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Lenzing AG

euro adhoc: Lenzing AG
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
Lenzing Group confirms preliminary figures and all-time record result for 2006

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
The Lenzing Group confirms its preliminary figures for business year 
2006 that were published on 12 March. According to these, Lenzing's 
core business cellulose fibers generated a new all-time record result
due to its dynamic expansion. Sales increased by 16.8% to EUR 1,100.5
mill. (2005: EUR 942.6 mill.), exceeding the one billion euro mark 
for the first time. EBIT at EUR 107.1 mill. was 31% higher than the 
year before (EUR 81.8 mill.). The result before taxes came to EUR 
98.6 mill. (2005: EUR 79.3 mill.), an increase of 24%. Net income 
after minority interests was at EUR 83.9 mill. (2005: EUR 56.9 
mill.), an increase of 48%. Due to this excellent result the 
management board will propose an increased dividend of EUR 10 per 
share (2005: EUR 8).
In the first months of 2007, Lenzing set more important milestones in
its dynamic expansion. The new viscose fiber production plant at 
Nanjing/China successfully started operation after a construction 
period of two years. The Group announced its decision for the 
construction of another viscose fiber production plant in India with 
an investment volume of USD 200 mill. Further investment in the 
optimization of production at the Lenzing site is scheduled in 2007. 
Lenzing Plastics made two important acquisitions in the first weeks 
of 2007 and expects a significant increase in sales.
The results for the first quarter will be published on 18 May 2007.
|Key Group figures (IFRS) in EUR mill.      |2006   |2005    |
|Sales                                      |1,100.5|942.6   |
|EBITDA                                     | 170.1 |141.6   |
|EBIT                                       |107.1  |81.8    |
|Net income                                 |88.4   |60.7    |
|EBITDA margin in %                         |15.5   |15.0    |
|EBIT margin in %                           |9.7    |8.7     |
|Equity ratio* in %                         |51.1   |48.0    |
|Staff                                      |5,044  |4.860   |
|Capital expenditure                        |105.3  |82.4    |
|Operating cash flow                        |146.1  |124.3   |
*equity including investment grants less proportionate deferred taxes
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 23.04.2007 07:00:37

Further inquiry note:

Lenzing AG
Mag. Angelika Guldt
Tel.: +43 (0) 7672-701-2713
Fax: +43 (0) 07672-96301

Branche: Chemicals
ISIN: AT0000644505
WKN: 852927
Index: WBI
Börsen: Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Wiener Börse AG / official dealing

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