Aurubis AG

Partial sale of flat rolled products segment: Additional purchase price information

11.08.2021 – 09:39

Partial sale of flat rolled products segment: Additional purchase price information

Hamburg, August 11, 2021 – Aurubis AG makes reference to the press release dated August 9, 2021 regarding the partial sale of its flat rolled products segment (FRP):

In line with the requirements of the Italian stock exchange supervisory authorities, the buyer of the FRP plant in Zutphen (Netherlands) and the slitting centers in Birmingham (United Kingdom), Dolný Kubín (Slovakia), and Mortara (Italy), INTEK Holding, has released additional information about the purchase price today. It is expected to be approximately € 8 million plus the value of the net working capital at the time of closing (reference value as at June 30, 2021: about € 67 million).

The net working capital will be settled through the repayment of company loans to Aurubis in the same amount.

Best regards,

Aurubis AG
Corporate Communications / Konzernkommunikation
Daniela Kalmbach
Leiterin Konzernkommunikation / Head of Corporate Communications
Phone:+49 40 7883-3053
Mobile: +49 174 6389167
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