Audi AG

Audi successful again in 2001

06.01.2002 – 23:00

Ingolstadt (ots)

Audi successful again in 2001
   * Vehicle sales approx. 11 percent up on previous year
   * Record figures in all key regions
   * Record market share in Western Europe
Sixth record year in succession: the Audi 2001 business year was
characterised by rising sales figures in key world regions. Audi
vehicle sales worldwide increased by around 11 percent to at least
725,000 cars. Audi exports accounted for around 65 percent of this
total (2000: 63 percent).
Almost 255,000 Audi cars were sold in Germany. This is an increase
of 6 percent on 2000. Its market share rose to 7.5 percent (compared
with 6.9 percent in the previous year). The company's market share in
Western Europe reached a provisional record level of 3.7 percent
(previous year: 3.3 percent).
A total of 300,000 Audi cars were sold in Europe (excluding
Germany), an increase of 13 percent. In Great Britain, Audi sales
were up by 24 percent to over 54,000 units, in Italy by 14 percent to
almost 47,000, in Spain by 9 percent to approx. 42,000 and in France
by around 10 percent to over 40,000.
A total of more than 83,000 Audi models were sold in the USA. This
represents an increase of nearly 4 percent. Sales in Japan were up 17
percent to over 8,000 vehicles. Audi sold approximately 75,000
vehicles (up 31 percent) in the rest of the world last year. The
company was particularly successful in China with the A6 produced
locally in Changchun. A total of almost 29,000 cars (up 69 percent)
were sold there.
In addition, 297 sports cars produced by the fully-owned Audi
subsidiary Lamborghini were sold worldwide (previous year: 296), as
well as around 264,000 vehicles of other Group brands by Autogerma,
the Italian trading company affiliated to Audi (down 1 percent).
Total sales by the Audi Group consequently rose to approximately
989,000 units (up 7.5 percent).
Audi is an international developer and manufacturer of
high-quality cars. The Audi Group currently has more than 50,000
Communication: Corporate and Finance
Joachim Cordshagen, Tel: +49 (0)841 89 36340
Jürgen De Graeve, Tel: +49 (0)841 89 34084

Original-Content von: Audi AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell

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