Koehler Group

Trainee intake from the COVID-19 pandemic successfully complete their apprenticeship at Koehler

17.04.2023 – 11:43

  • Spring 2023 graduates receive their diplomas
  • 13 apprentices complete their training successfully

For the Koehler Group, the topic of training and development is incredibly important. Koehler trains a total about 80 apprentices and students at four sites in Germany and goes on to provide them with high-quality, personalized entry-level career opportunities. Proof of that is the BEST PLACE TO LEARN® seal of quality, with which Koehler was re-certified for the quality of the training. This year, the intake of trainees that began their training during the pandemic have been able to successfully finish laying the foundations for their career.

The 2019 and 2020 apprenticeship started in the fall of that year, under difficult circumstances in the midst of the pandemic. Some offices were empty at the height of the home working period. Reduced points of contact ensured the safety of all employees in Production by avoiding the risk of infection. Despite the pandemic, training remained a priority at Koehler and this meant that 13 apprentices were able to complete their training successfully.

Congratulations to the Koehler graduates for training under such difficult circumstances

The trainers and plant managers at Koehler Paper's sites in Oberkirch and Kehl honored the graduates during a small celebration and presented their training diplomas along with a special Koehler certificate. In accordance with tradition, the certificates were printed on handmade paper that was manufactured in-house by the trainees themselves. “Our graduates this year began their training under extraordinary circumstances at the height of the pandemic. We would like to thank them all for their dedication and staying power. Together we found a way to make consistently high-quality training possible for all of them during this challenging time. We are delighted that we are now able to hand over these apprentices as qualified professionals to the respective department managers”, says Stefan Grözinger, Head of Training at the Koehler Group. Hartmut Felsch, Mill Director at Koehler Paper’s Oberkirch site, was also pleased with the graduates: “We are glad that we are able to continue to support all of them as valuable members of the workforce and that interesting tasks and projects lie in store for them in the long term.” Felsch also went into detail about what makes a consistently high level of training quality possible at Koehler: “Special thanks go to the trainers who have, for decades, ensured that training is not only completed, but that it is delivered to a very high standard.”

The following employees were congratulated on successfully completing their apprenticeship:

For apprenticeships at the Oberkirch site: Jonas Beathalter (mechatronics technician), Lena Fallert (industrial administrator), Chiara Maria Kuppel (industrial administrator, qualified in international business management with foreign languages), Leon Roll (industrial mechanic), Julian Wigant (industrial mechanic), Anil Celebi (paper technologist), Robin Ernst (paper technologist), Nico Kirn (paper technologist), Louis Thelen (paper technologist), Erik Schmidt (paper technologist).

For apprenticeships at Koehler Paper’s Greiz site: Philipp Wolframm (mechatronics technician), Roman Hellwig (industrial mechanic).

For apprenticeships at KATZ in Weisenbach: Ahmed-Can Kör (electronics technician specializing in automation technology).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Yours sincerely

Ramona Haas
Marketing & Kommunikation/Marketing & Communications

Koehler Holding SE & Co. KG

Tel: +49 7802 81-4240
Fax: +49 7802 81-5240
mailto: ramona.haas@koehler.com
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