.DE takes over bazarguide.de, thus expanding the technology background of its eCommerce sector
Karlsruhe/ Munster (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this announcement.
WEB.DE AG, Karlsruhe, operator of the Internet portal WEB.DE, one of the leading Internet services in Germany, is taking over bazarguide.de (Munster) to strengthen its eCommerce activities as announced on its IPO and to expand its development capacity. bazarguide.de has developed an innovative technology for eCommerce applications, which could make a fully automatic, web-based product search feasible in real time. This acquisition will add a significant momentum to WEB.DE's services in this sector, scheduled for autumn 2000.
Moreover the employees of bazarguide.de will help to increase the development speed of WEB.DE's innovative, high-margin services, with even shorter lead times.
With the strategic acquisition of both System Design GmbH (Nuremberg) and bazarguide.de (Munster) and the unique combination of know-how and technology in eCommerce, WEB.DE has manoeuvred itself into an excellent position to provide market leading services in this sector in the near future.
WEB.DE AG, Richard Berg, Investor Relations, tel. +49 (0) 721
94329 260, fax. +49 (0) 721 94329 22, e-mail rb@webde-ag.de,
End of Message
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