Flughafen Wien AG

EANS-News: Flughafen Wien AG
Flughafen Wien Group Continues on Success Path in the First Quarter of 2016

18.05.2016 – 08:02

  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.

quarterly report

Flughafen Wien Group continues on success path in the first quarter of 2016
Upward revaluation of stake in Malta Airport and good business development lead
to strong increase in the net profit for the period to EUR 66.6 million (+373,9%
from EUR 14.1 million in Q1/2015), clean rise of +5.0% year on year

* Q1 PASSENGER GROWTH in Vienna + 2.3%, supported by leap day and earlier
  Easter, double-digit passenger increase in Malta (+15.5%) and Košice (+30.6%)
* REVENUE up 1.4% to EUR 142.7 million, EBITDA rise to EUR 108.6 million (+3.0%
  or EUR 56.8 million clean, i.e. adjusted for the upward revaluation of stake
  in Malta Airport), EBIT of EUR 76.3 million (clean: +6.3% or EUR 24.5 million)

* NET DEBT further reduced to EUR 432.4 million (down EUR 33.6 million from the
  end of 2015)

* Strong increase of free cash flow to EUR 95.8 million (up 606.7% from EUR 13.6
  million in Q1/2015; clean, i.e. adjusted for consolidation effect of increased
  stake in Malta Airport: EUR 49.9 million)

* GUIDANCE confirmed for 2016: increase in revenue to EUR 740 million and net
  profit for the period after non-controlling interests, clean, i.e. adjusted
  for Malta revaluation, to EUR 115 million, decline in net debt below EUR 400
  million - traffic guidance for 2016 also confirmed

"The Flughafen Wien Group continued on its success path in the first quarter of
2016 thanks to a good business development, and supported by the required upward
valuation of our stake in Malta Airport as a consequence of our increased
shareholding. However, the serious crises unfortunately leave their mark on
flight traffic, and enormously complicate the market environment for airlines
and airports. Even if uncertainty is understandable in the light of terrorist
attacks, flight traffic remains the safest means of transport, and people should
not let their well-deserved vacation plans be spoiled by exaggerated fears",
explains Günther Ofner, Member of the Management Board of Flughafen Wien AG.
"The first three months of 2016 resulted in a higher passenger volume for Vienna
Airport, supported by the leap day and the earlier Easter holidays. Numerous new
flight offerings have already been confirmed for this year. The strong growth of
the low cost segment at the Vienna hub is particularly noteworthy. Developments
in recent months, such as the crisis situation in Russia, the events in Paris
and Brussels and the related restrained booking behavior for several
destinations such as Turkey, Greece, Egypt and Belgium impact the aviation
sector in general and thus also affect Vienna Airport. Nevertheless, from
today's perspective we are optimistic to be able to fulfill our traffic
forecasts for 2016", says Julian Jäger, Member of the Management Board of
Flughafen Wien AG.
Vienna Airport: Passenger growth in Q1/2016 despite a difficult market

Vienna Airport registered passenger growth of 2.3% from the previous year to
4,399,376 passengers in the period January to March 2016. The main driving
forces were the strong growth of easyJet and Eurowings, which considerably
expanded their presence at Vienna Airport. The number of local passengers rose
by 4.3% in the first quarter of 2016, whereas the number of transfer passengers
fell by 3.3%. Total passenger volume to Western Europe was up 3.9%, compared to
the 6.7% decline in passenger traffic to Eastern Europe related to the crisis
situation in Russia. The expanded flight offering and higher seat load factor
led to a 1.1% rise in the number of passengers flying to Middle East
destinations in the first quarter of 2016. The number of passengers flying to
North America climbed sharply by 17.2%, which can be attributed to the
resumption of flight service to Miami by Austrian Airlines. Passenger volume to
the Far East fell by 1.6% due to capacity reductions, and passenger traffic to
Africa was down 15.9% due to the politically instable situation in North Africa.
The number of flight movements decreased year-on-year during the first three
months of 2016 by 1.7% to 48,830 starts and landings. The average seat occupancy
(seat load factor) fell from 67.7% to 66.8% in the first three months of the
year. In contrast, cargo volume (air cargo and trucking) was up by 2.0% to
64,548 tonnes.
Good traffic results and business development at Malta and Košice Airports

The foreign strategic investments of the Flughafen Wien Group in Malta and
Košice Airports continued to develop well. Malta Airport reported strong growth
of 15.5% to more than 800,000 passengers in the first three months of 2016.
During the same period, Košice Airport handled a total of 70,937 passengers,
comprising a 30.6% rise in passenger volume.
Substantial improvement of financial performance indicators in Q1/2016

