dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
Storys aus Hamburg,
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dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2Financial results 2022: dpa group remains on a growth path
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Press release: Aurubis invests around € 60 million in the Pirdop site and concludes maintenance shutdown in Bulgaria as planned
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Press Release: Aurubis subsidiary RETORTE expanding selenium production for profitable growth markets
Ein Dokumentmehr EXCLUSIVE: Kevin Spacey Gives First Interview Since Scandal
Hamburg (ots) - Actor Kevin Spacey, 63, says he hopes to make a comeback following his trial over alleged sexual offenses in London, which begins on June 28. "I know that there are people right now who are ready to hire me the moment I am cleared of these charges in London. The second that happens, they're ready to move forward," Spacey told ZEITmagazin. The two-time Oscar winner spoke with ZEITmagazin for the first time ...
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Press release - Capital Market Day 2023: Aurubis underscores leading role as the world’s most sustainable and efficient smelter network and sees great strategic growth potential in the North American market
Ein Dokumentmehr
Aurubis: Invitation to Capital Market Day 2023
mehrG20: International platform of foundations and philanthropy calls upon the G20 Heads to increase actions on climate change and future resilience
2 DokumentemehrXCHARGE showcases ultra-fast DC Charger C7 and revolutionary battery-integrated Net Zero Series
mehrBörsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels
Press release of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association / Ewald Frie receives the German Non-Fiction Prize 2023 for his work "Ein Hof und elf Geschwister"
Frankfurt am Main/Hamburg (ots) - The winner of the German Non-Fiction Prize 2023 is Ewald Frie for his book "Ein Hof und elf Geschwister. Der stille Abschied vom bäuerlichen Leben in Deutschland" ("A Farm and Eleven Siblings. The Quiet Farewell to Rural Life in Germany") (Publishers C.H.Beck). Statement from the ...
mehrCotton Made in Africa and African Cotton Foundation launched Innovations Club
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EkhartYoga joins YogaEasy family / The leading online yoga platforms in Germany and the Netherlands announce that they are joining forces
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Press release - Aurubis continues growth course: Multimetal company raises full-year forecast based on strong half-year result
2 Dokumentemehr BLOGPOST Writing a press release: Basics, Objectives, Buildup and Checklist
mehrDissolution of licence agreements in Germany: Avis-Budget loses station infrastructure in 7 of 16 German states
Hamburg, Germany (ots) - - Avis-Budget surprisingly terminates licensees - Station network in 7 of 16 German federal states becomes independent After 30 years of successful cooperation, Avis-Budget and the German licensee Wucherpfennig & Krohn will go their separate ways from 31. 12. 2023. The contract was ...
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Press release: Enabling tomorrow - Aurubis releases new Sustainability Report
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Press release: Aurubis and SMS group forge ahead with the first multimetal recycling plant in the US
Ein Dokumentmehr Press release: Aurubis starts construction of recycling plant for nickel and copper in Belgium
2 Dokumentemehr
TeamDrive has acquired Hornetdrive
mehrdpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2"Facts against fakes": New website tackles internet disinformation
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Press release: Annual General Meeting approves record dividend; Growth course affirmed
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Press release: Expanding capacity: Aurubis invests € 120 million in expanding the tankhouse in Pirdop
Ein Dokumentmehr - 2
Press release: Aurubis starts the new fiscal year strong with expected earnings at the upper end of the full-year forecast
2 Dokumentemehr Financial service provider growney founds fake real estate company in Germany to draw attention to rising sea levels
Recession to slow Germany's advertising market in 2023 / The annual growth forecast by the JOM Group foresees an increase of just 0.5 per cent for the 2023 advertising market in Germany
Hamburg (ots) - The German advertising market could have succeeded in returning to its pre-Covid-19 level as early as in 2022, and then pushed on to new heights in 2023. However, as is generally well known, external factors like the Ukraine conflict and persisting supply bottlenecks have prevented this development. ...
mehrPress release: Aurubis closes fiscal year with the best result in the company's history
2 DokumentemehrPress release: Aurubis adopts € 530 million investment package to accelerate growth and sustainability
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Press Release: Aurubis starts construction of state-of-the-art recycling plant in Belgium
Ein Dokumentmehr TeamDrive wants to take over Hornetdrive
TeamDrive wants to take over Hornetdrive Hornetsecurity is separating from Hornetdrive to focus on its core business with Microsoft 365 security, compliance, governance, backup and security awareness training. More functions and services after the transition of operations to TeamDrive. Hornetdrive will continue to operate unchanged, no changes from the user's point of view. TeamDrive boss Detlef Schmuck: "An important ...
mehrPress Release: Aurubis makes the final round of the 15th German Sustainability Award
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