Storys zum Thema Krebs
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Technische Universität München
A protein causes higher risk of severe cancer progression for men
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center Phone: +49 89 289 10510 - e-mail: - web: This text on the web: High resolution images: NEWS RELEASE Cause found for higher sex-specific risk of mortality A protein causes significantly higher risk of severe cancer progression for men A ...
mehrePresentation of the results of the in-vitro study regarding the anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects of Polyphenon® E (Veregen®) at the 31st German Skin Cancer Congress on 10 September 2021
Strausberg (ots) - Aresus Pharma GmbH, a company of DERMAGO Holding GmbH, announced today that the abstract "Inhibition of cell-proliferation and cell viability by Polyphenon E ® (Veregen®) in cutaneous SCC cell lines" has been accepted as an e-poster short presentation at the 31st German Skin Cancer Congress. In ...
mehr- 7
Biotech start-ups at the IZB close deals worth more than 140 million EUR in the first half of 2021
Ein Dokumentmehr Gastrulation research reveals novel details about embryonic development
mehrSysmex Inostics presents data at ASCO
Baltimore, MD (ots) - Sysmex Inostics presents data at ASCO showing HPV-SEQ, a new CLIA-validated SafeSEQ NGS HPV16/18 liquid biopsy assay, is highly effective for measuring HPV DNA in the plasma of patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) enrolled in the OPTIMA 2 treatment de-escalation trial. Sysmex Inostics, Inc., a global leader in the liquid biopsy revolution for oncology, is presenting the poster ...
- 2
Lindis Biotech develops immunotherapy against bladder cancer
Ein Dokumentmehr Sysmex Inostics Presents Data at AACR Demonstrating SafeSEQ NGS Liquid Biopsy Delivers Equivalent Performance to the Extensively Clinically Validated OncoBEAM dPCR Technology for NSCLC Patients
Baltimore, MD, USA (ots) - Sysmex Inostics, Inc., a global leader of the liquid biopsy revolution for oncology, is presenting the poster “Clinical evaluation of NGS-based liquid biopsy testing in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients” at the 112th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer ...
mehrSocial Stigma Burdens Innovative Lung Cancer-Therapies, Study Says
Social Stigma Burdens Innovative Lung Cancer-Therapies, Study Says Social stigma towards diseases such as lung cancer can hinder patients to seek treatment and, as a consequence, negatively affects the diffusion of innovative therapies, according to a recently published study. “Lung cancer carries a unique social stigma due to its association with cigarette smoking, and hence is often seen as a smoker’s disease, ...
mehrEuropean Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
Launch of ESMO Virtual Plenaries Brings Rapid Access to Ground-Breaking Cancer Research
mehrIEVA (Independent European Vape Alliance)
Beating cancer with Harm Reduction
Bruxelles (ots) - The Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) welcomes and supports the “EU Beating Cancer Plan” presented today by the European Commission. The plan is extremely important in order to significantly reduce the number of cancer-related deaths. However, the new EU strategy neglects an important instrument for public health: Harm Reduction. Almost one third of cancer cases in Europe are caused by smoking: “Tobacco consumption continues to be the leading ...
mehr- 3
World Cancer Day: Start-ups at the IZB develop innovative cancer drugs and diagnostic tools
Ein Dokumentmehr
Technische Universität München
Sixfold increase in risk: study shows link between cervical cancer and HIV infection
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center Phone: +49 89 289 10510 - e-mail: - web: This text on the web: High resolution images: NEWS RELEASE Sixfold increase in risk Link between cervical cancer and HIV infection A ...
mehrSysmex Inostics Presents Data at the American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting Demonstrating Exquisite Sensitivity of SafeSEQ NGS Technology for Detection of Measurable Residual Disease in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Baltimore, MD (ots) - Sysmex Inostics, Inc., a global leader and pioneer in blood-based, high-sensitivity molecular testing for oncology, is presenting the poster "Ultrasensitive Measurable Residual Disease (MRD) Detection in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Using a Targeted Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Panel" at ...
