Storys aus Hamburg -
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Dissolution of licence agreements in Germany: Avis-Budget loses station infrastructure in 7 of 16 German states
Hamburg, Germany (ots) - - Avis-Budget surprisingly terminates licensees - Station network in 7 of 16 German federal states becomes independent After 30 years of successful cooperation, Avis-Budget and the German licensee Wucherpfennig & Krohn will go their separate ways from 31. 12. 2023. The contract was ...
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Press release: Enabling tomorrow - Aurubis releases new Sustainability Report
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Press release: Aurubis and SMS group forge ahead with the first multimetal recycling plant in the US
Ein Dokumentmehr Press release: Aurubis starts construction of recycling plant for nickel and copper in Belgium
2 DokumentemehrTeamDrive has acquired Hornetdrive
mehrGerman Magazine Hinz&Kunzt shares emotional life stories of homeless people with AI-Artworks
mehrdpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2"Facts against fakes": New website tackles internet disinformation
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Press release: Annual General Meeting approves record dividend; Growth course affirmed
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Press release: Expanding capacity: Aurubis invests € 120 million in expanding the tankhouse in Pirdop
Ein Dokumentmehr The 2024 HÄUSER-AWARD: houses with a future. We are looking for the single-family homes of today that are ready for the challenges of tomorrow — houses that are flexible, sustainable, and beautiful
Hamburg (ots) - In a time of energy crises, climate change, and shortages of resources and against the background of an aging, increasingly fragmented society, architecture is also facing huge challenges. It’s time for a rethink. This is why we are looking for exemplary projects that set new benchmarks in terms of ...
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Press release: Aurubis starts the new fiscal year strong with expected earnings at the upper end of the full-year forecast
2 Dokumentemehr Quantum is expanding its activities in the Netherlands with a second parking fund / At the launch, a portfolio of five parking garages was acquired in Rotterdam, The Hague, Amsterdam and Gouda / A fund volume of 200 million euros is planned
mehrFinancial service provider growney founds fake real estate company in Germany to draw attention to rising sea levels
mehrRecession to slow Germany's advertising market in 2023 / The annual growth forecast by the JOM Group foresees an increase of just 0.5 per cent for the 2023 advertising market in Germany
Hamburg (ots) - The German advertising market could have succeeded in returning to its pre-Covid-19 level as early as in 2022, and then pushed on to new heights in 2023. However, as is generally well known, external factors like the Ukraine conflict and persisting supply bottlenecks have prevented this development. ...
mehrPress release: Aurubis closes fiscal year with the best result in the company's history
2 DokumentemehrPress release: Aurubis adopts € 530 million investment package to accelerate growth and sustainability
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Press Release: Aurubis starts construction of state-of-the-art recycling plant in Belgium
Ein Dokumentmehr TeamDrive wants to take over Hornetdrive
TeamDrive wants to take over Hornetdrive Hornetsecurity is separating from Hornetdrive to focus on its core business with Microsoft 365 security, compliance, governance, backup and security awareness training. More functions and services after the transition of operations to TeamDrive. Hornetdrive will continue to operate unchanged, no changes from the user's point of view. TeamDrive boss Detlef Schmuck: "An important ...
mehrPress Release: Aurubis makes the final round of the 15th German Sustainability Award
Ein DokumentmehrPress Release: Aurubis AG: Collaboration with Anglo American plc for sustainably sourced and supplied copper
Ein DokumentmehrPress Release: Update on cyber attack at Aurubis
Ein Dokumentmehrdpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
4Inspiration, role model, getting to have a say: What makes influencers so successful among young people - and what journalism can learn from them
mehrdpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
Fact-checkers in Germany and Austria launch alliance against disinformation
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Press Release: Decarbonizing production: Aurubis begins test series for the use of blue ammonia in copper rod production
2 Dokumentemehr German LNG Terminal achieves key milestones in the development of the Brunsbüttel LNG import terminal
Brunsbüttel / Hamburg (ots) - German LNG Terminal GmbH (GLNG) has achieved key milestones in the development of the onshore LNG import terminal in Brunsbüttel, Germany. The terminal will make a major contribution to diversifying energy imports to Germany and Europe. GLNG has executed the Engineering Procurement ...
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Press Release / Changes in the Aurubis Executive Board
Ein Dokumentmehr MEYLE engineers solve Tesla’s squeaking problem / Hamburg engineers solve Tesla’s squeaking problem and develop technically enhanced control arm for Tesla 3 and Tesla Y
mehrLargest International Climate Platform of foundations and philanthropic organisations presents new report on renewable energy potential of the G20
With wind and solar as the two primary sources of renewable energy, the Foundations Platform F20 today calls upon the G20 Heads of State to agree upon an ...
Ein Dokumentmehr- 2
Press release: Nine-month report: Aurubis AG continues with positive development and confirms forecast for year as a whole
2 Dokumentemehr