Hellmann Worldwide Logistics

Hellmann helps and Hull Foundation donate 100,000 euros for orphans in Ukraine

06.12.2023 – 07:30

Hellmann helps and Hull Foundation donate 100,000 euros for orphans in Ukraine

Osnabrueck, December 6, 2023. To mark the anniversary of "375 Years of Peace in Westphalia", in mid-2023 the non-profit associations Hellmann helps and the Patsy & Michael Hull Foundation launched a large-scale fundraising campaign with the "Swim for Peace" event on the Hellmann site in Osnabrück. The SWIM FOR PEACE - FUTURE FOR CHILDREN project, which was initiated as part of the event, raised a total of 100,000 euros, which will now be donated to two orphanages in western Ukraine.

According to SOS Children's Villages, almost 100,000 children and young people are currently growing up in Ukrainian orphanages, which are increasingly reaching the limits of their capacity due to the ongoing war. The children, who are often traumatized, have usually not only lost their homes, but also their parents and relatives. To help improve their situation, the two associations are using the donations collected to support two needy orphanages in Ukraine: the Bukiv Internatur children's home and the St. Nicholas House of Mercy in Lviv. The donations will be used to improve the infrastructure in the orphanages and to expand the range of psychological care and learning support.

"One of our core corporate values is ’Caring‘. This means we want to provide support where it is needed. Children are particularly close to our hearts, especially as they are among those who suffer the most from war. We are therefore delighted to be able to make at least a small contribution to improving the situation in the orphanages in Bukiv and Lviv with the funds raised," said Anna Halip, board member at Hellmann helps.

"With the Patsy & Michael Hull Foundation and Hellmann helps, two charitable organizations have dedicated themselves to a common cause, and we are very happy that our project SWIM FOR PEACE - FUTURE FOR CHILDREN was so successful. Thanks to the generous support of Hellmann helps, we were even able to round up the donations collected during the event so that we raised an impressive sum," added Jenny Krogull-Grüter, Managing Director of the Patsy & Michael Hull Foundation.

About the associations

The Patsy & Michael Hull Foundation e.V. and Hellmann helps e.V. have supported and implemented numerous charitable projects. Since the beginning of the war against Ukraine, both associations have collected donations and provided humanitarian aid for Ukraine.

About Hellmann
Since its foundation over 150 years ago, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics has developed into one of the largest international logistics providers in the world. With about 14,000 employees, the company is active in 54 countries and generated sales of EUR 5 billion in 2022.The range of services includes classic forwarding services by truck, rail, air- and seafreight, as well as a comprehensive range of CEP services, contract logistics, industry and IT solutions.

Christiane Brüning
Global Head of Corporate Communications

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics SE & Co. KG
Elbestrasse 1
49090 Osnabrueck

Mobile +49 151 2034 0316
E-Mail  christiane.bruening@hellmann.com

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Komplementärin / General Partner: Hellmann Verwaltungs SE
Handelsregister / Commercial Register Osnabrueck HRB 212008

Vorstand / Managing Directors: Reiner Heiken, Martin Eberle, Jens Wollesen
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Wir arbeiten ausschließlich auf Grundlage der Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen 2017 – ADSp 2017 – und – soweit diese für die Erbringung logistischer (Zusatz-) Leistungen nicht gelten – nach den Logistik-AGB, Stand März 2006. Hinweis: Die ADSp 2017 weichen in Ziffer 23 hinsichtlich des Haftungshöchstbetrages für Güterschäden (§ 431 HGB) vom Gesetz ab, indem sie die Haftung bei multimodalen Transporten unter Einschluss einer Seebeförderung und bei unbekanntem Schadenort auf 2 SZR/kg und im Übrigen die Regelhaftung von 8,33 SZR/kg zusätzlich auf 1,25 Millionen Euro je Schadenfall sowie 2,5 Millionen Euro je Schadenereignis, mindestens aber 2 SZR/kg, beschränken. Die ADSp 2017 können Sie unter www.hellmann.com/adsp abrufen, die Logistik-AGB 2006 unter www.hellmann.com/logagb.

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We operate exclusively in accordance with the German Freight Forwarders' Standard Terms and Conditions 2017 (Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen 2017 – ADSp 2017) and – if they do not apply for performing (supplementary) logistics services – with the General Terms and Conditions of Logistics-Services Providers (Logistik-AGB), as of March 2006. Note: In clause 23 the ADSp 2017 deviate from the statutory liability limitation in section 431 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) by limiting the liability for multimodal transportation with the involvement of sea carriage and an unknown damage place to 2 SDR/kg and, for the rest, the customary liability limitation of 8.33 SDR/kg additionally to Euro 1.25 million per damage case and EUR 2.5 million per damage event, but not less than 2 SDR/kg. You can find the ADSp 2017 here: www.hellmann.com/ffst and the Logistik-AGB 2006 here: www.hellmann.com/loggtc.
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