Driven by passenger growth and higher handling income, revenue of the Flughafen
Wien Group rose by 1.4% to EUR 142.7 million. The increased stake acquired by
Flughafen Wien in Malta Airport and the closing of the transaction on March 30,
2016 led to a revaluation of the existing interest. As a result, Malta Airport
is fully consolidated in the consolidated financial statements of the Flughafen
Wien Group as of the end of the first quarter of 2016. As a result, EBITDA
improved to EUR 108.6 million (+ 97.0%), and EBIT climbed to EUR 76.3 million (+
231.2%). The net profit for the period rose by EUR 52.5 million or 373.9% to EUR
66.6 million. Adjusted for this one-off effects totaling EUR 51.8 million, clean
EBITDA amounted to EUR 56.8 million (+3.0% vs. the adjusted Q1/2015 of EUR 55.1
million), and clean EBIT amounted to EUR 24.5 million (+6.3% vs. the adjusted
Q1/2015 of EUR 23.1 million). The clean net profit for the period in the first
quarter of 2016 was EUR 14.8 million (+5.0% vs. Q1/2015 of EUR 14.1 million).
Net debt was reduced once again to EUR 432.4 million.
Strong increase in the free cash flow

The free cash flow climbed strongly to EUR 95.8 million. (up 606.7% from EUR
13.6 million in Q1/2015). Adjusted for the effect from the Malta consolidation,
the clean free cash flow was EUR 49.9 million (assumed cash and cash equivalents
related to full consolidation) due to the payment from a finance lease
Financial and traffic guidance confirmed for 2016

The financial and traffic guidance were confirmed for 2016. In terms of its
traffic forecasts, Flughafen Wien AG continues to expect passenger growth of
between 0% and 2% in 2016, as well as a flat development of flight movements of
between -1% and 0% for the Vienna flight hub.
Revenue and earnings development in the segments

Due to the good traffic development, revenue of the Airport Segment rose by 4.3%
in the first quarter of 2016 to EUR 74.0 million. Segment EBIT in Q1/2016
therefore improved to EUR 4.3 million (Q1/2015: EUR 1.7 million). The Handling
Segment reported a 1.7% rise in revenue to EUR 35.8 million, generating EBIT of
EUR 0.1 million (Q1/2015: EUR 1.7 million). This includes the security services
provided by VIAS and the handling services of Vienna Aircraft Handling (VAH).
The Retail & Properties Segment showed a revenue decline of 7.7% to EUR 28.5
million in the first quarter of 2016, which can be attributed to lower rental
income as a consequence of a special effect (finance lease agreement), a
positive one-off effect in the previous year and the restrained development of
parking and retail revenue. EBIT of the Retail & Properties Segment amounted to
EUR 15.5 million (Q1/2015: EUR 16.6 million). Revenue of the Other Segments rose
by 19.0% to EUR 4.5 million, with segment EBIT up to EUR 56.4 million as the
result of the revaluation of the stake held in Malta Airport. Moreover, with the
closing of the transaction on March 30, 2016, the strategic investment in Malta
Airport is now in the group of companies which are fully consolidated in the
consolidated financial statements of the Flughafen Wien Group. For this reason,
earnings starting in the second quarter of 2016 will be presented as the Malta

Of the total investments (excluding business acquisitions) amounting to EUR 11.8
million in the first quarter of 2016, EUR 1.9 million related to investments in
connection with 3rd Runway, EUR 1.4 million was for the Runway System 11/29, and
EUR 0.8 million in investments were made in connection with the new master
computer for the baggage handling system. Total investments in the year 2016 are
expected to be about EUR 95 million (excluding the special items relating to
Malta Airport).  
With respect to the acquisition of Group companies, in connection with Malta
Airport, the following figures were included in the consolidated balance sheet
on a preliminary basis: EUR 61.3 million for goodwill, EUR 0.9 million for
intangible assets and EUR 363.8 million for property, plant and equipment and
investment property.
Traffic development in April 2016: Flughafen Wien Group handled 2.3 million
passengers in April 2016, a slight decline of 1.5%, but a 2.5% rise in the
period January to April 2016

Vienna Airport, including its foreign strategic investments in Malta Airport and
Kosice Airport, handled 2.3 million passengers in April 2016, comprising a
slight drop of 1.5% from April 2015. However, accumulated passenger volume in
the period January to April 2016 rose by 2.5% to 7.6 million passengers.   
Vienna Airport in April 2016: Passenger decrease of 3.4%, strong growth in Malta
(+5.7%) and Kosice (+33.5%), gratifying increase in cargo volume (+8.9%)

The number of passengers handled by Vienna Airport in April 2016 fell by 3.4%
from the previous year to 1,850,605 passengers. The main reasons were the Easter
flight traffic, in march this year compared to April of 2015, capacity
reductions on the part of the airlines, the consequences of the terrorist
attacks in Brussels, the crisis situations in Russia and the Middle East, along
with a general restraint in bookings and capacity reductions to vacation
destinations such as Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia and Greece. For this reason, the
number of transfer passengers and local passengers fell by 7.8% and 1.7%
respectively in April 2016. The number of flight movements dropped by 1.8% in
April 2016 from the prior-year figure. In contrast, cargo volume rose strongly
by 8.9% in April 2016 in a year-on-year comparison. Malta Airport (+5.7%) and
Košice Airport (+33.5%) both generated strong growth in passenger volume. 
At Vienna Airport the passenger volume to Western Europe remained stable in
April 2016 at -0.2%. Eastern Europe showed a drop of 4.4% in contrast to the
1.3% rise to Far Eastern destinations. The crisis-related decrease to the Middle
East amounted to 6.4%.  The number of passengers flying to North America was
down 9.4% in April 2016, and passenger traffic to Africa fell by 35.1%.
Presentation of traffic results
Since Flughafen Wien AG increased its shareholding in Malta Airport at the end
of March 2016, the strategic investment is fully consolidated in the interim
consolidated financial statements of the Flughafen Wien Group beginning at the
end of the first quarter of 2016 (first-time consolidation of net assets at the
end of March 2016 in the quarterly financial statements Q1/2016, and
consolidation of the income statement as of April 2016). For this reason,
starting with publication in April 2016, traffic results will include the entire
results for Vienna Airport and its foreign strategic investments. The traffic
results of Vienna Airport correspond to the comparable values of the monthly
announcement of traffic results up to and including March 2016.

