Hellmann Worldwide Logistics

Hellmann expands Executive Board

03.02.2020 – 09:29

Hellmann expands Executive Board

Osnabrueck, February 03 2020. Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, a full-service logistics provider with worldwide operations and headquarter in Germany, is expanding its Executive Board, thus providing the necessary staff prerequisites for further strategic growth: The position of Chief Operating Officer Air & Sea, has been divided into two separate areas of responsibility, so that the strategic expansion of the two product areas can be pushed ahead in an even more focused manner at Executive Board level in the future. Since January 1, Jan Kleine-Lasthues, as Chief Operating Officer Airfreight, and Marcus Leaver, as Chief Operating Officer Seafreight, have been responsible for the global strategic development of the respective product segments. As members of the Executive Board, both positions report directly to Reiner Heiken, CEO Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.

Jan Kleine-Lasthues has been already with Hellmann for the past eight years, since 2017 as Global Head of Airfreight, and has over 20 years of professional experience in the logistics industry. Marcus Leaver, who has been working in the logistics industry for 39 years, was already employed at Hellmann between 1998 and 2015, and as the Global Head of Seafreight, was last responsible for the product area, which he further substantially developed.

In addition to the Management Board members Reiner Heiken (Chief Executive Officer) and Michael Noth (Chief Financial Officer), the Executive Board now consists of the following members: Matthias Magnor (Chief Operating Officer Road & Rail), Volker Sauerborn (Chief Operating Officer Contract Logistics), Jan Kleine-Lasthues (Chief Operating Officer Airfreight), Marcus Leaver (Chief Operating Officer Seafreight), Jochen Freese (Chief Commercial Officer), Stefan Borggreve (Chief Digital Officer), Sami Awad-Hartmann (Chief Information Officer), Claudio Gerring (Chief HR Officer), and Andreas Lamping (Chief Legal Officer).

"With Marcus Leaver and Jan Kleine-Lasthues we not only brought long-standing colleagues, but also renowned experts in their respective fields onto the Executive Board. With this powerful team, we are now very qualified for the future, so that we will be able to initiate strategic, and above all, sustainable growth from within the Executive Board," says Reiner Heiken, CEO Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.

Christiane Brüning
Head of Corporate Communications

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics SE & Co. KG
Elbestrasse 1
49090 Osnabrueck

Mobile +49 151 2034 0316
E-Mail  christiane.bruening@hellmann.com

Thinking Ahead - Moving Forward

Handelsregister / Commercial Register Osnabrueck HRA 3760
Komplementärin / General Partner: Hellmann Verwaltungs SE
Handelsregister / Commercial Register Osnabrueck HRB 212008

Vorstand / Managing Directors: Reiner Heiken, Dr. Michael Noth
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der Hellmann Verwaltungs SE / Chairman of the 
Supervisory Board: Dr. Thomas Lieb
USt-IdNr. / V.A.T. Id. no.: DE 11 76 59 402
Wir arbeiten ausschließlich auf Grundlage der Allgemeinen Deutschen 
Spediteurbedingungen 2017 - ADSp 2017 - und - soweit diese für die Erbringung 
logistischer (Zusatz-) Leistungen nicht gelten - nach den Logistik-AGB, Stand 
März 2006. Hinweis: Die ADSp 2017 weichen in Ziffer 23 hinsichtlich des 
Haftungshöchstbetrages für Güterschäden (§ 431 HGB) vom Gesetz ab, indem sie die
Haftung bei multimodalen Transporten unter Einschluss einer Seebeförderung und 
bei unbekanntem Schadenort auf 2 SZR/kg und im Übrigen die Regelhaftung von 8,33
SZR/kg zusätzlich auf 1,25 Millionen Euro je Schadenfall sowie 2,5 Millionen 
Euro je Schadenereignis, mindestens aber 2 SZR/kg, beschränken. Die ADSp 2017 
können Sie unter www.hellmann.com/adsp abrufen, die Logistik-AGB 2006 unter 

Weitere Informationen zum Thema Datenschutz und unserem Umgang mit 
personenbezogenen Daten finden Sie unter folgendem Link: 

We operate exclusively in accordance with the German Freight Forwarders' 
Standard Terms and Conditions 2017 (Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen 
2017 - ADSp 2017) and - if they do not apply for performing (supplementary) 
logistics services - with the General Terms and Conditions of Logistics-Services
Providers (Logistik-AGB), as of March 2006. Note: In clause 23 the ADSp 2017 
deviate from the statutory liability limitation in section 431 of the German 
Commercial Code (HGB) by limiting the liability for multimodal transportation 
with the involvement of sea carriage and an unknown damage place to 2 SDR/kg 
and, for the rest, the customary liability limitation of 8.33 SDR/kg 
additionally to Euro 1.25 million per damage case and EUR 2.5 million per damage
event, but not less than 2 SDR/kg. You can find the ADSp 2017 here: 
www.hellmann.com/ffst and the Logistik-AGB 2006 here: www.hellmann.com/loggtc.
For further information on the subject of data protection and our handling of 
personal data please refer to the following link: www.hellmann.com/privacy