United Internet AG

ots Ad hoc-Service: United Internet AG <DE0005089007> Jobs & Adverts to seek Neuer Markt listing Preferential treatment for United Internet shareholders

27.03.2000 – 09:34

Montabaur, Bad Homburg (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

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Jobs & Adverts, Germany's leading commercial online job market, is
the first of United Internet's network of companies to announce its
IPO. As of April 5, 2000, the company's shares will be traded in the
Neuer Markt segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. United Internet
AG will retain 26.4% of Jobs & Adverts after the flotation and is
offering its shareholders preferential allocation rights for the
subscription. United Internet shareholders will be entitled to
receive shares at the official issuing price and will not be
dependent on the luck of the draw - as is usually the case for
greatly over-subscribed issues. The subscription ratio is 9 to 1,
i.e. for every 9 bearer shares of United Internet AG held on March
29, 2000, the owner will be entitled to receive at least one share in
Jobs & Adverts AG at the price set for the public offer. Subscription
will not be possible for remaining amounts of less than nine bearer
shares in United Internet AG. The advanced subscription offer will be
handled by Bank Vontobel AG. Shareholders of United Internet AG can
register their orders from March 27 to March 29, 2000 (4 p.m.) with
their depositary banks. There will be no further advanced
subscription rights available after this time. The subscription
rights cannot be traded or transferred. Shareholders can receive
further information on the procedure from their respective depositary
banks. "The IPO will open up further growth potential on the growing
Internet market for our network member while allowing our
shareholders to take an active part in their success," explains
United Internet Board Member Ralph Dommermuth.
Jobs & Adverts is one of Europe's largest career networks. With
its "jobpilot" portals and over 45,000 job ads with more than 84,000
vacancies the company is currently represented in 15 European
nations. In 1999 alone the number of job adverts rose by a factor of
three. The company's clients include 28 of Germany's 30 DAX-listed
companies and 35 of the NEMAX50 (top high-tech companies). Jobs &
Adverts is focussing its expansion strategy on the European market.
United Internet AG comprises 17 innovative companies involved in
the Internet value chain. As a management holding company, United
Internet AG's task is to create an optimal growth and earnings
environment for its network of Internet high-flyers by providing
capital, management know-how and marketing services. In return,
United Internet and its shareholders profit from the above-average
growth of the company's participations. As part of this strategy, the
company plans to lead further Group members to the Stock Exchange in
the coming months. "The IPOs and the preferential subscription rights
are a further decisive step in our shareholder- friendly business
model," stresses Ralph Dommermuth.
United Internet contact partners for the press:
Burkhard Böndel
Brodeur Kohtes & Klewes
Phone: +49 211/38640-125
Fax:   +49 211/38640-300
E-mail:  bboendel@de.brodeur.com
Matthias Rieß
United Internet AG
Phone: +49 2602/96-1076
Fax:   +49 2602/96-1013
E-mail:  mriess@united-internet.de
Jobs & Adverts contact partners for the press:
Ulla Erdmann
Kirchhoff Consult AG
Phone: +49 40-609 186 34
Fax:   +49 40-609 186 71
E-mail:  ulla.erdmann@kirchhoff.de
Dr. Roland Metzger
CEO Jobs & Adverts AG
Phone: +49 6172-919 110
Fax:   +49 6172-919 544
E-mail:  presse@jobpilot.de
Internet: http://recherche.newsaktuell.de

Original-Content von: United Internet AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell

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