Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH

IMEX 2024: A trade fair presence packed with sustainable ideas

25.04.2024 – 16:15

Leipzig at IMEX 2024: A trade fair presence packed with sustainable ideas

The way Leipzig is presenting itself as a conference destination at IMEX in Frankfurt (14 to 16 May) shows once again how good ideas for sustainability can be turned into a coherent stand concept. From the rigorous reuse of stand components to coffee creations with a difference, we are moving step by step towards a sustainable exhibition presence. To help put its ideas into practice, the congress initiative “Feel the spirit ... do-it-at-leipzig.de” is being supported by aras events and the Leipzig stand builders FINE GmbH.

Sustainability has become something of a tradition when Leipzig appears at IMEX. A shipping container has been the centrepiece of its trade fair stand since 2019. Modelled on an American diner, it was converted into a street food container with a distinctive urban charm. In preparation for this year’s IMEX, FINE has simply given the container a makeover. The interior has received a fresh coat of paint. The wooden terrace floor on the roof has been sanded down. The surfaces look like new again. “What’s important to us is that we don’t throw materials away, but recycle them wherever possible and maximise the use we get out of them,” explains Jirka Zemann from FINE. This also means that material that has finally served its purpose at the stand after multiple uses is reused elsewhere, for example by initiatives such as Materialbuffet Leipzig. This non-profit second-hand DIY store gives leftover materials a second, third or even more life through recycling and sharing.

Beloved elements of the stand design include old rain barrels that have been converted into islands for informal chats. Like the container, the barrels have been painted a fresh green and the wooden table tops sanded down. Speaking of wood: the FINE team is committed to sustainability from the outset, buying only PEFC-certified wood from well-managed forests. Attention has also been paid to environmental certifications for other materials used at the stand.

Five Rs as orientation for greater sustainability

Through the consistent reuse of existing, previously repurposed elements, the stand design already incorporates two of the five Rs, which provide a practical orientation for conserving resources and avoiding waste. In addition to Reuse and Recycle, these are Rethink, Reduce and Repair.

Freshly brewed and sustainably sourced: Coffee at the Leipzig stand

This year, the IMPEGIA team will be working inside the container. They will be brewing fresh coffee from high-quality, sustainable and fair trade beans. The Leipzig-based start-up also uses climate-friendly roasting and reusable packaging to reduce waste. At IMEX, hot drinks will be served in reusable porcelain cups, eliminating the need for short-lived disposable beakers. Again with one of the five Rs in mind – Reuse – visitors can return their cups or take them home as a souvenir of Leipzig. Either way, there is less waste – in line with the principle of Reduce.

Excellent outlook at IMEX

Head up to the container roof with a coffee in hand and a representative from Leipzig at your side. Every year, visitors get as excited about this special view of the fair as they do about learning more about the conference facilities in Leipzig. And in case you were wondering, the container doesn’t just disappear into storage when it’s not at IMEX. In fact, it can be used wherever the partners in the congress initiative need it.

Visible commitment: People & Planet Pledge

With its variety of sustainable ideas, Leipzig is once again participating in this year’s People & Planet Pledge. This IMEX initiative places a positive impact on people and the planet at its heart. This is reflected in the way exhibitors and visitors are approached, and in the programme. There are suggestions for designing stands, such as using sustainable materials, reducing waste and avoiding disposable products. Many of these suggestions have long been put into practice at the Leipzig stand, which is why the stand has a green number again this year.

In black and white: Sustainability plan for the IMEX stand

A detailed plan sets out Leipzig’s sustainable commitment to its stand at IMEX. In addition to the five Rs, this includes recording the distances travelled by all Leipzig representatives for set-up and dismantling, as well as travel to and from the event, and measuring the carbon footprint of the catering provided. “Our goals for IMEX 2024 are a strategic approach and an informed sustainability plan, also based on the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our aim is to first measure, then avoid, then reduce and finally compensate. In the first year, we concentrate on analysing the status quo and measuring various activities,” explains Sara Rosenblatt from aras events. Sustainable events are the agency’s speciality.

Leipzig as a conference destination – pay us a visit

Leipzig’s presentation at IMEX will once again be a showcase for the city as a conference destination. The Leipzig Convention Team from Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH, representatives from the Congress Center Leipzig (CCL), Zoo Leipzig, the Porsche Experience Center Leipzig, The Westin Leipzig and the Leipzig Marriott Hotel are looking forward to meeting you in person. They represent the congress initiative “Feel the spirit...do-it-at-leipzig.de”, which is dedicated to Leipzig as a conference destination. The cooperation between venues, hotels, agencies, logistics and other partners is having a positive effect on the entire location. This pooling of resources is a further aspect of sustainability in practice à la Leipzig.

Pay the conference destination Leipzig a visit at IMEX 2024 at stand G155.

In order to allow sufficient time, we recommend making an appointment in advance.

Anja Eichhorn
Senior-Project Manager Conventions 
Phone +49 341 7104-241 
Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH • Augustusplatz 9 • 04109 Leipzig • Germany
CEO: Volker Bremer • Amtsgericht Leipzig [Leipzig District Court] • Registration number: HRB 123 48 • Vat number: DE 1845 16 233

This initiative is co-financed from tax revenues on the basis of the budget agreed by the Members of the State Parliament of Saxony.

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Weitere Storys: Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH