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Ottobock embraces digital technologies for the 2024 Paralympics I Invitation to digital workshop tours
2Training Workshop for Apprentices Redesigned
mehrPM: Neues Postgesetz schafft Klarheit und ermöglicht weiterhin die flächendeckende Postversorgung – hat aber auch Schwächen / PR: New postal law creates clarity and ensures the continuation of nationwide postal services – but also reveals weaknesses
2 DokumentemehrLAUDA DR. R. WOBSER GMBH & CO. KG
Special Honor for Itzik Avni from Israel
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PM: Social Media Shopping auf dem Vormarsch: DHL gibt Einblicke in neuste Trends im E-Commerce / PR: Bracing for the social media shopping phenomenon: DHL on the latest trends in e-commerce
2 Dokumentemehr LAUDA DR. R. WOBSER GMBH & CO. KG
Lauda Technology Sets Standards in Plant Engineering
5ACHEMA 2024: LAUDA Looks Back on a Successful Exhibition
mehrPM: DHL Global Forwarding mit Führungswechseln in Europa / PR: DHL Global Forwarding announces leadership changes in Europe
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LAMILUX Fire Resistance range of skylights withstands heat and fire
Ein Dokumentmehr - 4
PM: Studie vor der Europawahl: 14 EU-Mitgliedstaaten unter den 20 globalisiertesten Ländern der Welt / PR: Ahead of the European elections: 14 EU member states rank among the 20 most globalized countries worldwide
2 Dokumentemehr LAUDA DR. R. WOBSER GMBH & CO. KG
4Dr. Gunther Wobser represents LAUDA at summit for world market leaders in Beijing
mehrPM: DHL Supply Chain baut seine Kapazitäten mit weiterem Logistikzentrum am Multi-User Campus in Leipzig/ Halle aus / PR: DHL Supply Chain expands capacities with new logistics center at multi-user campus in Leipzig/ Halle
Ein DokumentmehrLowering the Voting Age Does Not Help against the Rise of Right-Wing Populist Parties
Lowering the Voting Age Does Not Help against the Rise of Right-Wing Populist Parties Lowering the voting age to 16 is only an option but not a guarantee of support for democracy and democratic parties. This is the finding of a new study by political scientist Thomas König and his co-author Stefan Eschenwecker from the University of Mannheim. Can a lower voting age ...
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Red Dot Design Award for LAMILUX Modular Glass Skylight MS78
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Group erweitert Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektro-LKW mit Stationen von E.ON / PR: DHL Group is expanding its charging infrastructure for electric trucks with stations provided by E.ON
mehrCybersecurity: Self-attack is the best Defence
Cybersecurity: Self-attack is the best Defence Security expert: "Companies should regularly attack themselves to test their cyber resilience.” Rainer M. Richter: "Today's autonomous penetration testing solutions from the cloud are affordable for every medium-sized company." With the surge of cyber threats in 2023, European companies must seek proactive solutions to confront their system security challenges. Frankfurt ...
mehrYanfeng and Trinseo collaborate to accelerate recycling readiness / Partnership for circular automotive interior materials
mehrPM: DHL Group startet solide in das Jahr 2024 / PR: DHL Group gets off to a solid start in 2024
DHL Group startet solide in das Jahr 2024 - Konzernumsatz im ersten Quartal 2024 mit EUR 20,3 Milliarden Euro nahezu stabil (Q1 2023: 20,9 Milliarden Euro) - Operatives Ergebnis (EBIT) mit 1,3 Milliarden Euro wie erwartet unter Vorjahresniveau (Q1 2023: 1,6 Milliarden Euro), aber über ...
4 Dokumentemehr- 2
PM: Aktionäre der Deutsche Post AG beschließen Dividende auf Vorjahresniveau; Vorstand kündigt Einziehung von Aktien an / PR: Deutsche Post AG shareholders approve dividend at previous year’s level; Board of Management announces withdrawal of shares
2 Dokumentemehr LAUDA DR. R. WOBSER GMBH & CO. KG
4Press Release: analytica 2024 – LAUDA achieves positive result
Press Release: LAUDA promotes sustainable mobility
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LAMILUX Continuous Rooflight B: Four new certifications
Ein Dokumentmehr Nano-Care Deutschland AG launches next generation of sustainable PFAS-free oleophobic coatings
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PM: Auf dem Weg zu CO2-freiem Straßengütertransport: DHL Freight nimmt vollelektrische LKW von Mercedes-Benz Trucks in Betrieb / PR: En route to carbon-free road freight transport: DHL Freight introduces fully electric tractor-trailers from Mercedes-
2 Dokumentemehr PM: DHL Group weitet GoHelp-Programm auf Europa aus und schult Disaster Response Team in Istanbul / PR: DHL Group expands GoHelp program to Europe and trains Disaster Response Team at Istanbul International Airport
mehrGodrej Lawkim Motors eyes the European Export market to drive future growth
Berlin (ots/PRNewswire) - ~ The company is targeting a revenue of 1000 Cr in the next three years Godrej & Boyce, the flagship company of the Godrej Group, announced that its business Godrej Lawkim Motors is targeting a revenue of 1000 Cr in the next three years, with 50% of the revenue coming from exports. This growth is being driven by the transition of the global ...
mehrPM: Corporate-Citizenship-Aktivitäten von DHL Group mit der höchsten Stufe „integriert“ bewertet / PR: The corporate citizenship activities of DHL Group have been rated with the highest level “integrated”
mehrPM: DHL Group: Sprachlern-App für Mitarbeitende gewinnt UN World Summit Award Germany / PR: DHL Group’s Language Learning App for Employees wins UN World Summit Award Germany
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PM: DHL Global Forwarding transportiert für kinderherzen die weltweit erste mobile Herzklinik nach El Salvador / PR: DHL Global Forwarding supports NGO kinderherzen to deliver world’s first mobile heart clinic to El Salvador
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