Wacker Chemie AG

EANS-News: WACKER Continues to Focus on Growth in Fiscal 2012

14.03.2012 – 07:16

  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet

Subtitle: - Sales grow by 3 percent to €4.91 billion in 2011, EBITDA reaches
€1.1 billion
- Following declining business toward year-end 2011, sales revenue and sales
volumes rise in Q1 2012
- For full-year 2012, WACKER aims for consolidated sales of some €5 billion
- 2012 EBITDA set to remain significantly below the prior-year level due to
lower polysilicon prices and continued high raw-material costs
- Investments of around €1 billion planned for further production-capacity

Munich (euro adhoc) - March 14, 2012 - Wacker Chemie AG finished fiscal 2011
with sales-revenue and sales-volume gains. As announced by the Munich-based
chemical group upon presenting its Annual Report today, consolidated sales rose
by just over 3 percent to EUR4.91 billion (2010: EUR4.75 billion). The main
factor behind this increase was strong demand for WACKER products - particularly
in the first nine months of the year.

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) amounted
to EUR1.1 billion (2010: EUR1.19 billion). High raw-material costs, weak
fourth-quarter business with polysilicon, start-up costs for commissioning the
new production facilities at WACKER´s Nünchritz site (Germany) and various
non-recurring effects were the reasons for the decline of 8 percent in EBITDA
year over year. The EBITDA margin was 22.5 percent (2010: 25.2 percent). Looking
at the bottom line, WACKER ended 2011 with net income of EUR356 million (2010:
EUR497 million) - a drop of EUR141 million compared to a year earlier. This
amount contains structural costs of some EUR50 million, relating to the
announced closure of the Group´s semiconductor site in Hikari, Japan.

Following a weak final quarter last year, WACKER´s business is starting to
recover. In Q1, 2012, the company expects to surpass prior quarter´s sales,
though it will not reach the level of the strong Q1 2011.

In the current fiscal year, WACKER intends to increase sales slightly - with a
consolidated-sales target of approximately EUR5 billion. In doing so, WACKER
does expect the economic situation to remain challenging until at least midyear.
The Munich-based chemical company foresees polysilicon prices considerably below
their prior-year level, as well as continued high raw-material costs. For these
reasons, 2012 EBITDA is forecast to be markedly below the prior-year level.

"Our strategic focus is to continue growing organically," said CEO Rudolf
Staudigl in Munich on Wednesday. "This year, we are investing around EUR1
billion - with a focus on production-capacity expansion to meet rising customer
demand. Even though substantial economic uncertainties exist and underlying
conditions are not easy, I am optimistic that 2012 can be a successful year for

Capital Expenditures
The Group´s investments grew markedly in fiscal 2011, climbing by 41 percent to
EUR981 million (2010: EUR695 million). Capital expenditures primarily went
toward capacity expansion for hyperpure polycrystalline silicon.

Last October, WACKER ramped up "Expansion Stage 9" of polysilicon production at
its Nünchritz site. The planned nominal capacity of 15,000 metric tons per year
is expected to be reached in Q2 2012. In 2011, considerable progress was made
with the construction of the Group´s new polysilicon site at Charleston,
Tennessee (USA). The underground engineering work there is largely finished and
construction of the buildings is in full swing. The new site, with an annual
capacity of 18,000 metric tons, is scheduled for completion by late 2013. The
overall investment in this large-scale project amounts to some $1.8 billion.

WACKER also expanded its production capacities for silicones in Germany and Asia
last year. At Burghausen, WACKER SILICONES invested in a new plant for hyperpure
silicone elastomers. The silicone manufactured there is intended for
applications in the medical and electronics industries, for example. In
Zhangjiagang, China, the Group started up a further pyrogenic-silica production
facility. And in Kolkata, India, a new compounding plant for ready-to-use
silicone elastomers came on stream. India is one of the Group´s fastest growing
sales markets for silicone products. The silicone compounds produced in Kolkata
are supplied to the electrical, electronics and automotive industries.

