ots Ad hoc-Service: BRAINPOOL TV AG <DE0005188908> BRAINPOOL TV and CONDOMI agree Internet joint venture Erotic portal

27.03.2000 – 08:34

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BRAINPOOL TV and CONDOMI agree Internet joint venture Erotic
portal forms ideal e-commerce platform
BRAINPOOL TV AG and CONDOMI AG are entering into a long-term
cooperative venture based around e-commerce solutions to be
implemented via the erotic portal The two
companies intend to jointly distribute a range of erotic products via
the Internet. Thanks to this venture, BRAINPOOL TV AG will not only
be able to add an online shop to the Internet version of its erotic
TV magazine show liebe Sünde (PRO 7), but has also secured the skills
and product mix of one of Germany's leading erotic products
The website currently generates around 2.2
million Page- Impressions per month. As with the Internet offerings
linked to the well-known shows TV total and Die Wochenshow,
realization and marketing is in the hands of wholly-owned BRAINPOOL
TV subsidiary e-tv GmbH. BRAINPOOL TV not only produces these
successful programmes, but also retains all rights to the TV brands.
The new liebe Sünde shop is expected to open for business at the
beginning of June. It will be implemented by CONDOMI subsidiary "ON!
Kommunikation und Neue Medien GmbH". In addition to condoms, the shop
will also sell erotic toys, massage oils, erotic gifts, books,
underwear and erotic food, but no pornography. According to the two
companies, the secret of success lies in their concept of offering
high-quality products and informative content at keenly aggressive
prices. A large part of the range will be manufactured in-house by
CONDOMI AG and its subsidiaries. CONDOMI has already entered into
joint ventures some big-name suppliers.
The Internet represents the ideal medium through which to market
erotic products. According to an analysis conducted by publishers
Apollo Wirtschafts- verlag, in 1998 the Internet-based erotic sector
in Europe and the USA generated sales valued at 1.4 billion US-$,
with an exponential increase expected to follow. BRAINPOOL TV and
CONDOMI therefore expect the erotic portal to show
huge potential and are looking to take a major share in the headlong
growth in e-cornmerce.

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