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LEONINE Studios sells crime-drama series TROPPO and political thriller series BONN to multiple territories
mehr Press release: STADA strikes partnership with CR Sanjiu in China to drive growth of its cough and cold portfolio
Ein DokumentmehrBehaVR and Fern Health Merge To Form RealizedCare, Launch Digital Care Management Platform to Unlock the Value of Digital Therapeutics
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Aachen, Germany (ots) - The merger will accelerate a new digitally-powered care management solution for chronic pain and beyond; Pharmaceutical company Grünenthal becomes the largest investor in the combined enterprise BehaVR, a pioneering force in digital therapeutics (DTx) experiences, and Fern ...
mehrBehaVR and Fern Health Merge To Form RealizedCare, Launch Digital Care Management Platform to Unlock the Value of Digital Therapeutics
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Aachen, Germany (ots) - The merger will accelerate a new digitally-powered care management solution for chronic pain and beyond; Pharmaceutical company Grünenthal becomes the largest investor in the combined enterprise BehaVR, a pioneering force in digital therapeutics (DTx) experiences, and Fern ...
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Zleep Hotel opens in Prague
Ein Dokumentmehr
PM: DHL Express zum vierten Mal in Folge unter den Top drei der weltbesten Arbeitgeber / PR: DHL Express voted among the top three World's Best Workplaces™ for the fourth year running
mehrPM: Neue Unternehmensrichtlinie für umweltfreundlichen Transport schafft globalen Nachhaltigkeitsstandard für die Flotte von DHL Supply Chain / PR: DHL Supply Chain introduces Green Transport Policy to set a global sustainability standard for its tra
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PM: DHL Express eröffnet neues, erweitertes globales Drehkreuz in Hongkong und positioniert sich damit für die Erholung des Welthandels / PR: DHL Express opens newly expanded global hub in Hong Kong, firmly positions itself for global trade recovery
mehr Media Frankfurt and Fraport launch their own survey platform for passengers
mehrTechnische Universität München
E-tractors: New modular development kit for
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Research on the electrification of agricultural machinery New modular development kit for e-tractors - TUM presents modular electric tractor kit at Agritechnica - Modular format for various uses - Replaceable battery can also be used in the field and barnyard to store electricity The special requirements placed on trucks and agricultural machinery often make it difficult for ...
mehrPM: Spatenstich in Berlin-Marienfelde: DHL Freight plant nachhaltiges Terminal an der Buckower Chaussee / PR: Ground-breaking ceremony in Berlin: DHL Freight plans sustainable terminal near the inner city
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Getir, the world's first ultrafast grocery delivery company, acquires FreshDirect / Deal is expected to close within this month
mehrPM: DHL Group erfüllt Markterwartungen im dritten Quartal 2023 und zeigt Finanzkraft in einem schwachen globalen Umfeld / PR: DHL Group meets market expectations in Q3 2023 and proves financial strength in weak global environment
DHL Group erfüllt Markterwartungen im dritten Quartal 2023 und zeigt Finanzkraft in einem schwachen globalen Umfeld - Konzernumsatz liegt im dritten Quartal bei 19,4 Milliarden Euro - Operatives Ergebnis beläuft sich auf 1,4 Milliarden Euro - ...
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PM: DHL Supply Chain und Roboterhersteller AutoStore™ bauen Partnerschaft zur weltweiten Automatisierung von Warenlagern weiter aus / PR: DHL Supply Chain and robotics technology company AutoStore™ announce partnership expansion to further
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PR | AbTF Establishes New Regenerative Cotton Standard
Ein Dokumentmehr REPX - The Reputation Exchange PLC
REPX and Visa sign global agreement to implement REPX business model targeting sports clubs and celebrities
London (ots) - REPX has signed an agreement with Visa to launch their card program. Customers with REPX and their UK and international co-brand partnerships in sports, fashion, media and commercial services will be able to use their cards wherever the VISA logo is accepted. The Reputation Exchange PLC (REPX) and ...
Keynote 2023: myWorld announces future innovations in the shopping area
mehrWine: System Italy Teams Up: Debut for the Vinitaly USA 2024 Project / The Event Underway in Chicago in Partnership With the IWE Is a Decisive Step
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PM: Logistik für e-Commerce – DHL Fulfillment Netzwerk schafft Platz für weitere Kunden mit neuem Lager in Euskirchen / PR: Logistics for e-commerce – DHL Fulfillment Network creates capacity for more customers with new warehouse in Euskirchen
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PM: DHL Express und World Energy vereinbaren globale Partnerschaft zur Beschleunigung der Dekarbonisierung des Luftverkehrs durch Sustainable Aviation Fuel Certificates / PR: DHL Express and World Energy agree to global partnership to speed up aviati
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Deutsche Hospitality grows in Switzerland
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Supply Chain investiert in Südostasien 350 Millionen Euro, um die Lieferketten der Kunden resilienter zu machen / PR: DHL Supply Chain commits EUR350 million in Southeast Asia to help strengthen customers’ supply chain resiliency
European Capital of Smart Tourism
The shortlists for the 2024 European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism have been unveiled
Brussels (ots) - The European Commission announced the shortlisted cities for the 2024 European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism competitions. The two awards will go to destinations that demonstrate a remarkable commitment to shaping the future of smar andsustainable tourism. From a pool of 30 candidates ...
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PM: DHL erwirbt alle verbleibenden Anteile an Danzas AEI Emirates um seine Position als führender Logistikanbieter in den GCC-Märkten weiter zu stärken / PR: DHL to acquire all remaining shares in Danzas AEI Emirates to further strengthen its positio
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"SUITX by Ottobock" sets new standards in exoskeleton technology
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CmiA Remote Sensing Project for African Cotton
2 Dokumentemehr PM: Akquisition genehmigt: Türkischer Paketdienstleiser MNG Kargo jetzt Teil von DHL Group / PR: Acquisition approved: Turkish parcel delivery provider MNG Kargo is now part of DHL Group
Akquisition genehmigt: Türkischer Paketdienstleiser MNG Kargo jetzt Teil von DHL Group - Mit Erhalt der behördlichen Genehmigung vollzieht DHL Group die Übernahme von MNG Kargo zum 5. Oktober - Die Integration wird unter der Führung von DHL ...
2 DokumentemehrPR: ISCC, Neste and DHL Group pilot new system for credible reporting of emission reductions in air travel and transport