Further funds were invested in capacity expansion of the Siltronic Samsung Wafer
joint venture in Singapore, which manufactures 300 mm silicon wafers for the
semiconductor industry.

As per year-end 2011, WACKER had 17,168 employees worldwide (2010: 16,314) - up
854 year over year related to polysilicon and silicone expansion activities. At
year-end, WACKER´s German sites had 12,813 employees (2010: 12,235) and its
international sites 4,355 (2010: 4,079).

Net Cash Flow, Net Financial Liabilities and Equity Ratio
Despite substantially higher investments, net cash flow was positive in 2011 at
EUR6 million (2010: EUR422 million). Alongside cash inflow from operating
activities, WACKER benefited from advance customer payments of over 150 million
euros. In terms of net financial liabilities (the balance of liquidity and
financial liabilities), WACKER posted a surplus of EUR96 million as per December
31, 2011 (2010: EUR264 million). WACKER´s total assets had continued to rise to
EUR6.2 billion by year-end 2011 (2010: EUR5.5 billion). This 13-percent increase
was due to asset additions, higher inventories and trade receivables stemming
from stronger business volumes as well as exchange-rate effects. On the
balance-sheet date, equity amounted to EUR2.63 billion (2010: EUR2.45 billion),
resulting in an equity ratio of 42.2 percent (2010: 44.5 per¬cent).

Business Divisions
Siltronic posted a year-on-year total sales decline due mainly to 2011´s weak
fourth quarter. Sales dropped 3 percent to EUR992 million (2010: EUR1.02
billion). In Q4 2011, inventory-reduction measures by customers and weak demand
for silicon wafers impacted sales volumes. While 300 mm wafer business grew
during full-year 2011, there was a slowdown in the 200 mm market and, above all,
in the small-diameter wafer segment. EBITDA, too, declined against 2010, coming
in 44 percent lower, at EUR49 million (2010: EUR88 million). The figure includes
expenses for the closure of the Hikari site, which reduced EBITDA by some EUR50
million. Without this charge, Siltronic´s EBITDA would have shown a year-on-year
rise of EUR11 million.

After 2010´s strong gain, 2011´s sales at WACKER SILICONES were up again
slightly by just under 1 percent to EUR1.59 billion (2010: EUR1.58 billion).
Higher sales volumes and prices were responsible for this sales gain. Negative
exchange-rate effects, though, dampened business. Considerably higher
raw-material costs, coupled with exchange-rate effects, prevented EBITDA from
matching the previous year´s level. At EUR183 million, it was 20 percent below
the 2010 figure (EUR230 million). Silicon-metal prices alone were 29 percent
higher than in 2010, while methanol prices climbed 18 percent.

WACKER POLYMERS´ total sales rose significantly last year - primarily due to the
construction-industry recovery and the substitution of other technologies by
vinyl acetate ethylene dispersions in the carpet and packaging industries. Total
sales climbed 15 percent to EUR928 million (2010: EUR810 million). Despite the
marked increase in sales, EBITDA of EUR112 fell 9 percent short of the 2010
figure (EUR123 million). Higher prices for ethylene and vinyl acetate monomer
(VAM) held back the division´s profitability in 2011. Compared to the previous
year, the cost of ethylene rose by almost 20 percent and VAM by more than 30

In 2011, WACKER BIOSOLUTIONS slightly increased total sales by just under 2
percent to EUR145 million (2010: EUR142 million). Higher prices compensated for
lower volumes and negative exchange-rate effects. WACKER BIOSOLUTIONS saw a
decline in volumes for gumbase resins and cyclodextrins. In contrast,
biopharmaceutical business grew. EBITDA was down 18 percent year on year to
EUR20 million (2010: EUR25 million).

