Storys zum Thema Umwelt
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- 2mehr
PM: DHL reduziert die CO2-Emissionen für Formel-1-Fracht um durchschnittlich 83 Prozent / PR: DHL reduces Formula 1® cargo carbon emissions by an average of 83%
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Brose innovation in series production: increasing demand for 800-volt climate compressors
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Markus Buesig joins blue² capital as Managing Director
mehr Terre des Hommes Deutschland e.V.
Celebratory launch with children worldwide: United Nations officially recognise children's right to a healthy environment
Geneva, Switzerland (ots) - Today, children across the world will come together to mark the launch of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child’s guidance which, for the first time, recognises children’s right to a clean, healthy and ...
Ein DokumentmehrA Pillar of the Koehler Group for 25 Years: Koehler Paper Site in Greiz, Thuringia That Produces High-Quality Recycled Paper Celebrates Its Success Story
Ein Dokumentmehr
Ahrenkiel and Rohden join forces to form blue² ship management in Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany and Bern, Switzerland (ots) - Ahrenkiel, boasting a 125-year shipping history, and Rohden, representing five generations of ship management, have collaboratively founded blue² shipmanagement in Hamburg. blue², a sustainability-focused Swiss shipping firm, is keen to solidify its presence in Hamburg with Rohden's partnership. By merging the in-depth ...
mehrFactsheets released on different project types in the carbon market
Joint press release by Oeko-Institut, CCQI and Foundation Development and Climate Alliance Berlin, 12 September 2023 Factsheets released on different project types in the carbon market To contribute to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, carbon credits in the voluntary carbon market need to be of high quality. ...
Ein DokumentmehrMarijo Pesic becomes Director Product Management Rail Europe at Hellmann
mehrDeutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
DBU’s German Environmental Award for Climate Scientist and Wood Construction Pioneer / Friederike Otto and Dagmar Fritz-Kramer this year’s recipients
Osnabrück (ots) - The German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU – Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) has chosen two women as the joint recipients of this year’s German Environmental Award – climate scientist Professor Friederike Otto and wood construction entrepreneur Dagmar Fritz-Kramer will share the ...
mehrWorld Health Summit 2023 with 20 ministers from all over the world in Berlin from October 15-17 / Press accreditation open for the world’s leading global health conference
Berlin (ots) - The World Health Summit 2023 from October 15-17 in Berlin will bring together the most prominent names in global health from all sectors in all regions of the world. Speakers will include government ministers from over 10 countries, renowned scientists, and high-level representatives from the private ...
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PM: LEJ CAMPUS am DHL Drehkreuz Leipzig feierlich eröffnet / PR: LEJ CAMPUS at DHL’s Leipzig hub officially opened
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IFA – the world's leading trade show for consumer electronics / Berlin, 01. – 05. of September 2023 / In the focus: sustainability and AI are the trends in 2023
mehr PROVIDE Project Invites to Webinar on Overshooting 1.5 °C
mehrEW Nutrition welcomes Jan Vanbrabant as new CEO
VISBEK (ots) - EW Nutrition, a leading global provider of functional animal nutrition solutions, welcomes Jan Vanbrabant as its new Chief Executive Officer. Jan has a PhD degree in microbiology and is an experienced manager in animal health and nutrition, having held leadership roles at DSM, Erber Group, Biomin and Kemin. “We are very pleased that we have found a strong management lead in Jan, who embodies the ...
mehrThe future of road freight transport is electric
Press release Freiburg/Berlin, 29 August 2023 The future of road freight transport is electric The availability of a broad-scale and well-performing charging network by 2035 offers potential to increase new registrations of battery electric trucks to 100 per cent. The key entry point for ensuring the market success of zero-emission drive technologies is ...
Ein DokumentmehrTerre des Hommes Deutschland e.V.
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child calls on states to take action in first guidance on children's rights and the environment, with a focus on climate change
GENEVA/NEW YORK (ots) - Today, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child published authoritative guidance to States on what they must do to uphold children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. In the face of the ...
Ein DokumentmehrGreen Steel: RENK supplies special gearboxes for the production of “green steel”
Environmental Impact Reduced: Madura Tea Switches All Flexible Packaging Materials to Paper from Koehler Paper in Conjunction with Gundlach Packaging Group
mehrPM: DHL Global Forwarding verzeichnet steigende Nachfrage nach nachhaltigen Transportlösungen / PR: DHL Global Forwarding records increasing demand for sustainable transport solutions
mehrConsistently Sustainable: Packing Disposable and Reusable Cutlery in Paper with Koehler Paper and Franz Veit
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CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 – Call for Abstracts and Posters
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OPTIMA Annual Report 2022-2023
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Group behauptet sich in schwachem Marktumfeld und hebt unteres Ende der Konzern-EBIT-Prognose an / PR: DHL Group stands firm in a weak market environment and raises lower end of its Group EBIT guidance
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PM: Privatkunden können beim Versand ihrer DHL-Pakete und Päckchen in die USA sowie nach Australien und Israel ab sofort aktiv Treibhausgasemissionen vermeiden / PR: Private customers sending small packages and parcels from Germany to Australia, Isra
mehrGabriele Katzmarek (SPD) Visits Koehler Group: Discussions Focused on Wind Power Development and the Proposed Interim Energy Price
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CmiA Aggregated Verification & Implementation Report 2022
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CmiA Aggregated Verification & Implementation Report 2022
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Shaping the sustainable fibre future with cellulose fibres – Abstract submissions open for the Cellulose Fibres Conference 2024
Ein Dokumentmehr GREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
2SAFEDyVac: Perfect bagging results thanks to perfectly coordinated containers and lines