mehr- 4
Novel medical imaging approach unlocks potential for improved diagnosis and interventions
mehr Sysmex Inostics' Liquid Biopsy Testing Benefits Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer Patient Management
Baltimore, MD (ots) - Sysmex Inostics, Inc., a global leader and pioneer in blood-based circulating cell-free tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis for oncology, today announces the publication of a clinical study investigating the utility of cfDNA-based markers using the highly sensitive OncoBEAM RAS assay, an enhanced ...
mehrSysmex Inostics' OncoBEAMTM RAS CRC testing supports clinical outcome improvements for metastatic colorectal cancer patients rechallenged with anti-EGFR therapy
Baltimore, MD (ots) - Sysmex Inostics, Inc., a global leader and pioneer in blood-based circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis for oncology, today announces the publication of a clinical study evaluating RAS mutation status in circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients undergoing anti-EGFR ...
mehrEffectiveness and efficiency of targeted intra-operative single dose radiotherapy for breast cancer patients confirmed
Jena, Germany (ots) - New long-term results from the international TARGIT-A breast cancer study, based on ZEISS technology, have been published [1] Use of targeted intra-operative radiotherapy (TARGIT), as a single dose - with ZEISS INTRABEAM - directly after removal of a tumor, confirmed as non-inferior, when ...
Sysmex-Inostics Colorectal Cancer Blood-Based OncoBEAMTM RAS CE-IVD Test Shows Concordance with Standard of Care Tissue-Based RAS Testing
Baltimore, Maryland (ots) - Sysmex-Inostics, Inc., a global leader and pioneer in blood-based circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis for oncology, today announces the publication of a clinical study evaluating the performance of plasma RAS mutation testing with OncoBEAM RAS CRC as compared to standard of care ...
mehrAI & single-cell genomics: New software predicts cell fate
mehrTechnische Universität München
Improving immunotherapy for cancer
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161/ 71-5403 - e-mail: - web: This text on the web: High resolution images: NEWS RELEASE Cause for the lack of immune defense against tumors discovered Improving immunotherapy for cancer One of the reasons why cancer develops is because regulatory cells inhibit the body's ...
mehrSysmex Inostics' updated SafeSEQ Breast Cancer Panel advances novel clinical uses of ctDNA through quantitative testing
Baltimore, Maryland (ots) - Building on the ultra-high sensitivity SafeSEQ Breast Cancer Panel circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) test launched at the American Association of Cancer Research 2019 annual meeting, Sysmex Inostics has updated the test to provide additional key information for investigation of the validity ...
mehrSpectrum. The most dangerous artwork
On February 4 is World Cancer Day. German Cancer Aid and Dermatological Prevention Association demand: Sunbed Ban
mehrSysmex Inostics and Oxford Gene Technology plasma and tissue sequencing show clearance of ctDNA correlates with pathologic complete response in breast cancer patients during neoadjuvant treatment
Hamburg, Germany and Baltimore, Maryland (ots) - Pathologist Dr. Vincente Peg of the Vall d´Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona Spain) and colleagues have presented a correlation between the clearance of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in HER2-positive or triple-negative breast cancer patients undergoing ...
Spectrum. The most dangerous artwork
The World's Most Dangerous Artwork / Cancer charity Deutsche Krebshilfe (German Cancer Aid), ADP, and the artistic duo LOW BROS welcomed guests to a somewhat unusual gallery opening
mehrSysmex Inostics announces first results of tissue-independent liquid biopsy for early stage breast cancer mutation characterization and monitoring using ultra-sensitive SafeSEQ technology
Hamburg, Germany and Baltimore, Maryland (ots) - New data presented by Dr. Ben Ho Park, Professor of Medicine and Director of Precision Oncology at Vanderbilt University and colleagues at the recent San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) in San Antonio, Texas demonstrated a potential utility for monitoring ...
mehrHitachi Medical Systems Europe Holding AG
2Hitachi and Centre Léon Bérard cancer center in Lyon to launch a research collaboration in the fight against cancer with AI
mehrIdentification of a ferroptosis suppressor protein allows for new anticancer treatment approach
mehrThe development of a combination drug for immunotherapy and trends of the VC and pharmaceutical branch were introduced at the IZB
Ein DokumentmehrDiscovery of potential novel therapeutic target for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease