21.04.2021 – 11:38MAHLE International GmbHPRESS RELEASE: MAHLE launches its New Electronics and Mechatronics Development Center in Chinamehr
14.04.2021 – 14:57DAADNew scholarship programme for threatened students and doctoral candidates | DAAD Press release No. 19Hilde Domin Programme Onlinemehr
12.04.2021 – 16:18Tourismus / UrlaubDeutsche HospitalityTradition and lifestyle brought together under the same roof / Deutsche Hospitality is pooling its Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts and Jaz in the City brands to create a new Upscale Segmentmehr
09.04.2021 – 17:02WirtschaftDeutsche Hospitality2Setting new benchmarks in the luxury hotel segment / Deutsche Hospitality adopts “Steigenberger Icons” brand to bring together a unique group of hotelsmehr
26.03.2021 – 12:30PanoramaGolden Hearts Never Die Collection LTD.4TOP SECRET! - U.F.O. starts today with a top secret "Time" drive. Who is coming to Mars?mehr
19.03.2021 – 18:12Fashion / BeautyElsa Peretti Holding AG2Tiffany’s star jewelry designer and philanthropist Elsa Peretti dies in Spainmehr
05.03.2021 – 16:41NOMOS Glashütte/SA Roland Schwertner KG5Image of the month: Watches for Easter!mehr
23.02.2021 – 14:01Medien / Kulturdpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH2dpa photographer Anas Alkharboutli receives Pictures of the Year International prizemehr
03.02.2021 – 14:34WirtschaftNews Direct2MarketFinance Business Booster Fund announces first winners of grantsmehr
26.01.2021 – 15:55HandelE.Breuninger GmbH & Co.Breuninger joins Fur Free Retailer programme / Renunciation of real fur: product ranges successfully transformedmehr
11.01.2021 – 14:22Mama Earth Foundation2Sailor Boris Herrmann initiates mangrove reforestation project against climate change - goal is 1 million mangrovesLearn moremehr
07.12.2020 – 23:18Mama Earth Foundation4Greta's Skipper in Vendee Race For Mama Earth MangrovesLearn moremehr
10.11.2020 – 09:00Gesundheit / MedizinSwiss Rockets AGSwiss Rockets AG announces the founding of ROCKETVAX for the development of a next-generation SARS-CoV-2 vaccinemehr
05.11.2020 – 11:28WirtschaftDeutsche HospitalityNew leadership appointments to reposition Deutsche Hospitality for international expansionmehr
30.10.2020 – 11:38Mama Earth Foundation6"A Race we must win" Boris Herrmann supports the planting of 1 million mangrovesLearn moremehr
10.09.2020 – 11:00Bau / ImmobilienWiener Komfortwohnungen GmbHDIW study: nine major European cities will be missing around 1.2 million flats by 2030 - gap between supply and demand the greatest in Londonmehr
02.09.2020 – 12:00WirtschaftHARTING Stiftung & Co. KG2"Major support of democratic society": Former Federal President Joachim Gauck acknowledges the achievements and commitment of HARTING / Festive celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Technology Group attended by many prominent guestsmehr
17.08.2020 – 11:00Tourismus / UrlaubDeutsche HospitalityDeutsche Hospitality expands its presence in Oman / Second IntercityHotel in the Sultanate opens in the oasis city of Nizwamehr
16.07.2020 – 11:00Tourismus / UrlaubDeutsche HospitalityDeutsche Hospitality unveils its new "H Rewards" benefits conceptmehr
02.07.2020 – 10:00WirtschaftSwapfiets | Swaprad GmbHSwapfiets is expanding in Europe /Bicycle membership brand plans expansion to London, Milan and Parismehr
12.03.2020 – 07:32Hellmann Worldwide LogisticsHellmann takes over contract logistics for JAKKS Pacific throughout Europemehr
02.03.2020 – 12:00Tourismus / UrlaubHamburg Messe und Congress GmbHHAMBURG PORT ANNIVERSARY / The Biggest Harbour Festival in the World with a Top-Notch Programmemehr
10.02.2020 – 10:42Deutsche HypothekenbankDeutsche Hypo: Press Statements for MIPIM 2020Ein Dokumentmehr
23.12.2019 – 12:35WirtschaftRosalita LifeBerlin art consultant ARTCADIA GALLERY expands network to the United States with a novel concept - CEO Nadine Diana Griesbach plans to conquer new markets with her consultingmehr
29.11.2019 – 17:17Fashion / BeautyRosalita LifeKat Florence - a moment with the celebrity designer working with the World's Largest Gemstonesmehr
26.11.2019 – 11:33WirtschaftweeCONOMY AGwee makes an impression with the world's first open stadium payment system / Unparalleled networking of innovative mobile payment and cashback with arena, retail trade and e-commercemehr