CIVIS Medienstiftung

CIVIS Media Prize 2015
Prize-giving ceremony on May 7 in Brussels / Press Invitation

28.04.2015 – 11:21

Köln (ots)

Dear Colleagues,

The CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity in Europe will be presented on May 7, 2015, at a festive TV-Gala in the European Parliament in Brussels. 700 programme contributions were submitted as entries in the competition from 21 EU countries and Switzerland. 21 radio and TV programmes as well as three websites and three web videos are nominated for the CIVIS Media Prize 2015. The CIVIS Film Prize for European films in German cinemas will be awarded for the second time.

We cordially invite you to the prize-giving ceremony: Thursday, May 7, 2015, 18.00 hrs. European Parliament, Press Entrance, Rue Vautier, 1047 Brussels, Belgium

Attending the prize-giving ceremony, among others, will be: the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, the Director-General of Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Tom Buhrow, the film actor and director Til Schweiger, TV presenter Frank Elstner, the Bavarian Minister of State for European Affairs, Beate Merk, the Director-General of Swiss Radio and Televisions, Roger de Weck, the Director-General of Deutschlandradio, Willi Steul, WDR Television Director, Jörg Schönenborn, WDR Radio Director Valerie Weber, WDR Editor-in-Chief, Sonia S. Mikich, ARD Tagesthemen presenter Pinar Atalay, ARD Panorama presenter Anja Reschke and others. Ranga Yogeshwar will present the ceremony.

Photos may be taken prior to the prize-giving ceremony in the Foyer and Hall. During the prize-giving ceremony the taking of photographs is not permitted. Following the recording there will be a photo session with all prize-winners (at about 20.30 hrs). Please register by e-mail ( no later than May 4, 2015, 11.00 hrs.. You will then immediately receive your electronic registration CODE with which you can register at the European Parliament. The increased security requirements in Brussels unfortunately lead to these additional security measures.

Broadcasting times: 08.05.2015 ARD/Das Erste, 0.20 - 1.35 hrs. (Night of 7th/8th) 08.05.2015 ORF III Fernsehen, 00.10- 1.40 hrs. (Night of 7th/8th) 08.05.2015 ORF III Fernsehen, 12.35 - 13.50 hrs. 08.05.2015 tagesschau24, 23.15 - 00.30 hrs. 09.05.2015 WDR Fernsehen, 8.45 - 10.15 hrs. 10.05.2015 3sat, 10.15 - 11.30 hrs. The ARD Radio and Deutsche Welle TV will report live on the CIVIS Prize-giving ceremony. Livestream on the Internet at and You can also follow CIVIS on facebook and twitter. You find photos at


Kristina Bausch, WDR Press and Information, Tel.: +49(0)221 2207118,

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