28.09.2022 – 10:02LEONINE StudiosHit producer Benjamin Benedict joins management team of Wiedemann & Berg Televisionmehr
26.09.2022 – 10:00Auto / VerkehrAiways Automobile Europe GmbHFinal European testing: Aiways U6 SUV-Coupé on last test drives on European roadsmehr
09.09.2022 – 11:30Auto / VerkehrAiways Automobile Europe GmbHWorld EV Day: Aiways U6 SUV-Coupé makes its debutmehr
07.09.2022 – 14:15Auto / VerkehrAiways Automobile Europe GmbHFor families, vacation and sport: Aiways U5 SUV with unrivaled spaciousnessmehr
01.09.2022 – 14:49Medien / KulturLEONINE Studios2LEONINE Studios and Wiedemann & Berg Film reveal first look on Milli Vanilli biopic GIRL YOU KNOW IT’S TRUEmehr
23.08.2022 – 12:15WirtschaftAiways Automobile Europe GmbHSuccess story: Aiways U6 SUV-Coupé breaks order record in Chinamehr
18.08.2022 – 10:56Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH6Banksy Exhibition Brings World Famous Artist to Kunstkraftwerk Leipzigmehr
17.08.2022 – 07:24PanoramaToastmasters International2Final round of World Championship of Public Speaking About to Begin /Toastmasters International International Convention from August 17th, 2022 in Nashville, Tennessee / USA / Board meetingsmehr
09.08.2022 – 12:30Auto / VerkehrAiways Automobile Europe GmbHTechnical advantage: Aiways U5 SUV with innovative lightweight designmehr
02.08.2022 – 15:14WirtschaftQuantum-Systems GmbHLong-endurance reconnaissance drones from German manufacturer Quantum-Systems in operation in Ukrainemehr
27.07.2022 – 10:27WirtschaftMETAYO metaverse technologies SEMunich-based metaverse company METAYO will participate in Dubai's "metaverse strategy," which is expected to bring 40,000 jobs and $4 billion to the economy within 5 yearsmehr
14.07.2022 – 17:05Auto / VerkehrAiways Automobile Europe GmbHUnlimited freedom: Aiways U5 SUV becomes a sustainable microcamper with roof tentmehr
01.07.2022 – 12:13WirtschaftXentral ERP Software GmbHMollie and Xentral join forces to smoothen E-commerce payments and ERP processesmehr
22.06.2022 – 13:34Medien / Kulturdpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbHHerbert Dachs and Frank Mahlberg are new members of the dpa Supervisory Boardmehr
10.06.2022 – 10:00LEONINE StudiosLEONINE Studios produces exclusive series for the new edition of FC Bayern’s FC BAYERN WORLD SQUADmehr
07.06.2022 – 16:23WirtschaftRohde & Schwarz2Rohde & Schwarz opens software development lab in Rwandamehr
24.05.2022 – 08:01LEONINE Studios2LEONINE Studios picks up worldwide distribution rights to thriller series THE SEED (WT)mehr
23.05.2022 – 08:42Wirtschaftyoummday GmbHyoummday brings experienced service and digital expert onto its Advisory Board: Carola Wahl supports the company in its international expansionmehr
11.05.2022 – 10:07WirtschaftGoldi Solar Pvt LtdGoldi Solar launches HELOC Pro at Intersolar Europe 2022mehr
11.05.2022 – 10:05WirtschaftNovaSource Power ServicesSolar O&M leader NovaSource now has 20 GW under managementmehr
10.05.2022 – 18:01WirtschaftAE SolarAE Solar, the TIER 1 German manufacturer has proven itself to be a dynamic and progressive enterprise since its inception in 2003mehr
05.05.2022 – 17:10WirtschaftINTEC Energy SolutionsINTEC ENERGY SOLUTIONS is ready for Intersolar Europe 2022, with its remarkable EPC SOLAR SOLUTIONS!mehr
04.05.2022 – 12:12WirtschaftEco Green EnergyEco Green Energy - New Smart Pioneer in PV Modules, Energy Storage and Smart Systemsmehr
02.05.2022 – 12:36PanoramaToastmasters International2Northern European Rhetoric Championships to take place in Luebeck, Germanymehr
21.04.2022 – 15:03LEONINE Studios2LEONINE Studios picks up international distribution rights to crime drama series TROPPO from AGC Televisionmehr
07.04.2022 – 14:00Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF2Inline-capable spectroscopic 100% inspection for industrial quality assurance and process controlMore infomehr
07.04.2022 – 12:01LEONINE StudiosLEONINE Studios sells format rights of Germany’s primetime hit shows SMALL VS. TALL, THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WILL HAPPEN and QUIZ WITHOUT BORDERS to Finland, France and Spainmehr