NOMOS Glashütte/SA Roland Schwertner KG

Photo of the Month - Word Smile Day

21.09.2021 – 11:50

Photo of the Month: Smile! October 1st is World Smile Day. Missed it? Doesn’t matter, absentmindedness is best handled with a smile. Psychologists, doctors and gelotologists (gelotology is the study of laughter) all say: Smiling makes you healthier, smarter and happier.

The Minimatik model, with its cheerful dial virtually making it the smiley among NOMOS watches, already knows this and has always smiled, for several minutes at least twice a day, at around twelve past ten and ten to two. Then the watch raises the corners of its mouth – sorry, hands – and looks friendlier than ever. It’s a cheerful reminder of what science tells us: Smiling reduces stress and improves sleep. Smiling strengthens the immune system, energizes the metabolism, protects against heart disease and may even increase virility. As if that weren’t enough already, smiling also boosts creativity, and makes you look better. We all feel drawn to friendly faces. We’ve known since the Stone Age that people who smile won’t hurt us.

How about smiling right now? Then you’ll be able to remember October 1st easily. Gelotologists tell us that people who smile measurably improve their memory.

We have more pictures of smiling watches for you, if you like. And if your readers and users are already relaxed, good-looking, virile, happy and have no issues with smiling, we have other interesting stories up our sleeves. The world of watches is bigger than you might think. And we’d love to show you how we do what we do in Glashütte: craft the finest mechanical watches and movements, from start to finish, in our own factories.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

NOMOS Glashütte
PR department
+49 35053 404-481
NOMOS Glashütte/SA
Roland Schwertner KG
Ferdinand-Adolph-Lange-Platz 2
01768 Glashütte


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Weitere Storys: NOMOS Glashütte/SA Roland Schwertner KG