Boehringer Ingelheim

New Data Shed Light on the Global Incidence of Constipation

23.05.2006 – 17:06

Ingelheim, Germany (ots/PRNewswire)

- Not for Distribution or Publication in the United States
New omnibus data from the largest global survey due to be
published, conducted on the epidemiology of constipation, were
presented today at the Digestive Disease Week congress in Los
Angeles. The survey, sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim, offers new
insights into the incidence of constipation and shows that sufferers
are not using the most effective treatments.
The epidemiology survey, which explored duration and frequency of
constipation in 13,879 participants from four continents, shows 12%
of people worldwide suffer from self-defined constipation. This
figure varies among different regions; people in the Americas and
Asia Pacific suffer twice as much as their European counterparts,
where the incidence of constipation is lowest (Americas and Asia
Pacific mean 17.3% -v- European mean 8.75%).[1]
The survey also highlights that a quarter of people suffering from
constipation do nothing to alleviate their symptoms; they would
rather wait in the hope that it may go away of its own accord.
Professor Scarpignato, one of the lead authors of the survey,
commented, "Unfounded concerns and misguided beliefs often prevent
constipation sufferers from using the best available treatments, such
as contact laxatives. If they did use a contact laxative, like
Dulcolax(R), they would be selecting a safe and effective treatment,
to relieve their condition."
Of those constipation sufferers who treat their condition, less
than a third of them actually use laxatives, despite the fact that a
recently published review showed that laxatives are a safe and
effective treatment.[2] In Asia Pacific, which has one of the highest
frequencies of constipation (17%), laxative use is lowest, with less
than two in 10 sufferers treating symptoms effectively with a
laxative. Even in the Americas, where laxative treatment is highest,
still less than four in 10 sufferers use laxative treatments to
alleviate their constipation.[1]
Professor Wald, the lead author of the survey, stated, "Sufferers
continue to be highly influenced and misguided by myths surrounding
constipation and it is critical to correct and overcome these
mistaken beliefs. This survey reveals that on average, 40% of
sufferers attempt to treat their constipation by changing their
nutrition, despite extensive research showing that in fact diet and
lifestyle are not necessarily to blame for the occurrence of
constipation and increasing fluid and fibre intake will not
definitely provide effective relief from the condition."
Professor Wald continued, "The new evidence from the survey has
revealed that there is still a considerable unmet need in the
treatment of constipation. It is our responsibility to make people
aware of, and to offer, the best solutions for constipation, by
publicising the facts and correcting these misunderstandings."
Dulcolax(R) (bisacodyl or sodium picosulphate), offers one such
highly effective and safe solution. It is a widely available contact
laxative licensed for the treatment of constipation and is commonly
used by millions of people worldwide. The active ingredients in
Dulcolax(R) (bisacodyl or sodium picosulphate) act only where they
are needed, in the colon,[3-18] and stimulate the natural movements
of the bowels to alleviate the symptoms of constipation. Dulcolax(R)
is clinically proven to be a safe[16,17,19,20] and effective
treatment for constipation[20-23] even over the long-term.[24]
The epidemiology survey has led to further investigations,
specifically of frequent constipation sufferers (those who have
suffered for at least two years and at least once every two to three
months), which aims to provide a complete and full picture of this
group. Results from this pioneering investigation are expected to be
presented at the 14th United European Gastroenterology Week in
Berlin, Germany from 21-25 October 2006.
Notes to Editors
Digestive Disease Week (DDW)
DDW is the largest international gathering of physicians,
researchers and academics in the fields of gastroenterology,
hepatology, endoscopy and gastrointestinal surgery. Jointly sponsored
by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, the
American Gastroenterological Association, the American Society for
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and the Society for Surgery of the
Alimentary Tract, DDW takes place May 20-25, 2006, at the Los Angeles
Convention Center. The meeting showcases approximately 5,000
abstracts and hundreds of lectures on the latest advances in GI
research, medicine and technology. For more information on DDW, visit
Boehringer Ingelheim
The Boehringer Ingelheim group is one of the world's 20 leading
pharmaceutical companies. Headquartered in Ingelheim, Germany, it
operates globally with 143 affiliates in 47 countries and almost
37,500 employees. Since it was founded in 1885, the family-owned
company has been committed to researching, developing, manufacturing
and marketing novel products of high therapeutic value for human and
veterinary medicine.
In 2005, Boehringer Ingelheim posted net sales of 9.5 billion euro
while spending almost one fifth of net sales in its largest business
segment Prescription Medicines on research and development.
The Consumer Health Care business is one of the core businesses of
the Boehringer Ingelheim Corporation and strives to serve customers
worldwide with top-quality pharmaceuticals for self-medication and is
widely known for its products such as: Pharmaton(R), Dulcolax(R),
Bisolvon(R), Mucosolvan(R), Buscopan(R), Antistax(R) and
Boehringer Ingelheim Consumer Healthcare is ranked the 8th largest
supplier of self-medication products. For more information, visit


For any further information, and details of references please
contact: Ute E. Schmidt, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, 55216 Ingelheim,
Germany, Tel. +49-(0)-6132-77-97296, Fax +49-(0)-6132-77-6601

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