Hellmann Worldwide Logistics

Hellmann celebrates its 150th anniversary: from a one-man company to a global family business

07.10.2021 – 07:31

Hellmann celebrates its 150th anniversary: from a one-man company to a global family business

Osnabrueck, October 7, 2021. This year, the global full-service logistics provider Hellmann Worldwide Logistics celebrates its 150th anniversary. Founded in 1871 by Carl Heinrich Hellmann in northern Germany's Osnabrueck with a single horse-drawn carriage, the long-established family business has evolved over four generations into one of the largest international logistics providers. Today, Hellmann is present in 59 countries with 263 branches and has around 11,000 employees as part of the Hellmann F.A.M.I.L.Y. all over the world. Considering Hellmann’s global partner network, its reach spans nearly 500 offices across 173 countries.

After the company initially founded for ore and coal transports was sold to Carl Heinrich Hellmann's two sons at the beginning of the 20th century, the company became "Gebr. Hellmann" (“Hellmann Brothers”) and continued to develop steadily. In addition to the establishment of a first warehouse in 1912 - the predecessor of today's contract logistics – the portfolio of transport vehicles was also constantly expanded: Initially, truck and rail transport complemented the horse-drawn vehicles. After the Second World War, sea freight was added to the product offering with the establishment of a second location in Hamburg as a gateway to the world. In the 1960s, under the leadership of Heinz and Joachim Hellmann, the company was already offering international transports, mainly to Western Europe, but also to Asia, including by air since 1969. In 1976 and 1989, first Klaus and then Jost Hellmann took over the legacy of their fathers as the torch was passed to the fourth generation and made Hellmann what it is today: a globally active family-owned company that stands for technical innovation, sustainability and commitment to improving the world.

As a symbol of this special history, the two shareholders Klaus and Jost Hellmann, together with CEO Reiner Heiken, planted a tree at the headquarter in Osnabrueck to commemorate the anniversary. The company also donated 150 additional trees to the city of Osnabrueck - one for each year in Hellmann's history.

"When I joined the Executive Board at Hellmann at the age of 27, there were a lot of great people who supported and guided me along the way. From that day on, I know this to be true: at Hellmann, the people make the difference. That's why I would like to thank especially all our employees, whose commitment and perseverance made the 150th anniversary possible in the first place. Of course, I would also like to thank our loyal customers, many of whom have been with us for decades and with whom we have grown together. To take up a strong position for the future, we must continue to sharpen our corporate focus on sustainability. This is more important today than ever before - and especially so as a logistics service provider," says Klaus Hellmann, shareholder of Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.

"We are celebrating our 150th anniversary this year in large part due to our willingness to embrace change. The logistics industry is always changing. If you don't evolve, you cannot compete in the market. When we opened our first international branch in Hong Kong in 1982, I would never have dreamed that almost 40 years later we would have such a vast global network. Innovative strength and sustainable actions have always characterized us and will continue to be what people associate with Hellmann in the future. True to our guiding principle: thinking ahead – moving forward," says Jost Hellmann, shareholder Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.

"The Hellmann F.A.M.I.L.Y. has achieved great things and I am honored to continue the successful history of the company together with the entire Hellmann F.A.M.I.L.Y.. Our present is characterized by radical changes that affect both our industry and society as a whole. Our goal is to build upon the company's successful history and continue growing in a sustainable way. To achieve this, we want to leverage the opportunities offered by digitalization and at the same time stick to our motto "First, people first," which is set out in our F.A.M.I.L.Y. DNA. After all, our employees and customers will continue to be the main pillars of our company in the future," says Reiner Heiken, CEO of Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.

About Hellmann
Since its foundation 150 years ago, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics has developed into one of the largest international logistics providers in the world. In 2020, the Hellmann Group achieved sales of around EUR 2.5 billion with 10,601 employees. The range of services includes classic forwarding services by truck, rail, air and sea freight, as well as a comprehensive range of CEP services, contract logistics, industry and IT solutions.

Christiane Brüning
Head of Corporate Communications

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics SE & Co. KG
Elbestrasse 1
49090 Osnabrueck

Mobile +49 151 2034 0316
E-Mail  christiane.bruening@hellmann.com

Thinking Ahead - Moving Forward

Handelsregister / Commercial Register Osnabrueck HRA 3760
Komplementärin / General Partner: Hellmann Verwaltungs SE
Handelsregister / Commercial Register Osnabrueck HRB 212008

Vorstand / Managing Directors: Reiner Heiken, Martin Eberle
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der Hellmann Verwaltungs SE / Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Thomas Lieb
USt-IdNr. / V.A.T. Id. no.: DE 11 76 59 402
Wir arbeiten ausschließlich auf Grundlage der Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen 2017 – ADSp 2017 – und – soweit diese für die Erbringung logistischer (Zusatz-) Leistungen nicht gelten – nach den Logistik-AGB, Stand März 2006. Hinweis: Die ADSp 2017 weichen in Ziffer 23 hinsichtlich des Haftungshöchstbetrages für Güterschäden (§ 431 HGB) vom Gesetz ab, indem sie die Haftung bei multimodalen Transporten unter Einschluss einer Seebeförderung und bei unbekanntem Schadenort auf 2 SZR/kg und im Übrigen die Regelhaftung von 8,33 SZR/kg zusätzlich auf 1,25 Millionen Euro je Schadenfall sowie 2,5 Millionen Euro je Schadenereignis, mindestens aber 2 SZR/kg, beschränken. Die ADSp 2017 können Sie unter www.hellmann.com/adsp abrufen, die Logistik-AGB 2006 unter www.hellmann.com/logagb.

Weitere Informationen zum Thema Datenschutz und unserem Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten finden Sie unter folgendem Link: www.hellmann.com/datenschutz

We operate exclusively in accordance with the German Freight Forwarders' Standard Terms and Conditions 2017 (Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen 2017 – ADSp 2017) and – if they do not apply for performing (supplementary) logistics services – with the General Terms and Conditions of Logistics-Services Providers (Logistik-AGB), as of March 2006. Note: In clause 23 the ADSp 2017 deviate from the statutory liability limitation in section 431 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) by limiting the liability for multimodal transportation with the involvement of sea carriage and an unknown damage place to 2 SDR/kg and, for the rest, the customary liability limitation of 8.33 SDR/kg additionally to Euro 1.25 million per damage case and EUR 2.5 million per damage event, but not less than 2 SDR/kg. You can find the ADSp 2017 here: www.hellmann.com/ffst and the Logistik-AGB 2006 here: www.hellmann.com/loggtc.
For further information on the subject of data protection and our handling of personal data please refer to the following link: www.hellmann.com/privacy
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