R-Biopharm AG

Blood Donation Day at R-Biopharm: Employees Help Save Lives

10.02.2023 – 13:40

Darmstadt (ots)

Improving the health and quality of life of their fellow human beings with reliable analytics is the daily goal of the employees of the biotechnology company R-Biopharm. Today, they put their whole bodies on the line and became life savers: 66 men and women followed the impulse from the workforce and donated their blood at R-Biopharm's headquarters. The German Red Cross Blood Donation Service Baden-Württemberg - Hesse had set up its equipment in two office rooms for the event. One by one, those willing to donate came there from their workplaces well prepared - they had eaten well and drunk at least one and a half liters of water. In the mobile blood donation center, thanks to professional preparation and organization by the DRK, they went through the required stations in a calm and concentrated atmosphere - from registration to the doctor's consultation to blood collection and the subsequent short rest break.

"Only three percent of all people donate blood, while 80 percent are once in need of a blood unit themselves"

The Red Cross' warning that the supply of blood would not be guaranteed in the long term had started last summer and found its way into the conversation of employees at R-Biopharm. The idea of a blood donation appointment at their workplace was quickly born. More than 100 colleagues had indicated their willingness to do so in an anonymous survey - and had stuck with it. When the date was set and the online reservation for the 66 available places was activated, they were completely booked within a short time.

A response that surprised even the Red Cross and more than met the specifications for blood donation campaigns in the workplace. "Only three percent of all people in Germany donate blood, while around 80 percent are in need of a blood unit themselves at some point in their lives. In Hesse and Baden-Württemberg alone, more than 2,700 units of blood are needed every day to keep hospitals adequately stocked, because blood still cannot be produced artificially and has a shelf life of only a few days," says Pia Frank, Donor Engagement Officer at the DRK Blood Donation Service Baden-Württemberg - Hesse. "During the carnival season, the supply sometimes becomes difficult, as we have to compete particularly strongly with other events here and fewer halls are available for blood donations. We are all the more pleased about R-Biopharm's commitment to sensitizing their employees to the issue and giving us the opportunity to donate blood on site."

R-Biopharm also considers the blood donation campaign day a complete success. "We are thrilled with the commitment of our employees," says Christian Dreher, CEO of R-Biopharm. "The fact that this opportunity to 'save lives' met with such great interest among our workforce - we had more interested parties than available blood donation places - fills me with pride. This was certainly not the last blood donation campaign at R-Biopharm."


Simone Feiler
Head of Corporate Brand Communication & CSR

R-Biopharm AG
An der neuen Bergstrasse 17
64297 Darmstadt
Phone: 0 61 51 - 81 02-538
Mobile: 0 160 - 55 273 60
Fax: 0 61 51 - 81 02-40
Email: s.feiler@r-biopharm.de

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