Andritz AG

euro adhoc: Andritz AG
quarterly or semiannual financial statement
Andritz Group: Results for the First Three Quarters of 2007 - Order Intake, Sales, and Earnings significantly up compared to reference period of last year - Order Backlog, at ove

07.11.2007 – 08:01

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
9-month report
Graz, November 7, 2007.  International Technology Group Andritz 
reports a very favorable business development for the First Three 
Quarters of 2007.  Group Sales increased to 2,299.6 MEUR, up 35.1% 
compared to the reference period of last year (Q1-Q3 2006: 1,702.6 
MEUR).  Net Income excluding minority interests, at 96.5 MEUR, was 
also significantly up compared to last year´s reference period (Q1-Q3
2006: 68.2 MEUR).  Order Intake also developed very favorably;  at 
2,651.9 MEUR, it was 28.6% higher than during the reference period 
for last year (Q1-Q3 2006: 2,062.9 MEUR).  The Order Backlog of the 
Group as of 30.09.2007 amounted to 3,722.4 MEUR, thus remaining at a 
very high level (30.09.2006: 3,561.9 MEUR).
Due to the high Order Backlog and the good project activity, Andritz 
expects an increase in Group Sales to approximately 3.5 bn Euros in 
2008.  This corresponds to an increase of approximately 9% compared 
to 2007, when Sales are expected to reach about 3.2 bn Euros.
Sales Sales in the Third Quarter of 2007 amounted to 762.6 MEUR, 
increasing 3.7% compared to last year´s reference period (Q3 2006: 
735.2 MEUR).  In particular, Sales of the Pulp and Paper, the Hydro 
Power and the Feed and Biofuel Business Areas increased significantly
compared to last year´s reference period.
During the First Three Quarters of 2007, Sales of the Andritz Group 
increased by 35.1%, to 2,299.6 MEUR (Q1-Q3 2006: 1,702.6 MEUR).  This
increase is mainly due to the continued strong organic growth of the 
Group of 16.7% during the First Three Quarters of 2007.
Order Intake and Order Backlog Group Order Intake in the Third 
Quarter of 2007 amounted to 614.4 MEUR, a decrease of 21.8% compared 
to the reference period of last year (Q3 2006: 785.8 MEUR).  This 
decline is mainly due to the strong decrease of Order Intake of the 
Pulp and Paper Business Area.  At 185.6 MEUR in Q3 2007, it was down 
by 51.2% compared to the high level of the reference Quarter of last 
year (Q3 2006: 380.1 MEUR).  This is mainly due to the fact the no 
large orders were awarded during Q3 2007.  All other Business Areas, 
in particular Environment and Process as well as Feed and Biofuel, 
showed a satisfactory development of Order Intake.
Order Intake for the First Three Quarters of 2007 was 2,651.9 MEUR, 
increasing 28.6% compared to the reference period of last year (Q1-Q3
2006: 2,062.9 MEUR).
Order Backlog as of 30.09.2007 amounted to 3,722.4 MEUR, slightly up 
compared to the reference value of last year (30.09.2006: 3,561.9 
MEUR).  Thus, the Andritz Group has a solid visibility with regard to
Sales for the coming months.
Earnings Earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) increased to 50.2 
MEUR during the Third Quarter of 2007 (Q3 2006: 42.0 MEUR).  
Profitability (EBIT margin), at 6.6% for the Third Quarter of 2007, 
increased significantly compared to Q3 2006 (5.7%).  This was mainly 
due to the favorable Earnings development of the Pulp and Paper, 
Hydro Power and the Feed and Biofuel Business Areas.
EBIT for the First Three Quarters of 2007 amounted to 134.6 MEUR, an 
increase of 35.0% compared to the reference period of last year 
(Q1-Q3 2006: 99.7 MEUR). Net Income excluding Minority Interests 
amounted to 96.5 MEUR, increasing 41.5% compared to the reference 
period of last year (Q1-Q3 2006: 68.2 MEUR).
Outlook Based on the financial results for the First Three Quarters 
of 2007, the Andritz Group expects Group Sales to increase to 
approximately 3.2 bn Euros in 2007 (2006: 2.7 bn Euros) and an 
increase of the Group´s Net Income.
For 2008, Wolfgang Leitner, President and CEO of Andritz, is also 
confident and expects new record results for the Andritz Group: "Due 
to the current high Order Backlog of approximately 3.7 bn Euros and 
the solid project activity in all of our Business Areas, we expect 
Group Sales in 2008 to approach 3.5 billion Euros. Earnings should 
increase at least at the same rate as Sales."
Disclaimer Certain statements contained in this press release 
constitute ´forward-looking statements`.  These statements, which 
contain the words ´believe`, ´intend`, ´expect` and words of similar 
meaning, reflect management´s beliefs and expectations and are 
subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to 
differ materially.  As a result, readers are cautioned not to place 
undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.  The Company 
disclaims any obligation to publicly announce the result of any 
revisions to the forward-looking statements made herein, except where
it would be required to do so under applicable law.
Key Figures for the First Three Quarters of 2007 (IFRS)
(in MEUR)      Q1-Q3 2006    Q1-Q3 2007    Change   Q3 2006   Q3 2007    Change
Sales             1,702.6       2,299.6    +35.1%     735.2     762.6     +3.7%
Order Intake      2,062.9       2,651.9    +28.6%     785.8     614.4    -21.8%
Order Backlog
(as of end
of period)        3,561.9       3,722.4     +4.5%   3,561.9   3,722.4     +4.5%
EBITDA 1)           122.7         169.1    +37.8%      52.5      61.2    +16.6%
EBITDA Margin        7.2%          7.4%       -        7.1%      8.0%       -
EBITA 2)            101.1         139.0    +37.5%      43.4      51.6    +18.9%
EBITA Margin         5.9%          6.0%       -        5.9%      6.8%       -
Earnings before
Interest and Taxes
(EBIT)               99.7         134.6    +35.0%      42.0      50.2    +19.5%
EBIT Margin          5.9%          5.9%       -        5.7%      6.6%       -
Earnings before
Taxes               101.4         137.9    +36.0%      41.5      50.3    +21.2%
Net Income excl.
Minority Interests   68.2          96.5    +41.5%      28.2      34.9    +23.8%
Cash flow from
Activities          -35.6          16.3   +145.8%      52.4     -18.3   -134.9%
Expenditure 3)       27.2          32.1    +18.0%      14.1       9.0    -36.2%
(as of end
of period)         10,010        11,200    +11.9%    10,010    11,200    +11.9%
1) EBITDA: Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and 
Amortization 2) EBITA: Earnings before Interest, Taxes, and 
Amortization of intangibles related to acquisitions 3) Additions to 
property, plant, and equipment, and intangible assets
The Letter to Shareholders for the First Three Quarters of 2007 is 
available on the Andritz web site ( both as an online
and a PDF version. Printed versions can be requested by telephone 
(+43 316 6902 2722), fax (+43 316 6902 465) or e-mail 
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 07.11.2007 07:30:00

Further inquiry note:

Dr. Michael Buchbauer
Head of Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 316 6902 2979
Fax: +43 316 6902 465

Branche: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000730007
WKN: 632305
Index: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official dealing

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