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594 Treffer
- 22 Dokumentemehr
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PM: DHL Global Forwarding transportiert für kinderherzen die weltweit erste mobile Herzklinik nach El Salvador / PR: DHL Global Forwarding supports NGO kinderherzen to deliver world’s first mobile heart clinic to El Salvador
2 Dokumentemehr - 5
Press Release - Performance at the Highest Level: the new NewV set UEL 5000
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Current market study forecasts annual growth of 17 % for bio-based polymers between 2023 and 2028. Demand from Asia and the USA in particular is driving growth, Europe is lagging behind.
2 Dokumentemehr PM: Resilientes Geschäftsmodell: DHL Group erreicht Jahresziele für 2023 in einem schwachen weltwirtschaftlichen Umfeld / PR: Resilient business model: DHL Group achieves annual targets for 2023 in a weak global economic environment
Resilientes Geschäftsmodell: DHL Group erreicht Jahresziele für 2023 in einem schwachen weltwirtschaftlichen Umfeld - Konzernumsatz mit 81,8 Mrd. Euro und EBIT mit 6,3 Mrd. Euro deutlich über Vor-Pandemie-Niveau - Free Cashflow ohne Akquisitionen ...
4 Dokumentemehr- 5
New drive technology, new business philosophy, new intelligence: GEA’s separator innovations enhance dairy production efficiency
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PM: DHL eröffnet neues internationales Logistikzentrum in Posen, Polen / PR: DHL opens new International Logistics Center in Poznan, Poland
2 Dokumentemehr - 7
International Women’s Day, 8 March: Cotton made in Africa Supports Women’s Rights and Independence
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Football fans from Europe visit the champion of structural change in Gelsenkirchen
Ein Dokumentmehr GEA to present innovation initiative for a more sustainable dairy industry at Anuga FoodTec
Ein DokumentmehrGEA boosts sustainable production: Green stainless steel supplied by Klöckner & Co to be used at first site
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GEA at the Anuga FoodTec trade show: Sustainability innovations bolster food industry resilience
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Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
5Pioneering Heart Surgery and Medical Congresses in Leipzig
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Bio-based innovations for industrial applications: stakeholder event
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IntercityHotel Bawshar Muscat opens its doors
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GEA invests EUR 18 million in technology center for alternative proteins in the USA
Ein Dokumentmehr Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
6Explore Leipzig with New Digital Tours
2 Dokumentemehr- 8
Avon and Cotton made in Africa Announce Partnership
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PM: DHL Group mit Wasserstoff-LKWs im Rheinland unterwegs / PR: DHL Group deploying hydrogen trucks in Germany
2 Dokumentemehr LAMILUX Academy webinars enter a new round
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Navigating a Renewable Carbon Future with the Program of the CO₂-Based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024
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PM: Spatenstich für neue DHL Global Forwarding Luftfrachthalle in der CargoCity Süd am Flughafen Frankfurt / PR: Groundbreaking for new DHL Global Forwarding air freight center at Frankfurt Airport
2 Dokumentemehr GEA recognized by CDP with ‘A’ score for transparency on climate change
GEA recognized by CDP with ‘A’ score for transparency on climate change Düsseldorf, February 6, 2024 – GEA scores an ‘A’ for its transparency and performance on climate change by global environmental ...
Ein DokumentmehrStrengthening the Direct Sales and Service System for Business Expansion in Italy
Ein Dokumentmehr
Press Release: Optimised CAD Converter
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Press Release - hubergroup Chemicals presents its portfolio at PaintIndia
Ein Dokumentmehr Greenwashing – No, thanks! The Green Claims Directive on the rise – Everything companies need to know
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Press Release - Management change at the top of the hubergroup
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GEA presents new continuous process for bacon at IPPE 2024
Ein Dokumentmehr Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
7Leipzig Event Highlights 2024
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