Flughafen Wien AG

EANS-News: Vienna Airport in 2016: Three Passenger Records in One Year - Best Month and Busiest Day Ever, Annual Threshold of 23 Million Passengers Surpassed for the First Time

17.01.2017 – 08:02

  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.

Company Information/Traffic / Outlook

Vienna Airport in 2016: Three Passenger Records in One Year - Best Month and
Busiest Day Ever, Annual Threshold of 23 Million Passengers Surpassed for the
First Time

* 23.4 million passengers (+2.5%) at Vienna Airport in 2016, better than
  expected - 28.9 million passengers (+3.8%) handled by the Flughafen Wien Group
  (including strategic investments)
* Forecast for 2017: Passenger growth of 0% to +2% at the Vienna Airport site
* Financial guidance for 2017: Increased revenue, EBITDA and net profit -
  further reduction of net debt
* Significantly higher dividends expected for 2016
* Major investment programme totalling EUR 1.6 billion by 2025
* The Airport City is growing: green light for Office Park 4 and expansion of
  the Air Cargo Center

Vienna Airport set three new records in the year 2016. In addition to the
busiest day (September 16, 2016) and the best month ever (July 2016), Vienna
Airport surpassed the threshold of 23 million passengers in 2016 for the first
time in its history, handling 23.4 million passengers. The Flughafen Wien Group,
including its foreign strategic investments in Malta Airport and Kosice Airport,
handled 28.9 million passengers. The outlook for 2017 is optimistic. The
Flughafen Wien Group expects passenger growth of between +1% and +3% as well as
an increase in revenue, EBITDA and consolidated net profit. The Vienna Airport
site anticipates passenger volume to rise by 0% to +2% in the year 2017.
"Geopolitical crisis situations such as in Turkey and Russia also left their
mark on the Vienna airport site. However, higher passenger volumes, especially
at low cost-carriers such as Eurowings and easyJet, led to a record year at
Vienna Airport. The month of December 2016 was particularly strong, showing a
9.8% rise in the number of passengers. Long-haul flight service also developed
well. The year 2017 will be very challenging, above all due to the restructuring
of airberlin Group. Nevertheless, we expect an increase in the total number of
passengers handled by Vienna Airport of 0% to +2% in 2017, especially due to the
growth impetus provided by Eurowings, Austrian Airlines and easyJet", explains
Julian Jäger, Member of the Management Board of Flughafen Wien AG.
"Vienna Airport showed an excellent performance over the past year and will
achieve all its financial targets for 2016", says Günther Ofner, Member of the
Management Board of Flughafen Wien AG. "For this reason, we hold out the
prospect of distributing a significantly higher dividend to our shareholders for
the 2016 financial year. In order to remain on a success path in the future, we
plan to implement a far-reaching investment programme entailing EUR 1.6 billion
in new investments by the year 2025 (excluding investments in Runway 3). The
number of people working at the Vienna Airport site has increased. Twelve
companies with more than 600 employees have located their business operations at
the Airport City or in the vicinity of the airport during the last twelve
months. This underlines the great importance of the airport as a job creator for
the entire region. In 2017 we will already expand the cargo facilities of the
airport, and will construct the new Office Park 4 featuring 20,000 m² of
additional office space by the beginning of 2020", Günther Ofner adds.

Flughafen Wien Group handles 28.9 million passengers (+3.8%) in 2016

The Flughafen Wien Group (Vienna Airport and the foreign strategic investments
in Malta Airport and Kosice Airport) reported 28.9 million passengers in 2016,
comprising a year-on-year increase of 3.8%.
Vienna Airport: 23.4 million passengers (+2.5%) in 2016

Vienna Airport reported a total of 23,352,016 passengers in the year 2016,
comprising a rise of 2.5% from the number of travellers it handled in the
previous year. In particular, new long-haul routes, new flight connections and
frequency increases on the part of the airlines, particularly in the low-cost
segment, had a positive impact on passenger volume. In contrast, the crisis
situations in Russia, Turkey and parts of North Africa negatively affected
airport operations. In terms of traffic development, local flight traffic was
the key growth driver in 2016, rising by 4.3%, whereas the number of transfer
passengers fell by 2.0%. The number of flight movements (starts and landings)
remained stable for the most part, dropping marginally by 0.2%, and capacity
utilization of the aircraft (seat load factor) fell slightly by 0.8 percentage
points to 73.4%. Cargo volume (air cargo and trucking) developed positively in
the course of the year, rising by 3.7% to 282,726 tonnes.
Higher passenger volumes to Western Europe, North America and Asia

