Storys zum Thema Finanzdienstleistung

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  • 31.03.2017 – 10:13

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    Successful financial year: KfW IPEX-Bank presents 2016 financial statements

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - EUR 16.1 billion new commitment volume - EUR 484 million contribution to KfW's consolidated earnings reaffirms status as source of earnings for the Group - KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH, as a legally independent and separate reporting entity, records pre-tax profit from operating activities of EUR 108 million - 2017 outlook: focus on syndicate ...

  • 23.03.2017 – 11:17


    Helaba satisfied with 2016 financial year

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Growth in customer business underlines strong market position - Net fee and commission income rises once again - Exceptional interest rate environment weighs on net interest income - Regulatory figures see renewed improvement - Business figures on target - Significant future investment in IT and digitalisation Helaba Landesbank ...

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  • 13.12.2016 – 15:50

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank and EIB finance new section of A6 motorway in Baden-Württemberg

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - PPP according to the 'A model' - Project qualified for the Juncker Plan for investment in Europe KfW IPEX-Bank, as part of a consortium of commercial banks and in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB), is financing a project to widen Germany's A6 motorway between the town of Wiesloch/Rauenberg and the Weinsberg junction. On 25 ...

  • 06.12.2016 – 11:19

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank finances new BMW Group production facility in Mexico

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - KfW IPEX-Bank finances complete production plant for the BMW Group in central Mexico together with DZ BANK and BayernLB - Largest single commitment under KfW's lending programme for energy efficiency - Construction of BMW Group's most sustainable production facility worldwide Together with DZ BANK and BayernLB, KfW IPEX-Bank has closed the ...

  • 17.11.2016 – 11:31


    Helaba steady on course

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Profit before tax down on last year but still ahead of forecast - Net interest income down as expected - Satisfactory progress in customer business - Forecast for the year as a whole confirmed Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen generated a Group net profit before taxes of EUR 417 million in the first nine months of 2016, which was approximately EUR 68 million (14 percent) below last ...

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  • 25.08.2016 – 10:42

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank and Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen finance Peralta wind farm in Uruguay

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Consortium consisting of KfW IPEX-Bank and Helaba supports German wind turbine manufacturer ENERCON - Complex financing structure includes Hermes cover - New installation of 117.5 MW: wind project aims to diversify generation sources and improve Uruguay's carbon footprint KfW IPEX-Bank and Helaba support the expansion of renewable energies ...

  • 24.08.2016 – 08:16


    Helaba on track at half time

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Half-year results lower, in line with forecast - Volume of new business remains on a high level - Negative impact from low interest rates and volatile earnings components - Stress test confirms comfortable level of capital backing and proven business model The Helaba Group generated a profit before taxes of EUR 279 million in the first half of 2016, which was approximately 23 per cent ...

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  • 30.05.2016 – 11:33


    Helaba study "Financial Centre of Frankfurt - Making Further Headway"

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Anniversary: 10 years of Helaba financial centre research - Frankfurt assumes leadership role in Continental Europe - London still the top location in competition between European financial centres Frankfurt has assumed the leadership role among the financial centres in ...

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  • 18.05.2016 – 08:18


    Helaba satisfied with start to 2016 financial year

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Quarterly pre-tax earnings slightly below previous year at EUR 138 m - Full inclusion of bank levy and contribution to deposit guarantee fund - Forecast for full 2016 results confirmed Frankfurt am Main - Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen achieved group earnings before tax of EUR 138 m, which was marginally below the previous year's ...

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  • 17.03.2016 – 11:15


    Helaba Group achieves profit before taxes of EUR 596 m

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Strong growth in new customer business - All operational earnings components positive - Net income from interest, fees and commission on a high level again - Positive performance of key operating and regulatory figures - Helaba sees sector under pressure to adapt Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen achieved a profit before taxes in 2015 ...

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  • 19.01.2016 – 16:57

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank finances construction of new section of A94 motorway in Bavaria

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - KfW IPEX-Bank, as part of a consortium of commercial banks and in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB), is financing the construction of a 33-km-long section of the A94 motorway between Munich and Passau in southern Germany. Following a public tender, last year the bidding consortium made up of the construction firms BAM, ...

  • 18.12.2015 – 11:03

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank: GBP 68 million for new Birmingham super hospital

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - First healthcare project to be backed by the new European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) - Financing provided together with EIB and two other banks KfW IPEX-Bank has agreed to provide GBP 68m to support construction of the new Midland Metropolitan Hospital in Birmingham. Other banks involved in the financing are European Investment Bank (EIB) and two other banks. This construction ...

  • 16.11.2015 – 15:40


    Helaba Group with earnings of EUR 485 m after third quarter

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Net interest income stable, net fee and commission income increases - General administration expenses slightly below previous year - New business with customers rises to EUR 13.9 bn - Sound financial ratios In the first nine months of 2015, Helaba achieved a group-wide result before taxes of EUR 485 m, which was EUR 22 m or 4 per ...

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  • 26.08.2015 – 08:46


    Helaba achieves record half-year results

    Frankfurt (ots) - Significant growth in customer business Net income from interest, fees and commissions as well as trading rises Positive earnings forecast In the first half of 2015 Helaba achieved earnings before tax in an amount of EUR 362 million, a result which was thus significantly above last year's very good level of EUR 322 million. After allowing ...

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  • 16.07.2015 – 12:25

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    Green light: KfW IPEX-Bank finances new railway cars for the Rhein-Ruhr-Express

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - 82 new double-deck cars for the Rhein-Ruhr-Express - Environmentally friendly shift of traffic from road to rail in the greater urban area KfW IPEX-Bank will participate in the financing of 82 double-deck cars for the Rhein-Ruhr-Express (RRX) in North Rhine-Westphalia by providing a loan of EUR 283 million. The procurement of the ...

  • 09.07.2015 – 13:05

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank supports expansion course of TUI Cruises together with other banks

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Order for Meyer Turku shipyard secured through financing of two new cruise liners - KfW IPEX-Bank one of three bookrunners in a European banking consortium - Structuring of high-volume financing deals for still flourishing cruise sector KfW IPEX-Bank is part of a banking consortium that is supporting the expansion course of the German cruise ...

  • 20.05.2015 – 10:01


    Good start to the year for Helaba

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Quarterly earnings before tax reach EUR 141 million - Net interest income and net fee and commission income up by more than 7 per cent - Earnings forecast for 2015 reconfirmed Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen posted Group net profit before tax of EUR 141 million in the first quarter of 2015. As was expected, that was slightly lower than the very high earnings figure of EUR 150 million ...

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