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- 3Ein Dokumentmehr
Q ENERGY to build 105 MW of solar power in southern Spain
Ein DokumentmehrFraport Group’s Business Performance Improves Noticeably in the First Quarter of 2023
Frankfurt/Main, Germany (ots) - Operating result (EBITDA) more than doubles to €158.3 million – Full-year outlook confirmed – CEO Schulte: We’re heading in the right direction. Business boosted by passenger recovery in the first quarter Fraport successfully started the new 2023 business year, ...
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Smart Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) Technologies and Materials Defossilise the Economy
Ein Dokumentmehr Press Release: Instone Real Estate Group SE announces CFO change
Instone Real Estate Group SE announces CFO change - Foruhar Madjlessi to step down from his position as executive board member and CFO for personal reasons, effective July 31, 2023 - Supervisory Board appoints David Dreyfus, Senior Partner of Corporate Finance Advisory Lilja & Co., as new CFO Please find enclosed a press release of Instone Real Estate: The ...
Ein Dokumentmehracatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften
2EU-Commissioner Mariya Gabriel meets with leaders from industry and academia for the inaugural Innovation Roundtable
2 Dokumentemehr
PM: Deutschland hat das viertgünstigste Briefporto in Europa / PR: Germany has the fourth-lowest letter postage rate in Europe
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“Best CO₂ Utilisation 2023” Innovation Award – Three winning CCU solutions open the road to transition away from fossil resources
Ein Dokumentmehr Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
8DIMENSIONS Exhibition in Leipzig - Digital Art Meets Industrial Venue
Ein DokumentmehrLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
5Explore The Leipzig Region By Bike – Top 5 Routes
Ein DokumentmehrNew platform sheds light on the bioeconomy
Harnessing innovation to build a bio-based, climate-neutral and circular economy – that is the goal of Germany’s National Bioeconomy Strategy. But is Germany on track, and does development align with the overarching Sustainable Development Goals? Please excuse any double sendings Joint Press release Oeko-Institut and Symobio 2.0 Darmstadt, 18. April ...
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The rise of Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) as a renewable carbon feedstock – More than 1.3 million tonnes capacity for CO₂-based products already exist and are expected to at least quadruple by 2030
Ein Dokumentmehr
Press Release: New SVG Image Export For Vector Graphics
Ein DokumentmehrPress release: STADA and Xbrane launch ranibizumab to support patient access in Europe
STADA and Xbrane launch ranibizumab to support patient access in Europe - Ranibizumab biosimilar is being launched in major European markets - Ranibizumab is the first product brought to market through a strategic collaboration between STADA and Xbrane, marking Xbrane’s first commercial launch and ...
Ein DokumentmehrLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
4Bach Fascinates – 300 Years of Bach in Leipzig
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Press release: Enabling tomorrow - Aurubis releases new Sustainability Report
Ein Dokumentmehr LAMILUX Composites at the transport logistic in Munich
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Press Release - One year of digital print folders: hubergroup Print Solutions takes stock
Ein Dokumentmehr
- 3
Press Release: SGL Carbon expands material portfolio with new carbon fiber for high-strength pressure vessels
Ein Dokumentmehr - 2
Press Release SGL Carbon to Supply Key Graphite Components for Wolfspeed Silicon Carbide Production Facilities
Ein Dokumentmehr - 3
Press Release - hubergroup Print Solutions presents its sustainable portfolio at PAMEX 2023
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Six Materials Nominated for the Innovation Award “Renewable Material of the Year 2023”
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Multi-Million Euro partnership - eROCKIT Germany welcomes Indian Motovolt as a new shareholder
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Press Release - hubergroup India expands its support for rural healthcare
Ein Dokumentmehr
Press Release: SGL Carbon reports best operating result in more than ten years - transformation successfully completed
2 DokumentemehrWHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
How we will consume sports in the future
Ein DokumentmehrPress Release: Instone achieves good result in a difficult environment with a largely stable earnings outlook for 2023
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RCI Carbon Flows Report: Compilation of supply and demand of fossil and renewable carbon on a global and European level
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From Emission-made Shoes to Jet Fuels – Smart Innovations Make CO₂ the Feedstock of the Future
Ein Dokumentmehr Recovery Continues: Fraport's 2022 Fiscal Year Marked by Strong Demand
Frankfurt/Main, Germany (ots) - Group result improves to EUR166.6 million - CEO Schulte expects continued traffic growth during summer by about 15 to 25 percent - Tighter climate targets for 2030: Fraport aims to cut carbon emissions by 78 percent compared to 1990 base-year Fraport AG's business ...
Ein Dokumentmehr