In 2010, WACKER POLYSILICON rised total sales by 6 percent to EUR1.45 billion
(2010: EUR1.37 million) as a result of higher sales volumes. Demand for
high-quality polysilicon was very strong in the first nine months, with plants
running at full capacity. In 2011´s fourth quarter, though, there was a marked
drop in demand. This reversal was prompted by extreme overcapacity along the
photovoltaic industry´s supply chain and by initial consolidation within the
sector. In 2011, the division sold a total of 32,000 metric tons of polysilicon.
EBITDA grew 2 percent to EUR747 million (2010: EUR733 million), held back by a
weak fourth quarter and start-up costs for ramping up production capacities at
Nünchritz´s "Poly 9" expansion stage. In contrast, EBITDA benefited from
retained advance payments and indemnity payments totaling EUR66 million
resulting from terminated agreements with customers withdrawing from the solar

Proposal on Appropriation of Profits
In accordance with German Commercial Code accounting rules, Wacker Chemie AG
posted a retained profit of EUR978.7 million in 2011. The Executive and
Supervisory Boards will propose a dividend of EUR2.20 (2010: EUR3.20) per share
at the Annual Shareholders´ Meeting. Based on the number dividend-bearing shares
as per December 31, 2011, the cash dividend corresponds to a payout of EUR109.3
million. Based on the net income allocable to Wacker Chemie AG´s shareholders,
the resultant distribution ratio is 31 percent.

The risks of an economic slowdown still exist. Assuming that the sovereign-debt
crisis does not worsen further, the company anticipates global economic growth
this year - with the strongest impetus stemming from Asia again.

WACKER is currently experiencing sales-volume increases at its polysilicon
business. However, prices are well below the 2011 level. For full-year 2012,
WACKER POLYSILICON´s sales revenue are expected to come in slightly lower year
over year.

At its semiconductor division Siltronic, WACKER expects sales volumes for 300 mm
wafers to continue growing. That is why the Group intends to further expand its
capacity for this wafer diameter. Business for smaller wafer diameters is likely
to decline in the future. Thus, Siltronic will realign production capacity for
wafer diameters of 150 mm and 200 mm to suit market demand.

Turning to its chemical divisions, WACKER sees good prospects for further growth
in 2012, even though raw-material and energy costs remain high. The rise in
living standards in Asia is fueling demand for high-quality products containing
silicones. At its polymer business, the Group expects higher sales volumes and
prices during 2012. On the construction-applications front, growth is being
driven by Asian and South American markets. Dispersions are experiencing
additional demand, especially from the paper and carpet industries in the USA.
At WACKER BIOSOLUTIONS, too, sales are expected to rise this year. The Group
intends to strengthen this division´s market leadership in polyvinyl acetate
solid resins for use in gumbase.

WACKER intends to invest approximately EUR1 billion during the current year to
lay the foundation for its future growth.

Overall, WACKER is planning with the goal to generate sales of some EUR5 billion
in fiscal 2012. Its earnings performance will be impacted by lower prices for
solar-grade polysilicon, as well as by the continued high cost of raw materials.
This is why earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
(EBITDA) in the current fiscal year will probably be markedly below 2011´s

WACKER's Key Figures under

This press release contains forward-looking statements based on assumptions and
estimates of WACKER´s Executive Board. Although we assume the expectations in
these forward­looking statements are realistic, we cannot guarantee they will
prove to be correct. The assumptions may harbor risks and uncertainties that may
cause the actual figures to differ considerably from the forward-looking
statements. Factors that may cause such discrepancies include, among other
things, changes in the economic and business environment, variations in exchange
and interest rates, the introduction of competing products, lack of acceptance
for new products or services, and changes in corporate strategy. WACKER does not
plan to update the forward­looking statements, nor does it assume the obligation
to do so.

Further inquiry note:
Christof Bachmair
Media Relations & Information
Tel.: +49 (0)89 6279 1830
E-Mail:  christof.bachmair@wacker.com

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

company:     Wacker Chemie AG
             Hanns-Seidel-Platz 4
             D-81737 München
phone:       +49 (0) 89 6279 01
FAX:         +49 (0) 89 6279 1770
mail:         info@wacker.com
WWW:         http://www.wacker.com
sector:      Chemicals
ISIN:        DE000WCH8881
indexes:     MDAX, CDAX, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
             regulated dealing: Berlin, regulated dealing/prime standard:
language:   English

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