Results in detail: Traffic development in April 2016:

                     April 2016     Change in %            2016      Change in %

Vienna Airport(VIE)
Passengers            1,850,605            -3.4       6,249,981             +0.5
passengers            1,359,242            -1.7       4,672,100             +2.5
passengers              484,548            -7.8       1,545,692             -4.8

(arrivals and
departures)              18,959            -1.8          67,789             -1.7
Cargo in tonnes
(air cargo and

trucking)                25,080            +8.9          89,628             +3.8

Malta Airport(MLA, fully consolidated)

Passengers              415,409            +5.7       1,216,116            +12.0
passengers              415,223            +5.7       1,215,165            +12.0

passengers                  186           -48.2             951            -31.5
(arrivals and
departures)               3,093            +1.3           9,128             +5.6
Cargo in tonnes
(air cargo and

trucking)                 1,179            -0.3           4,488             +2.1

Košice Airport(KSC,consolidated at equity)

Passengers               27,390           +33.5          98,327            +31.4
passengers               27,390           +33.5          98,327            +31.4
passengers                    -               -               -                -

(arrivals and
departures)                 705           +23.5           2,373            +26.6
Cargo in tonnes
(air cargo and

trucking)                  11.3           -64.4            21.2            -60.3

Vienna Airport and strategic Investments (VIE, MLA, KSC) 

Passengers            2,293,404            -1.5       7,564,424             +2.5
passengers            1,801,855            +0.4       5,985,592             +4.7
passengers              484,734            -7.8       1,546,643             -4.8

(arrivals and
departures)              22,757            -0.8          79,290             -0.3
Cargo in tonnes
(air cargo and

trucking)                26,270            +8.4          94,137             +3.7


Consolidated Interim Financial Statements as of 31 March 2016

|Other operating   |                   |                   |                   |
|Other operating   |                   |                   |                   |
|Consumables and   |                   |                   |                   |
|Other operating   |                   |                   |                   |
|Results from      |                   |                   |                   |
|companies recorded|                   |                   |                   |

|Revaluation of    |                   |                   |                   |
|companies recorded|                   |                   |                   |
|at equity due to  |                   |                   |                   |
|company           |                   |                   |                   |
|Earnings before   |                   |                   |                   |
|interest, taxes,  |                   |                   |                   |
|depreciation and  |                   |                   |                   |
|amortisation      |                   |                   |                   |

|Scheduled         |                   |                   |                   |
|depreciation and  |                   |                   |                   |
|Earnings before   |                   |                   |                   |
|interest and taxes|                   |                   |                   |

|Earnings before   |                   |                   |                   |

|Net profit for the|                   |                   |                   |
|Thereof           |                   |                   |                   |
|Equity holders of |                   |                   |                   |
|Non-controlling   |                   |                   |                   |
|Earnings per share|                   |                   |                   |
|(in EUR, basic =  |                   |                   |                   |

* adjusted for at-equity results
Balance Sheet Indicators

|Non-current       |                   |                   |                   |
|Current           |                   |                   |                   |
|Total equity and  |                   |                   |                   |


Cash Flow Statement


|operating         |                   |                   |                   |
|investing         |                   |                   |                   |
|financing         |                   |                   |                   |



* Excluding financial assets and business acquisitions
The report by Flughafen Wien AG of the first three months of 2016, from January
1 to March 31 2016 is available to the general public at the company's offices
at 1300 Flughafen Wien and at Bank Austria, 1010 Vienna, Schottengasse 6-8. It
is also available on the Internet at http://viennaairport.com/en/company/

The Management Board of Flughafen Wien AG
Flughafen Wien, 18 May 2016

Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations:
Mag. Judit Helenyi (+43-1)7007-23126;  j.helenyi@viennaairport.com
Mario Santi (+43-1)7007-22826;  m.santi@viennaairport.com

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

company:     Flughafen Wien AG
             Postfach  1
             A-1300 Wien-Flughafen
phone:       +43 1 7007 - 22826
FAX:         +43 1 7007 - 23806
mail:         investor-relations@viennaairport.com
WWW:         http://viennaairport.com/unternehmen/investor_relations
sector:      Transport
ISIN:        AT0000911805
indexes:     ATX Prime
stockmarkets: official market: Wien 
language:   English

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