ots Ad hoc-Service: PC-WARE Info. Technolo. <DE0006910904> PC-Ware software to serve as the basis for Sparkasse Leipzig's Internet platform

21.08.2000 – 15:56

Leipzig (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this
- PC-Ware software to serve as
the basis for Sparkasse Leipzig's Internet platform - Operation of
the Internet software in PC-Ware's own ASP computer centre
PC-Ware Information Technologies AG, Leipzig, supplies its
"PC-WARE in4meta" software as the basic software for, an online service and virtual marketplace of
Sparkasse Leipzig, and will operate this Internet platform at its own
Application Service Providing (ASP) computer centre. PC-Ware
considers the Leipzig savings bank an important cooperation partner.
This cooperation will pool the potential of the banking sector and
the IT industry for innovative consumer-oriented applications.
The innovative site management system "PC-WARE in4meta" will
support the start-up, operation and quality assurance of Launched in autumn 1999, the system is already
being used for 200 applications in the public sector, the banking
sector, the auto industry and the utilities sector. PC-Ware
in4community, another PC-Ware product, will manage communications in
the community section of The software will
allow users to communicate and exchange information via chats,
blackboard, newsgroups or in the mail centre.
PC-Ware Information Technologies AG Beate Sailer Tel. 0341 2568
000 Fax. 0341 2568 999 Mail:
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