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Accord Healthcare is granted marketing authorisation for IMULDOSA®, ustekinumab biosimilar to Stelara®
London (ots/PRNewswire) - - Accord announces that the European Commission (EC has granted marketing authorisation for Imuldosa® (development code: DMB-3115), a biosimilar to Stelara®, indicated for a range of immune medicated inflammatory diseases. - The EC approval follows a positive opinion issued on 19 October ...
mehrPM: Katrin Suder soll Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende der Deutsche Post AG werden / PR: Deutsche Post AG: Katrin Suder to take over Supervisory Board Chair
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Cotton Farmers in Benin Benefit From Organic Cotton Cultivation
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PM: Die ungewöhnlichsten DHL-Lieferungen 2024 – ein besonderer Jahresrückblick des Weltmarktführers der Logistik / PR: The Most Unusual DHL Deliveries 2024 – A Special Year-End Review of the Global Market Leader in Logistics
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PM: Formel 1®-Saison 2024 endet mit Verleihung des DHL Fastest Lap Award und des DHL Fastest Pit Stop Award / PR: Formula 1® 2024 season concludes with the presentation of the DHL Fastest Lap Award and DHL Fastest Pit Stop Award
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The Good Cashmere Conference 2025: Two-Day Event in Hamburg Focussing on Animal Welfare, Biodiversity, and Virtual Reality
Ein Dokumentmehr VYTAL Global enters the U.S. market with the launch of VYTAL US Inc.
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PM: DHL Group, ITF und UNI übernehmen neues OECD-Protokoll und initiieren erstmals jährliche regionale Dialogtreffen / PR: DHL Group, ITF and UNI adopt new OECD Protocol and initiate annual regional dialogue meetings for the first time
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PM: Mit Rekordtempo in die 11. Saison: DHL integriert den Hochleistungs-Rennwagen GEN3 Evo in seine Logistik für die Formel E / PR: Accelerating into Season 11: DHL integrates the groundbreaking GEN3 Evo race car into its Formula E logistics
mehr EE again wins the connect Mobile Network Test 2025 in the United Kingdom
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PM: Nachhaltigkeit bleibt oberste Priorität: DHL Express veröffentlicht Global Sustainability Survey 2024 / PR: Sustainability remains top priority: DHL Express launches Global Sustainability Survey 2024
mehr FIT Voltaira Group Completes Acquisition of Auto-Kabel Group
Reutlingen, Germany (ots) - - Auto-Kabel Group Officially Joins FIT Voltaira Group as of November 29, 2024 - Acquisition Expands Voltaira's Product Portfolio in Intelligent Power Distribution - Auto-Kabel to Be Rebranded as Voltaira Autokabel FIT Voltaira Group (Voltaira), a leading system supplier of sensor, connectivity, and electrification solutions, specializing in wire harness technologies, today announced the ...
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PM: DHL und Allegro gehen strategische Zusammenarbeit für Zustellservices in Polen ein / PR: DHL and Allegro enter strategic cooperation for delivery services in Poland
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Aid by Trade Foundation partners with Lectra’s TextileGenesis™ to enhance traceability of Cotton made in Africa® (CmiA) fiber
Ein Dokumentmehr Koehler Group Sustainability Manager Receives Award for Extraordinary Commitment from 4evergreen Alliance
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PM: DHL Express und Shell unterzeichnen Vereinbarung zur Förderung nachhaltiger Luftfracht am Flughafen Brüssel / PR: DHL Express and Shell sign deal to drive sustainable air freight at Brussels airport
Krombacher Brauerei GmbH & Co.
Strategic investment in the future: Krombacher Brauerei modernises bottling plant with large-scale conversion
mehrPM: Globalisierung bleibt auf Rekordniveau, trotz geopolitischer Spannungen und Unsicherheit / PR: Globalization remains at a record level, despite geopolitical tensions and uncertainties
mehrSchwarz Unternehmenskommunikation GmbH & Co. KG
Companies of Schwarz Group and Google to Sign Partnership to Jointly Deliver Sovereign, Secure Workplace Productivity Solutions for Germany and Europe
mehrPM: DHL Express auf Platz 1 unter den World's Best Workplaces™ / PR: DHL Express in first place among the World’s Best Workplaces™
mehr73% of enterprises have launched AI, including generative AI, across marketing with 52% of deployments achieving business value: Infosys CMO Radar
Bengaluru, India (ots/PRNewswire) - AI-fluent CMOs are becoming a transformative force in business; 62% see their influence growing over broader corporate decisions as their AI implementations look to improve brand experience, as well as efficiency and effectiveness in marketing. Infosys Knowledge Institute, a ...
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DHL und Lindt & Sprüngli versüßen ihre Zusammenarbeit in der Seefracht mit Einsatz von nachhaltigen Kraftstoffen / DHL Global Forwarding and Lindt & Sprüngli sweeten the deal for the usage of waste- and residues-based maritime fuel for ocean freight
FE Systems becomes one of the leading service providers in the high-end IT sector
mehrVorwerk Group Continues Global Expansion in Direct Sales / Strategic invests in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore
Wuppertal (ots) - The Vorwerk Group, a global leader in direct sales for high-quality household appliances, announces two significant expansions in the Asia-Pacific region. With the acquisition of the world's largest independent Thermomix® distributor in Australia and New Zealand, which was previously not part of ...
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PR | AbTF Joins Make the Label Count Initiative to Promote Fair Assessment of Natural Fibres
Ein Dokumentmehr New survey by Market Logic Software exposes costly underutilization of corporate knowledge and market insights: B2C enterprises losing out on millions in value
Berlin (ots/PRNewswire) - A new global survey of marketing and product management leaders, Hyperscaling Insights Impact reveals that a staggering 40% of key decisions are taken without reference to consumer insights. This oversight, driven by cumbersome information access, is costing businesses millions in lost ...
mehrPM: DHL Group erzielt im dritten Quartal wieder deutliches Umsatzwachstum trotz anhaltend schwacher Weltkonjunktur / PR: DHL Group again posts significant revenue growth in the third quarter despite persistently muted macro dynamics
DHL Group erzielt im dritten Quartal wieder deutliches Umsatzwachstum trotz anhaltend schwacher Weltkonjunktur - Konzernumsatz im dritten Quartal 2024 mit 20,6 Milliarden Euro um 6,2 Prozent über dem Vergleichszeitraum (Q3 2023: 19,4 Milliarden ...
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Advanced Recycling Conference 2024 – Driving Innovation in Sustainable Materials Management
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