The number of passengers departing for Western European destinations rose by
3.4% in the year 2016. This was in contrast to a slight overall drop of 0.5% in
passenger traffic to Eastern Europe in 2016, although passenger volume to this
region recovered somewhat, especially in the second half of the year. The number
of passengers flying to the Middle East was up 6.2%, compared to a 0.2% increase
in passenger traffic to the Far East. Passenger volume to North America
increased by 2.4%, in contrast to the 13.1% decline in the number of passengers
flying to destinations in Africa, which is primarily attributable to the crises
in Egypt and Tunisia.
Top destinations in 2016: Western Europe - London, Eastern Europe - Moscow,
long-haul routes - Bangkok

The highest number of passengers flying from Vienna Airport to Western European
destinations was registered by London with 604,168 departing passengers,
followed by Frankfurt with 591,631 travellers flying from Vienna Airport and
Zurich with 492,252 passengers. Moscow was the most popular destination in
Eastern Europe, attracting 208,622 passengers, ahead of Bucharest with a
passenger volume of 199,145 travellers and Sofia with 157,415 departing
passengers. Dubai was the top destination in the Middle East with 212,457
passengers, followed by Tel Aviv with 166,011 and Doha with 84,961 passengers
departing from the airport. Bangkok was the most popular long-haul route,
registering 110,959 passengers from Vienna, ahead of Chicago with 68,065 and
Taipei with 63,939 passengers.
Austrian Airlines Group accounts for the largest share of passengers

A ranking of the airlines by the number of passengers flying to/from Vienna
Airport shows the Austrian Airlines Group in the number one position with 44.5%
of all passengers, followed by NIKI with 9.2%, airberlin with a 6.2% share,
Eurowings (and Germanwings) at 5.5% and Lufthansa with 3.9%. The top ten
airlines at Vienna Airport also include the easyJet Group with an overall share
of 2.7% of passenger volume, British Airways accounting for 2.2% of passenger
traffic, Turkish Airlines with a 2.0% share, Emirates with 1.8% and SWISS with
1.7% of passenger volume handled by Vienna Airport. In 2016 Vienna Airport was
regularly served by 74 airlines, offering flight service to 186 destinations in
72 countries.
Good cargo development: cargo volume up 3.7%

The cargo business at Vienna Airport developed positively in 2016, reporting a
total cargo volume (including trucking) of 282,726 tonnes. This represents a
rise of 3.7% from the prior-year level. Air cargo alone was up 3.4% to 203,033
tonnes, whereas trucking increased by 4.4% to 79,693 tonnes.

Traffic development of international strategic Investments

Malta Airport reported record traffic results in 2016, with the number of
passengers reaching an all-time high of 5,080,169 travellers, a rise of 10.0%
compared to 2015. Kosice Airport handled 436,696 passengers in 2016, comprising
a year-on-year increase of 6.4%.
Predicted passenger development and financial guidance for 2017

The Flughafen Wien Group including its strategic investments in Malta Airport
and Kosice Airport expects an increase in passenger volume in the range of +1%
to +3% in 2017. Accordingly, revenue is anticipated to rise to more than EUR 740
million, and an EBITDA of more than EUR 315 million is being targeted for the
2017 financial year. From today's perspective, consolidated net profit should
amount to at least EUR 120 million. Flughafen Wien AG plans to further reduce
net debt to under EUR 350 million and make investments (CAPEX) of about EUR 100
million in 2017.
The Vienna Airport site expects an increase in the total number of passengers in
the range of 0% to +2% in 2017. From today's perspective, initial impetus to
growth is expected to be provided by the launch of flight service to Los Angeles
(US), Mahé (SC), Burgas (BG) and Gothenburg (SE) by Austrian Airlines, flights
offered to 19 destinations by Eurowings as well as expanded frequencies and new
routes on the part of Volotea, Flybe/Stobart Air, Germania, S7 Airlines and
Results in detail: Traffic development in December 2016:

                  December 2016      Change in%       January -       Change in%
                                                 December 2016
Vienna Airport(VIE) 
Passengers            1,741,325            +9.8      23,352,016             +2.5
passengers            1,360,910           +11.1      17,078,214             +4.3
passengers              370,450            +5.0       6,172,666             -2.0

(arrivals and
departures)              16,977            +3.0         226,395             -0.2
Cargo in tonnes
(air cargo and

trucking)                21,835            -2.2         282,726             +3.7

Malta Airport(MLA. fully consolidated)

Passengers              326,309           +32.2       5,080,169            +10.0
passengers              324,235           +31.7       5,068,515            +10.2
passengers                2,074          +179.5          11,654            -32.5

(arrivals and
departures)               2,417           +23.3          35,806             +4.6
Cargo in tonnes
(air cargo and

trucking)                 1,324           -21.2          14,210             -5.0

Kosice Airport(KSC.consolidated at equity)  

Passengers               29,506           +14.7         436,696             +6.4
passengers               29,506           +14.7         436,696             +6.4
passengers                    -               -               -                -

(arrivals and
departures)                 553            +4.1           9,367            +11.2
Cargo in tonnes
(air cargo and

trucking)                     5           -43.1              88            -65.1

Vienna Airportand strategic investments(VIE. MLA. KSC) 

Passengers            2,097,140           +12.8      28,868,881             +3.8
passengers            1,714,651           +14.6      22,583,425             +5.6
passengers              372,524            +5.4       6,184,320             -2.0

(arrivals and
departures)              19,947            +5.1         271,568             +0.8
Cargo in tonnes
(air cargo and

trucking)                23,182            -3.5         297,024             +3.2

VIE-Results in detail: Traffic development in 2016:

                                                2016        Change in % vs. 2015
Passengers                                23,352,016                        +2.5
Local passengers                          17,078,214                        +4.3
Transfer passengers                        6,172,666                        -2.0
Flight movements                             226,395                        -0.2
MTOW in tonnes                             8,653,173                        +3.1
Air cargo and trucking in
tonnes                                       282,726                        +3.7
Air cargo in tonnes                          203,033                        +3.4
Trucking in tonnes                            79,693                        +4.4

Number of departing passengers per Region

Europe                               10,089,085                             +2.6
Eastern Europe                        1,908,559                             -0.5
Western Europe                        8,180,526                             +3.4
Schengen                              7,277,851                             +2.8
EU                                    7,797,392                             +4.3
Far East                                425,090                             +0.2
Middle East                             619,297                             +6.2
North America                           333,262                             +2.4
Africa                                  153,164                            -13.1
South America                            12,133                            +11.0


Top destinations per region and number of departing passengers

Eastern Europe Moscow                       208,622                        -18.1
Western Europe London                       604,168                        +18.0
Middle East    Dubai                        212,457                         -5.9
Long-haul      Bangkok                      110,959                         -1.6

Traffic forecast and financial guidance for 2017:

Traffic forecast for 2017       Flughafen Wien Group        Vienna Airport (VIE)
Passenger development                     +1% to +3%                   0% to +2%


Financial guidance Flughafen Wien Group for 2017

Revenue                                                        > EUR 740 million
EBITDA                                                         > EUR 315 million
Consolidated net profit                                        > EUR 120 million
Net debt                                                       < EUR 350 million
CAPEX                                                          > EUR 100 million

Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations:
Mag. Judit Helenyi (+43-1)7007-23126;  j.helenyi@viennaairport.com
Mario Santi (+43-1)7007-22826;  m.santi@viennaairport.com

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

company:     Flughafen Wien AG
             Postfach  1
             A-1300 Wien-Flughafen
phone:       +43 1 7007 - 22826
FAX:         +43 1 7007 - 23806
mail:         investor-relations@viennaairport.com
WWW:         http://viennaairport.com/unternehmen/investor_relations
sector:      Transport
ISIN:        AT00000VIE62
indexes:     ATX Prime
stockmarkets: official market: Wien 
language:   English

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